View /etc/passwd
cPanel Reset Password
Filename: /var//www/arsu_theme/platform/plugins/sslcommerz/readme.md
Live Environment All the transaction made using this environment are counted as real transaction, URL starts with https://securepay.sslcommerz.com Sandbox Environment All the transaction made using this environment are counted as test transaction and has no effect with accounting, URL starts with https://sandbox.sslcommerz.com. Test Credit Card Account Numbers VISA: Card Number: 4111111111111111 Exp: 12/25 CVV: 111 Mastercard: Card Number: 5111111111111111 Exp: 12/25 CVV: 111 American Express: Card Number: 371111111111111 Exp: 12/25 CVV: 111 Mobile OTP: 111111 or 123456