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Filename: ///usr/share/////doc///libfont-afm-perl/examples//make_metrics
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # $Id: make_metrics,v 1.3 1998/03/25 12:59:53 aas Exp $ # # This program creates metrics modules for some fonts and place them # under the "Metrics" directory. # # Author: Gisle Aas @FONTS = qw(Courier Courier-Bold Courier-Oblique Courier-BoldOblique Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-BoldOblique Times-Roman Times-Bold Times-Italic Times-BoldItalic ); @FONTS = @ARGV if @ARGV; require Font::AFM; $0 =~ s,.*/,,; use File::Path qw(mkpath); mkpath("lib/Font/Metrics", 1, 0755); for $font (@FONTS) { eval { $afm = new Font::AFM $font; }; if ($@) { print $@; next; } @wx = $afm->latin1_wx_table; ($fontmod = $font) =~ s/-//g; open(FONTDEF, ">lib/Font/Metrics/$fontmod.pm") or die "Can't open $fontmod.pm: $!"; select FONTDEF; print "# Font metrics for $font\n#\n"; print "# DO NOT EDIT!!!\n"; print "#\n"; print "# This file was auto-generated by $0 based on the AFM file for the font.\n"; print "#\n# ", $afm->Notice, "\n"; print "\n"; print "package Font::Metrics::$fontmod;\n"; print "\n# Character width table (iso-8859-1)\n"; print "\@wx = (\n"; $i = 0; for (@wx) { printf " %-6s", sprintf "%.3g,", $_ / 1000; unless (++$i % 8) { print "\n"; } } print ");\n"; $upos = $afm->UnderlinePosition; $uthick = $afm->UnderlineThickness; if ($upos && $uthick) { print "\n"; printf "\$UnderlinePosition = %.3g;\n", $upos/1000; printf "\$UnderlineThickness = %.3g;\n", $uthick/1000; } print "\n1;\n"; }