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Filename: //usr/share////bug/grub-pc-bin//presubj
MAKE SURE YOU ARE RUNNING THE LATEST VERSION The grub packages never update the installed version of GRUB automatically, except if you choose a device in the debconf prompt `GRUB install devices', which is currently only implemented for grub-pc. Because of this, you need to make sure you're running the LATEST VERSION of GRUB before you report a bug. Use grub-install to update it, and then check if the bug still applies. Debugging problems we already fixed makes us waste valuable time, so please try to avoid it. IMPORTANT NOTE WHEN SUBMITTING PATCHES Like many other FSF projects, GRUB upstream has specific requirements for accepting patches with regard to copyright assignment. If you're going to submit a patch, it is likely that it will only be accepted in upstream if you're willing to submit your paperwork as well. Because of this, we want to avoid diverging from upstream by adding patches to the Debian package unless we know the copyright issues can be sorted out. We encourage you to submit your work to upstream directly by sending a mail to the GRUB maintainers <grub-devel@gnu.org>.