View /etc/passwd
cPanel Reset Password
Filename: ///usr/share/////doc///mawk///examples////nocomment.awk
#!/usr/bin/mawk -f # remove C comments from a list of files # using a comment as the record separator # # this is trickier than I first thought # The first version in .97-.9993 was wrong BEGIN { # RS is set to a comment (this is mildly tricky, I blew it here RS = "/\*([^*]|\*+[^*/])*\*+/" ORS = " " getline hold filename = FILENAME } # if changing files filename != FILENAME { filename = FILENAME printf "%s" , hold hold = $0 next } { # hold one record because we don't want ORS on the last # record in each file print hold hold = $0 } END { printf "%s", hold }