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Filename: /var//////lib/dpkg///info//mysql-apt-config.templates
Template: mysql-apt-config/select-product Type: select Choices: MySQL Server & Cluster (Currently selected: ${selected_server}), MySQL Tools & Connectors (Currently selected: ${selected_tools}), MySQL Preview Packages (Currently selected: ${selected_preview}), Ok Description: Which MySQL product do you wish to configure? MySQL APT Repo features MySQL Server along with a variety of MySQL components. You may select the appropriate product to choose the version that you wish to receive. . Once you are satisfied with the configuration then select last option 'Ok' to save the configuration, then run 'apt-get update' to load package list. Advanced users can always change the configurations later, depending on their own needs. Template: mysql-apt-config/select-server Type: select Choices: ${server_versions}, None Description: Which server version do you wish to receive? This configuration program has determined that ${installed_server} is configured on your system, and has highlighted the most appropriate repository package. If you are not sure which version to install, do not change the auto-selected version. Advanced users can always change the version as needed later. Note that MySQL Cluster also contains MySQL Server. Template: mysql-apt-config/select-tools Type: select Choices: Enabled, Disabled Default: Enabled Description: Enable or disable MySQL tools and utilities This is a collection of tools for the MySQL suite, including connectors, MySQL Workbench, MySQL Utilities and MySQL router. Template: mysql-apt-config/tools-component Type: string Description: Name of repo component for tools and utilities: Stores the actual repo component name, as opposed to Enabled/Disabled Template: mysql-apt-config/select-preview Type: select Choices: Enabled, Disabled Default: Disabled Description: Enable or disable MySQL preview packages This is a collection of preview packages for the MySQL suite, including connectors, MySQL Shell, MySQL Workbench, MySQL Utilities and MySQL router. These packages are meant for testing upcoming features and products, and may contain instabilities. Template: mysql-apt-config/preview-component Type: string Description: Name of repo component for preview packages: Stores the actual repo component name, as opposed to Enabled/Disabled Template: mysql-apt-config/unsupported-platform Type: select Choices: debian buster, ubuntu lunar, ubuntu kinetic, ubuntu bionic, ubuntu focal, ubuntu jammy, debian bullseye, abort Default: abort Description: Add repository to unsupported system? The detected system (${platform}) is not supported by MySQL. If you believe the platform is compatible with one of the supported systems, one of the corresponding repositories may be selected. Template: mysql-apt-config/repo-distro Type: select Choices: ubuntu debian Description: Not manual Template: mysql-apt-config/repo-codename Type: select Choices: none Description: Not manual Template: mysql-apt-config/repo-url Default: http://repo.mysql.com/apt Type: string Description: Provide MySQL repo location: Please provide the URL to the MySQL APT repository.