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Filename: //////etc/default////networking
# Configuration for networking init script being run during # the boot sequence # Set to 'no' to skip interfaces configuration on boot #CONFIGURE_INTERFACES=yes # Don't configure these interfaces. Shell wildcards supported/ #EXCLUDE_INTERFACES= # Set to 'yes' to enable additional verbosity #VERBOSE=no # Method to wait for the network to become online, # for services that depend on a working network: # - ifup: wait for ifup to have configured an interface. # - route: wait for a route to a given address to appear. # - ping/ping6: wait for a host to respond to ping packets. # - none: don't wait. #WAIT_ONLINE_METHOD=ifup # Which interface to wait for. # If none given, wait for all auto interfaces, or if there are none, # wait for at least one hotplug interface. #WAIT_ONLINE_IFACE= # Which address to wait for for route, ping and ping6 methods. # If none is given for route, it waits for a default gateway. #WAIT_ONLINE_ADDRESS= # Timeout in seconds for waiting for the network to come online. #WAIT_ONLINE_TIMEOUT=300