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Filename: /var//////lib/dpkg//info/php8.1-common.preinst
#!/bin/sh set -e if [ "$1" = "upgrade" ]; then for inidir in /etc/php/mods-available /etc/php/8.1/mods-available; do for dsoname in zlib; do inifile=${dsoname}.ini if [ -e ${inidir}/${inifile} ]; then for ext in '~' '%' .bak .ucf-new .ucf-old .ucf-dist; do rm -f ${inidir}/${inifile}${ext} done rm -f ${inidir}/${inifile} if which ucf >/dev/null; then ucf --purge ${inidir}/${inifile} >/dev/null || true fi if which ucfr >/dev/null; then ucfr --force --purge php8.1-common ${inidir}/${inifile} >/dev/null || true fi fi # Cleanup of the old symlinks (including broken symlinks) find /etc/php/ -type l | \ while read symlink; do if [ "$(readlink $symlink)" = "${inidir}/$inifile" ]; then rm -f "${symlink}" fi done done done fi if [ "$1" = "upgrade" ]; then # First purge the old unversioned configuration inidir=/etc/php/mods-available for dsoname in calendar ctype exif fileinfo ffi ftp gettext iconv pdo phar posix shmop sockets sysvmsg sysvsem sysvshm tokenizer; do inifile=${dsoname}.ini if [ -e ${inidir}/${inifile} ]; then for ext in '~' '%' .bak .ucf-new .ucf-old .ucf-dist; do rm -f ${inidir}/${inifile}${ext} done rm -f ${inidir}/${inifile} if which ucf >/dev/null; then ucf --purge ${inidir}/${inifile} >/dev/null || true fi if which ucfr >/dev/null; then ucfr --force --purge php8.1-common ${inidir}/${inifile} >/dev/null || true fi fi # Cleanup of the old symlinks (including broken symlinks) find /etc/php/ -type l | \ while read symlink; do if [ "$(readlink $symlink)" = "${inidir}/$inifile" ]; then rm -f "${symlink}" fi done done if [ -d "$inidir" ]; then rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "$inidir"; fi fi exit 0