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Filename: //lib////python3/dist-packages//supervisor/////process.py
import errno import functools import os import signal import shlex import time import traceback from supervisor.compat import maxint from supervisor.compat import as_bytes from supervisor.compat import as_string from supervisor.compat import PY2 from supervisor.medusa import asyncore_25 as asyncore from supervisor.states import ProcessStates from supervisor.states import SupervisorStates from supervisor.states import getProcessStateDescription from supervisor.states import STOPPED_STATES from supervisor.options import decode_wait_status from supervisor.options import signame from supervisor.options import ProcessException, BadCommand from supervisor.dispatchers import EventListenerStates from supervisor import events from supervisor.datatypes import RestartUnconditionally from supervisor.socket_manager import SocketManager @functools.total_ordering class Subprocess(object): """A class to manage a subprocess.""" # Initial state; overridden by instance variables pid = 0 # Subprocess pid; 0 when not running config = None # ProcessConfig instance state = None # process state code listener_state = None # listener state code (if we're an event listener) event = None # event currently being processed (if we're an event listener) laststart = 0 # Last time the subprocess was started; 0 if never laststop = 0 # Last time the subprocess was stopped; 0 if never laststopreport = 0 # Last time "waiting for x to stop" logged, to throttle delay = 0 # If nonzero, delay starting or killing until this time administrative_stop = False # true if process has been stopped by an admin system_stop = False # true if process has been stopped by the system killing = False # true if we are trying to kill this process backoff = 0 # backoff counter (to startretries) dispatchers = None # asyncore output dispatchers (keyed by fd) pipes = None # map of channel name to file descriptor # exitstatus = None # status attached to dead process by finish() spawnerr = None # error message attached by spawn() if any group = None # ProcessGroup instance if process is in the group def __init__(self, config): """Constructor. Argument is a ProcessConfig instance. """ self.config = config self.dispatchers = {} self.pipes = {} self.state = ProcessStates.STOPPED def removelogs(self): for dispatcher in self.dispatchers.values(): if hasattr(dispatcher, 'removelogs'): dispatcher.removelogs() def reopenlogs(self): for dispatcher in self.dispatchers.values(): if hasattr(dispatcher, 'reopenlogs'): dispatcher.reopenlogs() def drain(self): for dispatcher in self.dispatchers.values(): # note that we *must* call readable() for every # dispatcher, as it may have side effects for a given # dispatcher (eg. call handle_listener_state_change for # event listener processes) if dispatcher.readable(): dispatcher.handle_read_event() if dispatcher.writable(): dispatcher.handle_write_event() def write(self, chars): if not self.pid or self.killing: raise OSError(errno.EPIPE, "Process already closed") stdin_fd = self.pipes['stdin'] if stdin_fd is None: raise OSError(errno.EPIPE, "Process has no stdin channel") dispatcher = self.dispatchers[stdin_fd] if dispatcher.closed: raise OSError(errno.EPIPE, "Process' stdin channel is closed") dispatcher.input_buffer += chars dispatcher.flush() # this must raise EPIPE if the pipe is closed def get_execv_args(self): """Internal: turn a program name into a file name, using $PATH, make sure it exists / is executable, raising a ProcessException if not """ try: commandargs = shlex.split(self.config.command) except ValueError as e: raise BadCommand("can't parse command %r: %s" % \ (self.config.command, str(e))) if commandargs: program = commandargs[0] else: raise BadCommand("command is empty") if "/" in program: filename = program try: st = self.config.options.stat(filename) except OSError: st = None else: path = self.config.get_path() found = None st = None for dir in path: found = os.path.join(dir, program) try: st = self.config.options.stat(found) except OSError: pass else: break if st is None: filename = program else: filename = found # check_execv_args will raise a ProcessException if the execv # args are bogus, we break it out into a separate options # method call here only to service unit tests self.config.options.check_execv_args(filename, commandargs, st) return filename, commandargs event_map = { ProcessStates.BACKOFF: events.ProcessStateBackoffEvent, ProcessStates.FATAL: events.ProcessStateFatalEvent, ProcessStates.UNKNOWN: events.ProcessStateUnknownEvent, ProcessStates.STOPPED: events.ProcessStateStoppedEvent, ProcessStates.EXITED: events.ProcessStateExitedEvent, ProcessStates.RUNNING: events.ProcessStateRunningEvent, ProcessStates.STARTING: events.ProcessStateStartingEvent, ProcessStates.STOPPING: events.ProcessStateStoppingEvent, } def change_state(self, new_state, expected=True): old_state = self.state if new_state is old_state: # exists for unit tests return False event_class = self.event_map.get(new_state) if event_class is not None: event = event_class(self, old_state, expected) events.notify(event) if new_state == ProcessStates.BACKOFF: now = time.time() self.backoff += 1 self.delay = now + self.backoff self.state = new_state def _assertInState(self, *states): if self.state not in states: current_state = getProcessStateDescription(self.state) allowable_states = ' '.join(map(getProcessStateDescription, states)) processname = as_string(self.config.name) raise AssertionError('Assertion failed for %s: %s not in %s' % ( processname, current_state, allowable_states)) def record_spawnerr(self, msg): self.spawnerr = msg self.config.options.logger.info("spawnerr: %s" % msg) def spawn(self): """Start the subprocess. It must not be running already. Return the process id. If the fork() call fails, return None. """ options = self.config.options processname = as_string(self.config.name) if self.pid: msg = 'process \'%s\' already running' % processname options.logger.warn(msg) return self.killing = False self.spawnerr = None self.exitstatus = None self.system_stop = False self.administrative_stop = False self.laststart = time.time() self._assertInState(ProcessStates.EXITED, ProcessStates.FATAL, ProcessStates.BACKOFF, ProcessStates.STOPPED) self.change_state(ProcessStates.STARTING) try: filename, argv = self.get_execv_args() except ProcessException as what: self.record_spawnerr(what.args[0]) self._assertInState(ProcessStates.STARTING) self.change_state(ProcessStates.BACKOFF) return try: self.dispatchers, self.pipes = self.config.make_dispatchers(self) except (OSError, IOError) as why: code = why.args[0] if code == errno.EMFILE: # too many file descriptors open msg = 'too many open files to spawn \'%s\'' % processname else: msg = 'unknown error making dispatchers for \'%s\': %s' % ( processname, errno.errorcode.get(code, code)) self.record_spawnerr(msg) self._assertInState(ProcessStates.STARTING) self.change_state(ProcessStates.BACKOFF) return try: pid = options.fork() except OSError as why: code = why.args[0] if code == errno.EAGAIN: # process table full msg = ('Too many processes in process table to spawn \'%s\'' % processname) else: msg = 'unknown error during fork for \'%s\': %s' % ( processname, errno.errorcode.get(code, code)) self.record_spawnerr(msg) self._assertInState(ProcessStates.STARTING) self.change_state(ProcessStates.BACKOFF) options.close_parent_pipes(self.pipes) options.close_child_pipes(self.pipes) return if pid != 0: return self._spawn_as_parent(pid) else: return self._spawn_as_child(filename, argv) def _spawn_as_parent(self, pid): # Parent self.pid = pid options = self.config.options options.close_child_pipes(self.pipes) options.logger.info('spawned: \'%s\' with pid %s' % (as_string(self.config.name), pid)) self.spawnerr = None self.delay = time.time() + self.config.startsecs options.pidhistory[pid] = self return pid def _prepare_child_fds(self): options = self.config.options options.dup2(self.pipes['child_stdin'], 0) options.dup2(self.pipes['child_stdout'], 1) if self.config.redirect_stderr: options.dup2(self.pipes['child_stdout'], 2) else: options.dup2(self.pipes['child_stderr'], 2) for i in range(3, options.minfds): options.close_fd(i) def _spawn_as_child(self, filename, argv): options = self.config.options try: # prevent child from receiving signals sent to the # parent by calling os.setpgrp to create a new process # group for the child; this prevents, for instance, # the case of child processes being sent a SIGINT when # running supervisor in foreground mode and Ctrl-C in # the terminal window running supervisord is pressed. # Presumably it also prevents HUP, etc received by # supervisord from being sent to children. options.setpgrp() self._prepare_child_fds() # sending to fd 2 will put this output in the stderr log # set user setuid_msg = self.set_uid() if setuid_msg: uid = self.config.uid msg = "couldn't setuid to %s: %s\n" % (uid, setuid_msg) options.write(2, "supervisor: " + msg) return # finally clause will exit the child process # set environment env = os.environ.copy() env['SUPERVISOR_ENABLED'] = '1' serverurl = self.config.serverurl if serverurl is None: # unset serverurl = self.config.options.serverurl # might still be None if serverurl: env['SUPERVISOR_SERVER_URL'] = serverurl env['SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME'] = self.config.name if self.group: env['SUPERVISOR_GROUP_NAME'] = self.group.config.name if self.config.environment is not None: env.update(self.config.environment) # change directory cwd = self.config.directory try: if cwd is not None: options.chdir(cwd) except OSError as why: code = errno.errorcode.get(why.args[0], why.args[0]) msg = "couldn't chdir to %s: %s\n" % (cwd, code) options.write(2, "supervisor: " + msg) return # finally clause will exit the child process # set umask, then execve try: if self.config.umask is not None: options.setumask(self.config.umask) options.execve(filename, argv, env) except OSError as why: code = errno.errorcode.get(why.args[0], why.args[0]) msg = "couldn't exec %s: %s\n" % (argv[0], code) options.write(2, "supervisor: " + msg) except: (file, fun, line), t,v,tbinfo = asyncore.compact_traceback() error = '%s, %s: file: %s line: %s' % (t, v, file, line) msg = "couldn't exec %s: %s\n" % (filename, error) options.write(2, "supervisor: " + msg) # this point should only be reached if execve failed. # the finally clause will exit the child process. finally: options.write(2, "supervisor: child process was not spawned\n") options._exit(127) # exit process with code for spawn failure def _check_and_adjust_for_system_clock_rollback(self, test_time): """ Check if system clock has rolled backward beyond test_time. If so, set affected timestamps to test_time. """ if self.state == ProcessStates.STARTING: if test_time < self.laststart: self.laststart = test_time; if self.delay > 0 and test_time < (self.delay - self.config.startsecs): self.delay = test_time + self.config.startsecs elif self.state == ProcessStates.RUNNING: if test_time > self.laststart and test_time < (self.laststart + self.config.startsecs): self.laststart = test_time - self.config.startsecs elif self.state == ProcessStates.STOPPING: if test_time < self.laststopreport: self.laststopreport = test_time; if self.delay > 0 and test_time < (self.delay - self.config.stopwaitsecs): self.delay = test_time + self.config.stopwaitsecs elif self.state == ProcessStates.BACKOFF: if self.delay > 0 and test_time < (self.delay - self.backoff): self.delay = test_time + self.backoff def stop(self): """ Administrative stop """ self.administrative_stop = True self.laststopreport = 0 return self.kill(self.config.stopsignal) def stop_report(self): """ Log a 'waiting for x to stop' message with throttling. """ if self.state == ProcessStates.STOPPING: now = time.time() self._check_and_adjust_for_system_clock_rollback(now) if now > (self.laststopreport + 2): # every 2 seconds self.config.options.logger.info( 'waiting for %s to stop' % as_string(self.config.name)) self.laststopreport = now def give_up(self): self.delay = 0 self.backoff = 0 self.system_stop = True self._assertInState(ProcessStates.BACKOFF) self.change_state(ProcessStates.FATAL) def kill(self, sig): """Send a signal to the subprocess with the intention to kill it (to make it exit). This may or may not actually kill it. Return None if the signal was sent, or an error message string if an error occurred or if the subprocess is not running. """ now = time.time() options = self.config.options processname = as_string(self.config.name) # If the process is in BACKOFF and we want to stop or kill it, then # BACKOFF -> STOPPED. This is needed because if startretries is a # large number and the process isn't starting successfully, the stop # request would be blocked for a long time waiting for the retries. if self.state == ProcessStates.BACKOFF: msg = ("Attempted to kill %s, which is in BACKOFF state." % processname) options.logger.debug(msg) self.change_state(ProcessStates.STOPPED) return None if not self.pid: msg = ("attempted to kill %s with sig %s but it wasn't running" % (processname, signame(sig))) options.logger.debug(msg) return msg # If we're in the stopping state, then we've already sent the stop # signal and this is the kill signal if self.state == ProcessStates.STOPPING: killasgroup = self.config.killasgroup else: killasgroup = self.config.stopasgroup as_group = "" if killasgroup: as_group = "process group " options.logger.debug('killing %s (pid %s) %swith signal %s' % (processname, self.pid, as_group, signame(sig)) ) # RUNNING/STARTING/STOPPING -> STOPPING self.killing = True self.delay = now + self.config.stopwaitsecs # we will already be in the STOPPING state if we're doing a # SIGKILL as a result of overrunning stopwaitsecs self._assertInState(ProcessStates.RUNNING, ProcessStates.STARTING, ProcessStates.STOPPING) self.change_state(ProcessStates.STOPPING) pid = self.pid if killasgroup: # send to the whole process group instead pid = -self.pid try: try: options.kill(pid, sig) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.ESRCH: msg = ("unable to signal %s (pid %s), it probably just exited " "on its own: %s" % (processname, self.pid, str(exc))) options.logger.debug(msg) # we could change the state here but we intentionally do # not. we will do it during normal SIGCHLD processing. return None raise except: tb = traceback.format_exc() msg = 'unknown problem killing %s (%s):%s' % (processname, self.pid, tb) options.logger.critical(msg) self.change_state(ProcessStates.UNKNOWN) self.killing = False self.delay = 0 return msg return None def signal(self, sig): """Send a signal to the subprocess, without intending to kill it. Return None if the signal was sent, or an error message string if an error occurred or if the subprocess is not running. """ options = self.config.options processname = as_string(self.config.name) if not self.pid: msg = ("attempted to send %s sig %s but it wasn't running" % (processname, signame(sig))) options.logger.debug(msg) return msg options.logger.debug('sending %s (pid %s) sig %s' % (processname, self.pid, signame(sig)) ) self._assertInState(ProcessStates.RUNNING, ProcessStates.STARTING, ProcessStates.STOPPING) try: try: options.kill(self.pid, sig) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.ESRCH: msg = ("unable to signal %s (pid %s), it probably just now exited " "on its own: %s" % (processname, self.pid, str(exc))) options.logger.debug(msg) # we could change the state here but we intentionally do # not. we will do it during normal SIGCHLD processing. return None raise except: tb = traceback.format_exc() msg = 'unknown problem sending sig %s (%s):%s' % ( processname, self.pid, tb) options.logger.critical(msg) self.change_state(ProcessStates.UNKNOWN) return msg return None def finish(self, pid, sts): """ The process was reaped and we need to report and manage its state """ self.drain() es, msg = decode_wait_status(sts) now = time.time() self._check_and_adjust_for_system_clock_rollback(now) self.laststop = now processname = as_string(self.config.name) if now > self.laststart: too_quickly = now - self.laststart < self.config.startsecs else: too_quickly = False self.config.options.logger.warn( "process \'%s\' (%s) laststart time is in the future, don't " "know how long process was running so assuming it did " "not exit too quickly" % (processname, self.pid)) exit_expected = es in self.config.exitcodes if self.killing: # likely the result of a stop request # implies STOPPING -> STOPPED self.killing = False self.delay = 0 self.exitstatus = es msg = "stopped: %s (%s)" % (processname, msg) self._assertInState(ProcessStates.STOPPING) self.change_state(ProcessStates.STOPPED) elif too_quickly: # the program did not stay up long enough to make it to RUNNING # implies STARTING -> BACKOFF self.exitstatus = None self.spawnerr = 'Exited too quickly (process log may have details)' msg = "exited: %s (%s)" % (processname, msg + "; not expected") self._assertInState(ProcessStates.STARTING) self.change_state(ProcessStates.BACKOFF) else: # this finish was not the result of a stop request, the # program was in the RUNNING state but exited # implies RUNNING -> EXITED normally but see next comment self.delay = 0 self.backoff = 0 self.exitstatus = es # if the process was STARTING but a system time change causes # self.laststart to be in the future, the normal STARTING->RUNNING # transition can be subverted so we perform the transition here. if self.state == ProcessStates.STARTING: self.change_state(ProcessStates.RUNNING) self._assertInState(ProcessStates.RUNNING) if exit_expected: # expected exit code msg = "exited: %s (%s)" % (processname, msg + "; expected") self.change_state(ProcessStates.EXITED, expected=True) else: # unexpected exit code self.spawnerr = 'Bad exit code %s' % es msg = "exited: %s (%s)" % (processname, msg + "; not expected") self.change_state(ProcessStates.EXITED, expected=False) self.config.options.logger.info(msg) self.pid = 0 self.config.options.close_parent_pipes(self.pipes) self.pipes = {} self.dispatchers = {} # if we died before we processed the current event (only happens # if we're an event listener), notify the event system that this # event was rejected so it can be processed again. if self.event is not None: # Note: this should only be true if we were in the BUSY # state when finish() was called. events.notify(events.EventRejectedEvent(self, self.event)) self.event = None def set_uid(self): if self.config.uid is None: return msg = self.config.options.drop_privileges(self.config.uid) return msg def __lt__(self, other): return self.config.priority < other.config.priority def __eq__(self, other): # sort by priority return self.config.priority == other.config.priority def __repr__(self): # repr can't return anything other than a native string, # but the name might be unicode - a problem on Python 2. name = self.config.name if PY2: name = as_string(name).encode('unicode-escape') return '<Subprocess at %s with name %s in state %s>' % ( id(self), name, getProcessStateDescription(self.get_state())) def get_state(self): return self.state def transition(self): now = time.time() state = self.state self._check_and_adjust_for_system_clock_rollback(now) logger = self.config.options.logger if self.config.options.mood > SupervisorStates.RESTARTING: # dont start any processes if supervisor is shutting down if state == ProcessStates.EXITED: if self.config.autorestart: if self.config.autorestart is RestartUnconditionally: # EXITED -> STARTING self.spawn() else: # autorestart is RestartWhenExitUnexpected if self.exitstatus not in self.config.exitcodes: # EXITED -> STARTING self.spawn() elif state == ProcessStates.STOPPED and not self.laststart: if self.config.autostart: # STOPPED -> STARTING self.spawn() elif state == ProcessStates.BACKOFF: if self.backoff <= self.config.startretries: if now > self.delay: # BACKOFF -> STARTING self.spawn() processname = as_string(self.config.name) if state == ProcessStates.STARTING: if now - self.laststart > self.config.startsecs: # STARTING -> RUNNING if the proc has started # successfully and it has stayed up for at least # proc.config.startsecs, self.delay = 0 self.backoff = 0 self._assertInState(ProcessStates.STARTING) self.change_state(ProcessStates.RUNNING) msg = ( 'entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for ' '> than %s seconds (startsecs)' % self.config.startsecs) logger.info('success: %s %s' % (processname, msg)) if state == ProcessStates.BACKOFF: if self.backoff > self.config.startretries: # BACKOFF -> FATAL if the proc has exceeded its number # of retries self.give_up() msg = ('entered FATAL state, too many start retries too ' 'quickly') logger.info('gave up: %s %s' % (processname, msg)) elif state == ProcessStates.STOPPING: time_left = self.delay - now if time_left <= 0: # kill processes which are taking too long to stop with a final # sigkill. if this doesn't kill it, the process will be stuck # in the STOPPING state forever. self.config.options.logger.warn( 'killing \'%s\' (%s) with SIGKILL' % (processname, self.pid)) self.kill(signal.SIGKILL) class FastCGISubprocess(Subprocess): """Extends Subprocess class to handle FastCGI subprocesses""" def __init__(self, config): Subprocess.__init__(self, config) self.fcgi_sock = None def before_spawn(self): """ The FastCGI socket needs to be created by the parent before we fork """ if self.group is None: raise NotImplementedError('No group set for FastCGISubprocess') if not hasattr(self.group, 'socket_manager'): raise NotImplementedError('No SocketManager set for ' '%s:%s' % (self.group, dir(self.group))) self.fcgi_sock = self.group.socket_manager.get_socket() def spawn(self): """ Overrides Subprocess.spawn() so we can hook in before it happens """ self.before_spawn() pid = Subprocess.spawn(self) if pid is None: #Remove object reference to decrement the reference count on error self.fcgi_sock = None return pid def after_finish(self): """ Releases reference to FastCGI socket when process is reaped """ #Remove object reference to decrement the reference count self.fcgi_sock = None def finish(self, pid, sts): """ Overrides Subprocess.finish() so we can hook in after it happens """ retval = Subprocess.finish(self, pid, sts) self.after_finish() return retval def _prepare_child_fds(self): """ Overrides Subprocess._prepare_child_fds() The FastCGI socket needs to be set to file descriptor 0 in the child """ sock_fd = self.fcgi_sock.fileno() options = self.config.options options.dup2(sock_fd, 0) options.dup2(self.pipes['child_stdout'], 1) if self.config.redirect_stderr: options.dup2(self.pipes['child_stdout'], 2) else: options.dup2(self.pipes['child_stderr'], 2) for i in range(3, options.minfds): options.close_fd(i) @functools.total_ordering class ProcessGroupBase(object): def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.processes = {} for pconfig in self.config.process_configs: self.processes[pconfig.name] = pconfig.make_process(self) def __lt__(self, other): return self.config.priority < other.config.priority def __eq__(self, other): return self.config.priority == other.config.priority def __repr__(self): # repr can't return anything other than a native string, # but the name might be unicode - a problem on Python 2. name = self.config.name if PY2: name = as_string(name).encode('unicode-escape') return '<%s instance at %s named %s>' % (self.__class__, id(self), name) def removelogs(self): for process in self.processes.values(): process.removelogs() def reopenlogs(self): for process in self.processes.values(): process.reopenlogs() def stop_all(self): processes = list(self.processes.values()) processes.sort() processes.reverse() # stop in desc priority order for proc in processes: state = proc.get_state() if state == ProcessStates.RUNNING: # RUNNING -> STOPPING proc.stop() elif state == ProcessStates.STARTING: # STARTING -> STOPPING proc.stop() elif state == ProcessStates.BACKOFF: # BACKOFF -> FATAL proc.give_up() def get_unstopped_processes(self): """ Processes which aren't in a state that is considered 'stopped' """ return [ x for x in self.processes.values() if x.get_state() not in STOPPED_STATES ] def get_dispatchers(self): dispatchers = {} for process in self.processes.values(): dispatchers.update(process.dispatchers) return dispatchers def before_remove(self): pass class ProcessGroup(ProcessGroupBase): def transition(self): for proc in self.processes.values(): proc.transition() class FastCGIProcessGroup(ProcessGroup): def __init__(self, config, **kwargs): ProcessGroup.__init__(self, config) sockManagerKlass = kwargs.get('socketManager', SocketManager) self.socket_manager = sockManagerKlass(config.socket_config, logger=config.options.logger) # It's not required to call get_socket() here but we want # to fail early during start up if there is a config error try: self.socket_manager.get_socket() except Exception as e: raise ValueError( 'Could not create FastCGI socket %s: %s' % ( self.socket_manager.config(), e) ) class EventListenerPool(ProcessGroupBase): def __init__(self, config): ProcessGroupBase.__init__(self, config) self.event_buffer = [] self.serial = -1 self.last_dispatch = 0 self.dispatch_throttle = 0 # in seconds: .00195 is an interesting one self._subscribe() def handle_rejected(self, event): process = event.process procs = self.processes.values() if process in procs: # this is one of our processes # rebuffer the event self._acceptEvent(event.event, head=True) def transition(self): processes = self.processes.values() dispatch_capable = False for process in processes: process.transition() # this is redundant, we do it in _dispatchEvent too, but we # want to reduce function call overhead if process.state == ProcessStates.RUNNING: if process.listener_state == EventListenerStates.READY: dispatch_capable = True if dispatch_capable: if self.dispatch_throttle: now = time.time() if now < self.last_dispatch: # The system clock appears to have moved backward # Reset self.last_dispatch accordingly self.last_dispatch = now; if now - self.last_dispatch < self.dispatch_throttle: return self.dispatch() def before_remove(self): self._unsubscribe() def dispatch(self): while self.event_buffer: # dispatch the oldest event event = self.event_buffer.pop(0) ok = self._dispatchEvent(event) if not ok: # if we can't dispatch an event, rebuffer it and stop trying # to process any further events in the buffer self._acceptEvent(event, head=True) break self.last_dispatch = time.time() def _acceptEvent(self, event, head=False): # events are required to be instances # this has a side effect to fail with an attribute error on 'old style' # classes processname = as_string(self.config.name) if not hasattr(event, 'serial'): event.serial = new_serial(GlobalSerial) if not hasattr(event, 'pool_serials'): event.pool_serials = {} if self.config.name not in event.pool_serials: event.pool_serials[self.config.name] = new_serial(self) else: self.config.options.logger.debug( 'rebuffering event %s for pool %s (buf size=%d, max=%d)' % ( (event.serial, processname, len(self.event_buffer), self.config.buffer_size))) if len(self.event_buffer) >= self.config.buffer_size: if self.event_buffer: # discard the oldest event discarded_event = self.event_buffer.pop(0) self.config.options.logger.error( 'pool %s event buffer overflowed, discarding event %s' % ( (processname, discarded_event.serial))) if head: self.event_buffer.insert(0, event) else: self.event_buffer.append(event) def _dispatchEvent(self, event): pool_serial = event.pool_serials[self.config.name] for process in self.processes.values(): if process.state != ProcessStates.RUNNING: continue if process.listener_state == EventListenerStates.READY: processname = as_string(process.config.name) payload = event.payload() try: event_type = event.__class__ serial = event.serial envelope = self._eventEnvelope(event_type, serial, pool_serial, payload) process.write(as_bytes(envelope)) except OSError as why: if why.args[0] != errno.EPIPE: raise self.config.options.logger.debug( 'epipe occurred while sending event %s ' 'to listener %s, listener state unchanged' % ( event.serial, processname)) continue process.listener_state = EventListenerStates.BUSY process.event = event self.config.options.logger.debug( 'event %s sent to listener %s' % ( event.serial, processname)) return True return False def _eventEnvelope(self, event_type, serial, pool_serial, payload): event_name = events.getEventNameByType(event_type) payload_len = len(payload) D = { 'ver':'3.0', 'sid':self.config.options.identifier, 'serial':serial, 'pool_name':self.config.name, 'pool_serial':pool_serial, 'event_name':event_name, 'len':payload_len, 'payload':payload, } return ('ver:%(ver)s server:%(sid)s serial:%(serial)s ' 'pool:%(pool_name)s poolserial:%(pool_serial)s ' 'eventname:%(event_name)s len:%(len)s\n%(payload)s' % D) def _subscribe(self): for event_type in self.config.pool_events: events.subscribe(event_type, self._acceptEvent) events.subscribe(events.EventRejectedEvent, self.handle_rejected) def _unsubscribe(self): for event_type in self.config.pool_events: events.unsubscribe(event_type, self._acceptEvent) events.unsubscribe(events.EventRejectedEvent, self.handle_rejected) class GlobalSerial(object): def __init__(self): self.serial = -1 GlobalSerial = GlobalSerial() # singleton def new_serial(inst): if inst.serial == maxint: inst.serial = -1 inst.serial += 1 return inst.serial