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Filename: //var/www///bfti-website/resources/views/maintenance.blade.php
{{-- <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title> {{ $settings['website_name'] }} </title> @php $mediaItem_fav_icon = $settings['fav_icon']->getFirstMedia('fav_icon'); @endphp @if ($mediaItem_fav_icon) <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ $settings['fav_icon']->getFirstMediaUrl('fav_icon') }}" type="image/x-icon" /> @endif <style> /* body { */ /* background: url({{ asset('frontend') }}/assets/images/maintenance.png); background-position: center background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; */ /* display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; height: 100vh; flex-direction: column; overflow: hidden; */ /* } */ body { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; height: 100vh; flex-direction: row; overflow: hidden; } p { font-size: 1.5rem; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="left"> @php $mediaItem = $settings['logo']->getFirstMedia('logo'); @endphp @if ($mediaItem) <img src="{{ $settings['logo']->getFirstMediaUrl('logo') }}" height="71" alt="bfti-logo" /> @endif <h1>We'll be back soon!</h1> <p>Our site is currently undergoing maintenance. Please check back later.</p> </div> <div class="right"> <img src="{{ asset('frontend') }}/assets/images/Service-Maintenance-PNG.png" alt=""> </div> </body> </html> --}} <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>{{ $settings['website_name'] }}</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <meta content="{{ $settings['website_name'] }}" name="description"> @php $mediaItem_fav_icon = $settings['fav_icon']->getFirstMedia('fav_icon'); @endphp @if ($mediaItem_fav_icon) <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{ $settings['fav_icon']->getFirstMediaUrl('fav_icon') }}" type="image/x-icon" /> @endif <style> html { height: 100%; } html, body { margin: 0; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; } .pd-5vw { padding: 5vw; } .dpd-20 { padding-bottom: 20px; } .text-center { text-align: center; } .text-purple { color: #6435c9; 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We apologize for the inconvenience. </div> </section> <div class="gears-img sm-hide"> <svg class="machine" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 645 526" fill="url(#grad1)"> <defs> <linearGradient id="grad1" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="0%"> <stop offset="0%" class="gears-grd1" /> <stop offset="100%" class="gears-grd2" /> </linearGradient> </defs> <defs /> <g> <path x="-173,694" y="-173,694" class="large-shadow" d="M645 194v-21l-29-4c-1-10-3-19-6-28l25-14 -8-19 -28 7c-5-8-10-16-16-24L602 68l-15-15 -23 17c-7-6-15-11-24-16l7-28 -19-8 -14 25c-9-3-18-5-28-6L482 10h-21l-4 29c-10 1-19 3-28 6l-14-25 -19 8 7 28c-8 5-16 10-24 16l-23-17L341 68l17 23c-6 7-11 15-16 24l-28-7 -8 19 25 14c-3 9-5 18-6 28l-29 4v21l29 4c1 10 3 19 6 28l-25 14 8 19 28-7c5 8 10 16 16 24l-17 23 15 15 23-17c7 6 15 11 24 16l-7 28 19 8 14-25c9 3 18 5 28 6l4 29h21l4-29c10-1 19-3 28-6l14 25 19-8 -7-28c8-5 16-10 24-16l23 17 15-15 -17-23c6-7 11-15 16-24l28 7 8-19 -25-14c3-9 5-18 6-28L645 194zM471 294c-61 0-110-49-110-110S411 74 471 74s110 49 110 110S532 294 471 294z" /> </g> <g> <path x="-136,996" y="-136,996" class="medium-shadow" d="M402 400v-21l-28-4c-1-10-4-19-7-28l23-17 -11-18L352 323c-6-8-13-14-20-20l11-26 -18-11 -17 23c-9-4-18-6-28-7l-4-28h-21l-4 28c-10 1-19 4-28 7l-17-23 -18 11 11 26c-8 6-14 13-20 20l-26-11 -11 18 23 17c-4 9-6 18-7 28l-28 4v21l28 4c1 10 4 19 7 28l-23 17 11 18 26-11c6 8 13 14 20 20l-11 26 18 11 17-23c9 4 18 6 28 7l4 28h21l4-28c10-1 19-4 28-7l17 23 18-11 -11-26c8-6 14-13 20-20l26 11 11-18 -23-17c4-9 6-18 7-28L402 400zM265 463c-41 0-74-33-74-74 0-41 33-74 74-74 41 0 74 33 74 74C338 430 305 463 265 463z" /> </g> <g> <path x="-100,136" y="-100,136" class="small-shadow" d="M210 246v-21l-29-4c-2-10-6-18-11-26l18-23 -15-15 -23 18c-8-5-17-9-26-11l-4-29H100l-4 29c-10 2-18 6-26 11l-23-18 -15 15 18 23c-5 8-9 17-11 26L10 225v21l29 4c2 10 6 18 11 26l-18 23 15 15 23-18c8 5 17 9 26 11l4 29h21l4-29c10-2 18-6 26-11l23 18 15-15 -18-23c5-8 9-17 11-26L210 246zM110 272c-20 0-37-17-37-37s17-37 37-37c20 0 37 17 37 37S131 272 110 272z" /> </g> <g> <path x="-100,136" y="-100,136" class="small" d="M200 236v-21l-29-4c-2-10-6-18-11-26l18-23 -15-15 -23 18c-8-5-17-9-26-11l-4-29H90l-4 29c-10 2-18 6-26 11l-23-18 -15 15 18 23c-5 8-9 17-11 26L0 215v21l29 4c2 10 6 18 11 26l-18 23 15 15 23-18c8 5 17 9 26 11l4 29h21l4-29c10-2 18-6 26-11l23 18 15-15 -18-23c5-8 9-17 11-26L200 236zM100 262c-20 0-37-17-37-37s17-37 37-37c20 0 37 17 37 37S121 262 100 262z" /> </g> <g> <path x="-173,694" y="-173,694" class="large" d="M635 184v-21l-29-4c-1-10-3-19-6-28l25-14 -8-19 -28 7c-5-8-10-16-16-24L592 58l-15-15 -23 17c-7-6-15-11-24-16l7-28 -19-8 -14 25c-9-3-18-5-28-6L472 0h-21l-4 29c-10 1-19 3-28 6L405 9l-19 8 7 28c-8 5-16 10-24 16l-23-17L331 58l17 23c-6 7-11 15-16 24l-28-7 -8 19 25 14c-3 9-5 18-6 28l-29 4v21l29 4c1 10 3 19 6 28l-25 14 8 19 28-7c5 8 10 16 16 24l-17 23 15 15 23-17c7 6 15 11 24 16l-7 28 19 8 14-25c9 3 18 5 28 6l4 29h21l4-29c10-1 19-3 28-6l14 25 19-8 -7-28c8-5 16-10 24-16l23 17 15-15 -17-23c6-7 11-15 16-24l28 7 8-19 -25-14c3-9 5-18 6-28L635 184zM461 284c-61 0-110-49-110-110S401 64 461 64s110 49 110 110S522 284 461 284z" /> </g> <g> <path x="-136,996" y="-136,996" class="medium" d="M392 390v-21l-28-4c-1-10-4-19-7-28l23-17 -11-18L342 313c-6-8-13-14-20-20l11-26 -18-11 -17 23c-9-4-18-6-28-7l-4-28h-21l-4 28c-10 1-19 4-28 7l-17-23 -18 11 11 26c-8 6-14 13-20 20l-26-11 -11 18 23 17c-4 9-6 18-7 28l-28 4v21l28 4c1 10 4 19 7 28l-23 17 11 18 26-11c6 8 13 14 20 20l-11 26 18 11 17-23c9 4 18 6 28 7l4 28h21l4-28c10-1 19-4 28-7l17 23 18-11 -11-26c8-6 14-13 20-20l26 11 11-18 -23-17c4-9 6-18 7-28L392 390zM255 453c-41 0-74-33-74-74 0-41 33-74 74-74 41 0 74 33 74 74C328 420 295 453 255 453z" /> </g> </svg> </div> <section class="bottom-copy"> <div class="dpd-20"> <a href="{{ route('frontend.home') }}"> @php $mediaItem = $settings['logo']->getFirstMedia('logo'); @endphp @if ($mediaItem) <img src="{{ $settings['logo']->getFirstMediaUrl('logo') }}" height="71" alt="bfti-logo" /> @endif </a> </div> <div>Copyright © 2023 - <script>document.write(new Date().getFullYear())</script> | {{ $settings['website_name'] }} (BFTI)</div> </section> </body> </html>