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Filename: //proc/self/root///proc/self/root//bin///X11/X11/reportbug
#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- python -*- # reportbug - Report a bug in the Debian distribution. # Written by Chris Lawrence <lawrencc@debian.org> # Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Chris Lawrence # Copyright (C) 2008-2021 Sandro Tosi <morph@debian.org> # # This program is freely distributable per the following license: # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, # provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that # both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in # supporting documentation. # # I DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL I # BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY # DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, # ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS # SOFTWARE. DEFAULT_BTS = 'debian' import sys #reload(sys) #sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") import os import optparse import re import locale import requests import subprocess import shlex import email import gettext import textwrap # for blogging of attachments file from glob import glob from reportbug import utils from reportbug import ( VERSION, VERSION_NUMBER, COPYRIGHT, LICENSE ) from reportbug.utils import ( MODE_EXPERT, MODE_ADVANCED, MODE_NOVICE, MODE_STANDARD, ) from reportbug.tempfiles import ( TempFile, tempfile_prefix, cleanup_temp_file, ) from reportbug.exceptions import ( UINotImportable, UINotImplemented, NoNetwork, NoPackage, NoBugs, NoReport, QuertBTSError, ) from reportbug import mailer from reportbug import submit from reportbug import checkversions from reportbug import debbugs from reportbug import checkbuildd import reportbug.ui.text_ui as ui from reportbug.ui import ( UIS, AVAILABLE_UIS, getUI, UNAVAILABLE_UIS ) # ui = getUI('text') try: gettext.install('reportbug') except IOError: pass # Magic constant time MIN_USER_ID = 250 quietly = False # Cheat for now. # ewrite() may put stuff on the status bar or in message boxes depending on UI def ewrite(*args): return quietly or ui.log_message(*args) def efail(*args): ui.display_failure(*args) sys.exit(1) # Lame message when we store a report as a temp file. def stopmsg(filename): ui.final_message( f'reportbug stopped; your incomplete report is stored as "{filename}".\n' 'This file may be located in a temporary directory; if so, it might ' 'disappear without any further notice. To recover this file to use ' 'it as bug report, please take a look at the ' '"--resume-saved=TEMPFILE" option.\n') def check_attachment_size(attachfile, maxsize): """Check if the attachment size is bigger than max allowed""" statinfo = os.stat(attachfile) attachsize = statinfo[6] return attachsize >= maxsize def include_file_in_report(message, message_filename, attachment_filenames, package_name, include_filename, charset, inline=False, draftpath=None): """ Include a file in the report. :parameters: `message` The current text of the message. `message_filename` The current message filename. `attachment_filenames` List of current attachment filenames. `package_name` Name of the package for this report. `include_filename` Full pathname of the file to be included. `inline` If True, include the message inline with the message text. Otherwise, add the file path to the attachments. :return value: Tuple (`message`, `message_filename`, `attachments`) of values as modified during the process of including the new file. """ if inline: try: with open(include_filename, errors='backslashreplace') as fp: message += '\n*** {}\n{}'.format( include_filename, fp.read()) fp, temp_filename = TempFile( prefix=tempfile_prefix(package_name), dir=draftpath) fp.write(message) fp.close() os.unlink(message_filename) message_filename = temp_filename except (IOError, OSError) as exc: ui.display_failure('Unable to attach file %s\n%s\n', include_filename, str(exc)) else: attachment_filenames.append(include_filename) return (message, message_filename, attachment_filenames) def handle_editing(filename, dmessage, options, sendto, attachments, package, severity, mode, is_followup, is_source, editor=None, charset='utf-8', tags=''): if not editor: editor = options.editor editor = utils.which_editor(editor) message = None patch = False skip_editing = False # is this report just to be saved on a file ? justsave = False while True: if not skip_editing: (message, changed) = ui.spawn_editor(message or dmessage, filename, editor, charset) skip_editing = False if not message: x = '' while x != 'y': x = ui.select_options('Done editing', 'Ynq', {'y': 'Continue (editing done).', 'n': "Don't continue yet.", 'q': 'Exit without sending report.'}) if x == 'q': stopmsg(filename) sys.exit(1) with open(filename, errors='backslashreplace') as f: message = f.read() changed = True prompt = 'Submit this report on %s (e to edit)' % package if options.kudos: prompt = 'Send this message (e to edit)' ewrite("Message will be sent to %s\n", sendto) elif options.outfile: ewrite("Report will be saved as %s\n", options.outfile) else: ewrite("Report will be sent to %s\n", sendto) if attachments: ewrite('Attachments:\n') for name in attachments: ewrite(' %s\n', name) subject = re.search('^Subject: ', message, re.M | re.I) if not subject: ui.long_message('No subject found in message. Please edit again.\n') menuopts = "Ynaceilmpqdt" if not changed or not subject: menuopts = "ynacEilmpqdt" # cfr Debian BTS #293361 if package == 'wnpp': for itp_line in debbugs.itp_template.rsplit('\n'): # if the line is not empty and it's in the message the user wrote if itp_line in message and itp_line != '': ewrite("Wrong line: %s\n", itp_line) menuopts = "Eq" prompt = ("ERROR: you have composed a WNPP bug report with fields " "unchanged from the template; this will NOT be submitted. " "Please edit all fields so they contain correct values (e to edit)") if options.outfile: yesmessage = 'Save the report into %s .' % options.outfile else: yesmessage = 'Submit the bug report via email.' x = ui.select_options(prompt, menuopts, {'y': yesmessage, 'n': "Don't submit the bug report; instead, " "save it in a temporary file (exits reportbug).", 'q': "Save it in a temporary file and quit.", 'a': "Attach a file.", 'd': "Detach an attachment file.", 'i': "Include a text file.", 'c': "Change editor and re-edit.", 'e': 'Re-edit the bug report.', 'l': 'Pipe the message through the pager.', 'p': 'Print message to stdout.', 't': 'Add tags.', 'm': "Choose a mailer to edit the report."}) if x in ('a', 'i'): invalid = True while invalid: if x == 'i': attachfile = ui.get_filename('Choose a text file to include: ') else: attachfile = ui.get_filename('Choose a file to attach: ') if attachfile: # expand vars & glob the input string attachfile = os.path.expanduser(attachfile) attachfglob = sorted(glob(attachfile), key=str.casefold) # check if the globbing returns any result if not attachfglob: ui.display_failure("Can't find %s to include!\n", attachfile) # loop over the globbed 'attachfile', you can specify wildcards now for attachf in attachfglob: if os.access(attachf, os.R_OK) and os.path.isfile(attachf): if check_attachment_size(attachf, options.max_attachment_size): ewrite('The attachment file %s size is bigger than the maximum of %d bytes: ' 'reduce its size else the report cannot be sent\n' % (attachf, options.max_attachment_size)) else: invalid = False inline = (x == 'i') (message, filename, attachments) = include_file_in_report( message, filename, attachments, package, attachf, charset, inline=inline, draftpath=options.draftpath) if not inline: skip_editing = True else: ui.display_failure("Cannot include %s!\n", attachf) else: break elif x == 'd': skip_editing = True if not attachments: ewrite('No attachment file to detach.\n') else: detachprompt = 'Choose an attachment file to detach (an empty line will exit): ' myattachments = [] myattachments = [(x, '') for x in attachments] filetodetach = ui.menu(detachprompt, myattachments, 'Select the file:', default='', empty_ok=True) # only if selection is not empty and the file is in the attachment list if filetodetach != '' and filetodetach in attachments: attachments.remove(filetodetach) ewrite('Attachment file "%s" successfully detached.\n\n', filetodetach) else: ewrite('Nothing to detach.\n\n') elif x == 'c': ed = ui.get_filename('Choose editor: ', default=options.editor) if ed: editor = ed elif x == 'm': skip_editing = True mailers = [(x, '') for x in sorted(mailer.MUA.keys()) if mailer.mua_exists(x) and mailer.mua_can_run(x)] if not mailers: ui.display_failure('No mailers supported by reportbug found on this system.\n') continue mailprog = ui.menu('Choose a mailer for your report', mailers, 'Select mailer: ', default='', empty_ok=True) if mailprog and mailprog != -1: # get the MUA mailprog = mailer.MUA.get(mailprog) # if there are no attachments, directly go to the mailer if not attachments: options.mua = mailprog break # otherwise notify that they may be lost if ui.yes_no( 'Editing the report might lose all attachments: are you sure you want to continue?', 'Yes, please', 'No, thanks', True): # if ok, go into the MUA options.mua = mailprog break # else go back to the menu else: pass elif x in ('n', 'q'): justsave = True break elif x in ('l', 'p'): skip_editing = True if x == 'l': pager = os.environ.get('PAGER', 'sensible-pager') with os.popen(pager, 'w') as p: p.write(message) else: sys.stdout.write(message) elif x == 't': newtaglist = [] skip_editing = True ntags = debbugs.get_tags(severity, mode) newtaglist = ui.select_multiple( 'Do any of the following apply to this report?', ntags, 'Please select tags: ') if newtaglist: tags_prefix = 'Control: tags -1 ' if is_followup else 'Tags: ' if tags: oldtags = tags_prefix + tags newtaglist += tags.split() # suppress twins in the tag list newtaglist = list(set(newtaglist)) newtags = tags_prefix + ' '.join(newtaglist) else: package_prefix = 'Source: ' if is_source else 'Package: ' oldtags = package_prefix + package + '\n' newtags = oldtags + tags_prefix + ' '.join(newtaglist) + '\n' if 'patch' in newtaglist: patch = True message = message.replace(oldtags, newtags) with open(filename, 'w', errors='backslashreplace') as f: f.write(message) elif x == 'y': if message == dmessage: x = ui.select_options( 'Report is unchanged. Edit this report or quit', 'Eqs', {'q': "Don't submit the bug report; instead, save it " "in a temporary file and quit.", 'e': 'Re-edit the bug report.', 's': 'Send report anyway.'}) if x == 'q': stopmsg(filename) sys.exit(1) break elif x == 's': ewrite('Sending empty report anyway...\n') break else: break return open(filename, errors='backslashreplace').read(), patch, justsave def find_package_for(filename, notatty=False, pathonly=False): ewrite("Finding package for '%s'...\n", filename) (newfilename, packages) = utils.find_package_for(filename, pathonly) if newfilename != filename: filename = newfilename ewrite("Resolved as '%s'.\n", filename) if not packages: ewrite("No packages match.\n") return (filename, None) elif len(packages) > 1: packlist = list(packages.items()) packlist.sort() if notatty: print("Please re-run reportbug selecting one of these packages:") for pkg, files in packlist: print(" " + pkg) sys.exit(1) packs = [] for pkg, files in packlist: if len(files) > 3: files[3:] = ['...'] packs.append((pkg, ', '.join(files))) package = ui.menu("Multiple packages match: ", packs, 'Select one ' 'of these packages: ', any_ok=True) # for urwid, when pressing 'Cancel' in the menu if package == -1: package = None return (filename, package) else: package = list(packages.keys())[0] ewrite("Using package '%s'.\n", package) return (filename, package) def validate_package_name(package): if not re.match(r'^(src:)?[a-z0-9][a-z0-9+.-]+$', package): ui.long_message("%s is not a valid package name.", package) package = None return package def get_other_package_name(others): """Displays the list of pseudo-packages and returns the one selected.""" result = ui.menu("Please enter the name of the package in which you " "have found a problem, or choose one of these bug " "categories:", others, "Enter a package: ", any_ok=True, default='') if result: return result else: return None def get_package_name(bts='debian', mode=MODE_EXPERT): others = debbugs.SYSTEMS[bts].get('otherpkgs') prompt = "Please enter the name of the package in which you have found " \ "a problem" if others: prompt += ", or type 'other' to report a more general problem." else: prompt += '.' prompt += " If you don't know what package the bug is in, " \ "please contact debian-user@lists.debian.org for assistance." options = [] pkglist = subprocess.getoutput('apt-cache pkgnames') if pkglist: options += pkglist.split() if others: options += list(others.keys()) package = None while package is None: package = ui.get_string(prompt, options, force_prompt=True) if not package: return if others and package and package == 'other': package = get_other_package_name(others) if not package: return package = validate_package_name(package) if package in ('kernel', 'linux-image'): ui.long_message( "Automatically selecting the package for the running kernel") package = utils.get_running_kernel_pkg() if mode < MODE_STANDARD: if package == 'reportbug': if not ui.yes_no('Is "reportbug" actually the package you are ' 'having problems with?', 'Yes, I am actually experiencing a problem with ' 'reportbug.', 'No, I really meant to file a bug report on ' 'another package.'): return get_package_name(bts, mode) if mode < MODE_EXPERT: if package in ('bugs.debian.org', 'debbugs'): if ui.yes_no('Are you reporting a problem with this program ' '(reportbug)?', 'Yes, this is actually a bug in ' 'reportbug.', 'No, this is really a problem in the ' 'bug tracking system itself.'): package = 'reportbug' if package in ('general', 'project', 'debian-general'): ui.long_message( "If you have a general problem, please do consider using " 'the available Debian support channels to narrow the problem ' 'down. This will help us together to resolve the problem ' 'quicker. See https://www.debian.org/support') if not ui.yes_no( "Are you sure this bug doesn't apply to a specific package?", 'Yes, this bug is truly general.', 'No, this is not really a general bug.', False): return get_package_name(bts, mode) if package == 'wnpp': if not ui.yes_no( 'Are you sure you want to file a WNPP report?', 'Yes, I am a developer or know what I\'m doing.', 'No, I am not a developer and I don\'t know what wnpp means.', False): return get_package_name(bts, mode) if package in ('ftp.debian.org', 'release.debian.org'): if not ui.yes_no('Are you sure you want to file a bug on %s?' % (package), 'Yes, I am a developer or know what I\'m doing.', 'No, I am not a developer and I don\'t know what %s is.' % (package), False): return get_package_name(bts, mode) if package in ('installation-report', 'upgrade-report'): package += 's' return package def special_prompts(package, bts, ui, fromaddr, timeout, online, http_proxy): prompts = debbugs.SYSTEMS[bts].get('specials') if prompts: pkgprompts = prompts.get(package) if pkgprompts: return pkgprompts(package, bts, ui, fromaddr, timeout, online, http_proxy) return def offer_configuration(options): charset = locale.nl_langinfo(locale.CODESET) # It would be nice if there were some canonical character set conversion if charset.lower() == 'ansi_x3.4-1968': charset = 'us-ascii' ui.charset = charset if not options.configure: ui.long_message('Welcome to reportbug! Since it looks like this is ' 'the first time you have used reportbug, we are ' 'configuring its behavior. These settings will be ' 'saved to the file "%s", which you will be free to ' 'edit further.\n\n', utils.USERFILE) mode = ui.menu('Please choose the default operating mode for reportbug.', utils.MODES, 'Select mode: ', options.mode, order=utils.MODELIST) if options.configure or not options.interface: # if there is only one UI available, the it's 'text', else ask if len(AVAILABLE_UIS) == 1: interface = 'text' else: interface = ui.menu( 'Please choose the default interface for reportbug.', AVAILABLE_UIS, 'Select interface: ', options.interface, order=['text']) else: interface = options.interface online = ui.yes_no('Will reportbug often have direct ' 'Internet access? (You should answer yes to this ' 'question unless you know what you are doing and ' 'plan to check whether duplicate reports have been ' 'filed via some other channel.)', 'Yes, reportbug should assume it has access to the ' 'network always.', 'No, I am only online occasionally to send and ' 'receive mail.', default=(not options.offline)) def_realname, def_email = utils.get_email() try: if options.realname: realname = options.realname else: realname = def_realname except UnicodeDecodeError: realname = '' realname = ui.get_string('What real name should be used for sending bug ' 'reports?', default=realname, force_prompt=True) realname = realname.replace('"', '\\"') is_addr_ok = False while not is_addr_ok: from_addr = ui.get_string( 'Which of your email addresses should be used when sending bug ' 'reports? (Note that this address will be visible in the bug tracking ' 'system, so you may want to use a webmail address or another address ' 'with good spam filtering capabilities.)', default=(options.email or def_email), force_prompt=True) is_addr_ok = utils.check_email_addr(from_addr) if not is_addr_ok: ewrite('Your email address is not valid; please try another one.\n') stupidmode = not ui.yes_no( 'Do you have a "mail transport agent" (MTA) like Exim, Postfix or ' 'SSMTP configured on this computer to send mail to the Internet?', 'Yes, I can run /usr/sbin/sendmail without horrible things happening. ' 'If you can send email from this machine without setting an SMTP Host ' 'in your mailer, you should choose this answer.', 'No, I need to use an SMTP Host or I don\'t know if I have an MTA.', (not options.smtphost) if options.smtphost else False) if stupidmode: opts = [] if options.smtphost: opts += [options.smtphost] smtphost = ui.get_string( 'Please enter the name of your SMTP host. Usually it\'s called ' 'something like "mail.example.org" or "smtp.example.org". ' 'If you need to use a different port than default, use the ' '<host>:<port> alternative format.\n\n' 'Just press ENTER if you don\'t have one or don\'t know, and ' 'so a Debian SMTP host will be used.', options=opts, empty_ok=True, force_prompt=True) if smtphost: stupidmode = False else: smtphost = '' if smtphost: smtpuser = ui.get_string( ('If you need to use a user name to send email via "%s" on your ' 'computer, please enter that user name. Just press ENTER if you ' 'don\'t need a user name.' % smtphost), empty_ok=True, force_prompt=True) else: smtpuser = '' if smtphost and not smtphost.endswith(':465'): smtptls = ui.yes_no( 'Do you want to encrypt the SMTP connection with TLS (only ' 'available if the SMTP host supports STARTTLS)?', 'Yes', 'No', default=False) else: smtptls = False http_proxy = ui.get_string( 'Please enter the name of your proxy server. It should only ' 'use this parameter if you are behind a firewall. ' 'The PROXY argument should be formatted as a valid HTTP URL,' ' including (if necessary) a port number;' ' for example, ' 'Just press ENTER if you don\'t have one or don\'t know.', empty_ok=True, force_prompt=True) if os.path.exists(utils.USERFILE): try: os.rename(utils.USERFILE, utils.USERFILE + '~') except OSError: ui.display_failure('Unable to rename %s as %s~\n', utils.USERFILE, utils.USERFILE) try: fd = os.open(utils.USERFILE, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_TRUNC | os.O_CREAT, 0o600) except OSError as x: efail('Unable to save %s; most likely, you do not have a ' 'home directory. Please fix this before using ' 'reportbug again.\n', utils.USERFILE) fp = os.fdopen(fd, 'w', errors='backslashreplace') print('# reportbug preferences file', file=fp) print('# character encoding: %s' % charset, file=fp) print('# Version of reportbug this preferences file was written by', file=fp) print('reportbug_version "%s"' % VERSION_NUMBER, file=fp) print('# default operating mode: one of:', end=' ', file=fp) print(', '.join(utils.MODELIST), file=fp) print('mode %s' % mode, file=fp) print('# default user interface', file=fp) print('ui %s' % interface, file=fp) print('# offline disables querying information over the network', file=fp) if not online: print('offline', file=fp) else: print('#offline', file=fp) print('# name and email setting (if non-default)', file=fp) rn = 'realname "%s"' em = 'email "%s"' email_addy = (from_addr or options.email or def_email) email_name = (realname or options.realname or def_realname) if email_name != def_realname: print(rn % email_name, file=fp) else: print('# ' + (rn % email_name), file=fp) if email_addy != def_email: print(em % email_addy, file=fp) else: print('# ' + (em % email_addy), file=fp) uid = os.getuid() if uid < MIN_USER_ID: print('# Suppress user ID check for this user', file=fp) print('no-check-uid', file=fp) if smtphost: print('# Send all outgoing mail via the following host', file=fp) print('smtphost "%s"' % smtphost, file=fp) if smtpuser: print('smtpuser "%s"' % smtpuser, file=fp) print('#smtppasswd "my password here"', file=fp) else: print('# If you need to enter a user name and password:', file=fp) print('#smtpuser "my username here"', file=fp) print('#smtppasswd "my password here"', file=fp) if smtptls: print('# Require STARTTLS for the SMTP host connection', file=fp) print('smtptls', file=fp) else: print('# Enable this to use STARTTLS for the SMTP host connection', file=fp) print('#smtptls', file=fp) if http_proxy: print('# Your proxy server address', file=fp) print('http_proxy "%s"' % http_proxy, file=fp) if stupidmode: print('# Disable fallback mode by commenting out the following:', file=fp) print('no-cc', file=fp) print('list-cc-me', file=fp) print('smtphost reportbug.debian.org', file=fp) else: print('# If nothing else works, remove the # at the beginning', file=fp) print('# of the following three lines:', file=fp) print('#no-cc', file=fp) print('#list-cc-me', file=fp) print('#smtphost reportbug.debian.org', file=fp) print('# You can add other settings after this line. See', file=fp) print('# /etc/reportbug.conf for a full listing of options.', file=fp) fp.close() if options.configure: ui.final_message('Default preferences file written. To reconfigure, ' 're-run reportbug with the "--configure" option.\n') else: ui.long_message('Default preferences file written. To reconfigure, ' 're-run reportbug with the "--configure" option.\n') def verify_option(option, opt, value, parser, *args): heading, valid = args if value == 'help': ewrite('%s:\n %s\n' % (heading, '\n '.join(valid))) sys.exit(1) if opt in ['-u', '--interface', '--ui'] and value == 'gtk2': value = 'gtk' if value in valid: setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) elif opt in ['-u', '--interface', '--ui'] and value in UNAVAILABLE_UIS: ewrite('Cannot use UI %s because of "%s", defaulting to "text"\n' % (value, UNAVAILABLE_UIS[value])) else: ewrite('Ignored bogus setting for %s: %s\n' % (opt, value)) def verify_append_option(option, opt, value, parser, *args): heading, valid = args # special case --tag: in valid we pass a function reference # as get_tags is dependent on the user mode, so we also have to convert # the mode to the integer value expected... FIXME if opt == '--tag' or opt == '-T': valid = sorted(valid(mode=utils.MODELIST.index(parser.values.mode)).keys()) + ['none'] if value == 'help': ewrite('%s:\n %s\n' % (heading, '\n '.join(valid))) sys.exit(1) elif value in valid: try: getattr(parser.values, option.dest).append(value) except AttributeError: setattr(parser.values, option.dest, [value]) else: ewrite('Ignored bogus setting for %s: %s\n' % (opt, value)) def main(): global quietly, ui try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') except locale.Error as x: print('*** Warning:', x, file=sys.stderr) charset = locale.nl_langinfo(locale.CODESET) # It would be nice if there were some canonical character set conversion if charset.lower() == 'ansi_x3.4-1968': charset = 'us-ascii' defaults = dict(sendto="submit", mode="novice", mta="/usr/sbin/sendmail", check_available=True, query_src=True, debconf=True, editor='', offline=False, verify=True, check_uid=True, testmode=False, attachments=[], keyid='', body=None, resume_saved=None, bodyfile=None, smtptls=False, smtpuser='', smtppasswd='', paranoid=False, mbox_reader_cmd=None) # Convention: consider `option.foo' names read-only; they always contain # the original value as determined by the cascade of command-line options # and configuration files. When we need to adjust a value, we first say # "foo = options.foo" and then refer to just `foo'. args = utils.parse_config_files() for option, arg in list(args.items()): if option in utils.CONFIG_ARGS: defaults[option] = arg else: sys.stderr.write('Warning: untranslated token "%s"\n' % option) parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage='%prog [options] <package | filename>', version=VERSION) parser.set_defaults(**defaults) parser.add_option('-c', '--no-config-files', action="store_true", dest='noconf', help='do not include conffiles in report') parser.add_option('-C', '--class', action='callback', type='string', callback=verify_option, dest="klass", metavar='CLASS', callback_args=('Permitted report classes', debbugs.CLASSLIST), help='specify report class for GNATS BTSes') parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', default=False, dest='debugmode', help='send report only to yourself') parser.add_option('--test', action="store_true", default=False, dest="testmode", help="operate in test mode (maintainer use only)") parser.add_option('-e', '--editor', dest='editor', help='specify an editor for your report') parser.add_option('-f', '--filename', dest='searchfor', help='report the bug against the package containing the specified file') parser.add_option('--from-buildd', dest='buildd_format', help='parse information from buildd format: $source_$version') parser.add_option('--path', dest='pathonly', action="store_true", default=False, help='only search the path with -f') parser.add_option('-g', '--gnupg', '--gpg', action='store_const', dest='sign', const='gpg', help='sign report with GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG/gpg)') parser.add_option('-G', '--gnus', action='store_const', dest='mua', const=mailer.MUA['gnus'], help='send the report using Gnus') parser.add_option('--pgp', action='store_const', dest='sign', const='pgp', help='sign report with Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)') parser.add_option('-K', '--keyid', type="string", dest="keyid", help="key ID to use for PGP/GnuPG signatures") parser.add_option('-H', '--header', action='append', dest='headers', help='add a custom RFC2822 header to your report') parser.add_option('-P', '--pseudo-header', action='append', dest='pseudos', help='add a custom pseudo-header to your report') parser.add_option('--license', action='store_true', default=False, help='show copyright and license information') parser.add_option('-m', '--maintonly', action='store_const', dest='sendto', const='maintonly', help='send the report to the maintainer only') parser.add_option('-M', '--mutt', action='store_const', dest='mua', const=mailer.MUA['mutt'], help='send the report using mutt') parser.add_option('--mirror', action='append', help='add a BTS mirror', dest='mirrors') parser.add_option('-n', '--mh', '--nmh', action='store_const', dest='mua', help='send the report using mh/nmh', const=mailer.MUA['mh']) parser.add_option('-N', '--bugnumber', action='store_true', dest='bugnumber', help='specify a bug number to look for') parser.add_option('--mua', dest='mua', help='send the report using the specified mail user agent') parser.add_option('--mta', dest='mta', help='send the report using the ' 'specified mail transport agent') parser.add_option('--list-cc', action='append', dest='listcc', help='send a copy to the specified address') parser.add_option('--list-cc-me', action='store_true', dest='listccme', help='send a copy to your detected email address') parser.add_option('-p', '--print', action='store_true', dest='printonly', help='output the report to standard output only') parser.add_option('--report-quiet', action='store_const', dest='sendto', const='quiet', help='file report without any mail to ' 'the maintainer or tracking lists') parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', dest='quietly', help='reduce the verbosity of the output', default=False) parser.add_option('-s', '--subject', help='the subject for your report') parser.add_option('-x', '--no-cc', dest='nocc', action='store_true', help='do not send a copy of the report to yourself') parser.add_option('-z', '--no-compress', dest='nocompress', action='store_true', help='do not strip blank lines ' 'and comments from config files') parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='outfile', help='output the report' ' to the specified file (both mail headers and body)') parser.add_option('-O', '--offline', help='disable all external queries', action='store_true') parser.add_option('-i', '--include', action='append', help='include the specified file in the report') parser.add_option('-A', '--attach', action='append', dest='attachments', help='attach the specified file to the report') parser.add_option('-b', '--no-query-bts', action='store_true', dest='dontquery', help='do not query the BTS for reports') parser.add_option('--query-bts', action='store_false', dest='dontquery', help='query the BTS for reports') parser.add_option('-T', '--tag', action='callback', dest='tags', callback=verify_append_option, type='string', callback_args=('Permitted tags', debbugs.get_tags), help='add the specified tag to the report') parser.add_option('--http_proxy', '--proxy', help='use this proxy for ' 'HTTP accesses') parser.add_option('--email', help='specify originating email address') parser.add_option('--realname', help='specify real name for your report') parser.add_option('--smtphost', help='specify SMTP server for mailing') parser.add_option('--tls', help='use TLS to talk to SMTP servers', dest="smtptls", action='store_true') parser.add_option('--source', '--src', dest='source', default=False, help='report the bug against the source package ', action='store_true') parser.add_option('--smtpuser', help='username to use for SMTP') parser.add_option('--smtppasswd', help='password to use for SMTP') parser.add_option('--replyto', '--reply-to', help='specify Reply-To ' 'address for your report') parser.add_option('--query-source', action='store_true', dest='query_src', help='query on source packages, not binary packages') parser.add_option('--no-query-source', action='store_false', dest='query_src', help='query on binary packages only') parser.add_option('--security-team', action='store_true', dest='secteam', default=None, help='send the report only to the security team, if tag=security') parser.add_option('--no-security-team', action='store_false', default=None, dest='secteam', help='do not send the report only to the security team, if tag=security') parser.add_option('--debconf', action='store_true', help='include debconf settings in your report') parser.add_option('--no-debconf', action='store_false', dest='debconf', help='exclude debconf settings from your report') parser.add_option('-j', '--justification', help='include justification ' 'for the severity of your report') parser.add_option('-V', '--package-version', dest='pkgversion', help='specify the version number for the package') parser.add_option('-u', '--interface', '--ui', action='callback', callback=verify_option, type='string', dest='interface', callback_args=('Valid user interfaces', list(AVAILABLE_UIS.keys())), help='choose which user interface to use') parser.add_option('-Q', '--query-only', action='store_true', dest='queryonly', help='only query the BTS') parser.add_option('-t', '--type', action='callback', dest='type', callback=verify_option, type='string', callback_args=('Valid types of report', ('gnats', 'debbugs')), help='choose the type of report to file') parser.add_option('-B', '--bts', action='callback', dest='bts', callback=verify_option, type='string', callback_args=('Valid bug tracking systems', list(debbugs.SYSTEMS.keys())), help='choose BTS to file the report with') parser.add_option('-S', '--severity', action='callback', callback=verify_option, type='string', dest='severity', callback_args=('Valid severities', debbugs.SEVLIST), help='identify the severity of the report') parser.add_option('--template', action='store_true', help='output a template report only') parser.add_option('--configure', action='store_true', help='reconfigure reportbug for this user') parser.add_option('--check-available', action='store_true', help='check for new releases on various sites') parser.add_option('--no-check-available', action='store_false', dest='check_available', help='do not check for new ' 'releases') parser.add_option('--mode', action='callback', help='choose the operating ' 'mode for reportbug', callback=verify_option, type='string', dest='mode', callback_args=('Permitted operating modes', list(utils.MODES.keys()))) parser.add_option('-v', '--verify', action='store_true', help='verify ' 'integrity of installed package using debsums') parser.add_option('--no-verify', action='store_false', dest='verify', help='do not verify package installation') parser.add_option('-k', '--kudos', action='store_true', default=False, help='send appreciative email to the maintainer, rather ' 'than filing a bug report') parser.add_option('--body', dest="body", type="string", help="specify the body for the report as a string") parser.add_option('--body-file', '--bodyfile', dest="bodyfile", type="string", help="use the specified file as the body of the report") parser.add_option('-r', '--resume-saved', dest="resume_saved", type="string", help="resume report from previously saved temporary file") parser.add_option('-I', '--no-check-installed', action='store_false', default=True, dest='querydpkg', help='don\'t check whether the package is installed') parser.add_option('--check-installed', action='store_true', dest='querydpkg', help='check whether the specified ' 'package is installed when filing a report (default)') parser.add_option('--paranoid', action='store_true', dest='paranoid', help='show contents of message before sending') parser.add_option('--no-paranoid', action='store_false', dest='paranoid', help='don\'t show contents of message before sending ' '(default)') parser.add_option('--no-bug-script', dest="bugscript", default=True, action='store_false', help='don\'t execute the bug script (if present)') parser.add_option('--draftpath', dest="draftpath", help='Save the draft in this directory') parser.add_option('--timeout', type="int", dest='timeout', default=60, help='Specify the network timeout, in seconds [default: %default]') parser.add_option('--no-cc-menu', dest="ccmenu", default=True, action='store_false', help='don\'t show additional CC menu') parser.add_option('--no-tags-menu', dest="tagsmenu", default=True, action='store_false', help='don\'t show tags menu') parser.add_option('--mbox-reader-cmd', dest='mbox_reader_cmd', help="Specify the program to open the reports mbox.") parser.add_option('--max-attachment-size', type="int", dest='max_attachment_size', help="Specify the maximum size in byte for an attachment [default: 10485760].") parser.add_option('--latest-first', action='store_true', dest='latest_first', default=False, help='Order bugs to show the latest first') parser.add_option('--envelope-from', dest='envelopefrom', help='Specify the Envelope From (Return-path) address used to send the bug report') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # if not set in config file or on cli, then set 10M as default if not options.max_attachment_size: options.max_attachment_size = 10485760 # check if attachment files exist, else exiting # all are checked, and it doesn't exit at the first missing if options.email: if not utils.check_email_addr(options.email): ewrite('Your email address is not valid; exiting.\n') sys.exit(1) if options.attachments: # support glob globbed_attachments = [] any_missing = False for attachment in options.attachments: globres = sorted(glob(attachment), key=str.casefold) if globres: globbed_attachments.extend(globres) else: ewrite(f"The attachment file '{attachment}' could not be found.\n") any_missing = True options.attachments = globbed_attachments for attachment in options.attachments: if check_attachment_size(attachment, options.max_attachment_size): ewrite('The attachment file %s size is bigger than the maximum of %d bytes: reduce ' 'its size else the report cannot be sent.\n' % (attachment, options.max_attachment_size)) any_missing = True if any_missing: ewrite("The above file(s) can't be attached; exiting.\n") sys.exit(1) if options.keyid and not options.sign: ewrite('Option -K/--keyid requires --gpg or --pgp sign option set, which currently is not; exiting.\n') sys.exit(1) if options.draftpath: options.draftpath = os.path.expanduser(options.draftpath) if not os.path.exists(options.draftpath): ewrite("The directory %s does not exist; exiting.\n" % options.draftpath) sys.exit(1) if options.mua and not options.template: if not mailer.mua_is_supported(options.mua): ewrite("Specified mail user agent is not supported; exiting.\n") sys.exit(1) if not mailer.mua_exists(options.mua): ewrite("Selected mail user agent cannot be found; exiting.\n") sys.exit(1) if not mailer.mua_can_run(options.mua): ewrite("Selected mail user agent cannot be run without graphical display; exiting.\n") sys.exit(1) # we want options.mua to be a mailer.Mua instance options.mua = mailer.MUA.get(options.mua, options.mua) if options.http_proxy: os.environ['http_proxy'] = options.http_proxy os.environ['https_proxy'] = options.http_proxy # try to import the specified UI, but only if template # is not set (it's useful only in 'text' UI). if options.interface and not options.template: interface = options.interface iface = '%(interface)s_ui' % vars() try: lib_package = __import__('reportbug.ui', fromlist=[iface]) newui = getattr(lib_package, iface) except UINotImportable as msg: ui.long_message('*** Unable to import %s interface: %s ' 'Falling back to text interface.\n', interface, msg) ewrite('\n') if newui.initialize(): ui = newui submit.ui = ui else: ui.long_message('*** Unable to initialize %s interface. ' 'Falling back to text interface.\n', interface) # Add INTERFACE as an environment variable to access it from the # script gathering the special information for reportbug, when # a new bug should be filed against it. os.environ['INTERFACE'] = interface if not ui.can_input(): defaults.update({'dontquery': True, 'notatty': True, 'printonly': True}) # force to report the bug against the source package if --from-buildd if options.buildd_format: options.source = True iface = UI(options, args) if not hasattr(ui, 'run_interface'): return iface.user_interface() return ui.run_interface(iface.user_interface) class UI(object): def __init__(self, options, args): self.options = options self.args = args def user_interface(self): body = '' filename = None notatty = not ui.ISATTY charset = locale.nl_langinfo(locale.CODESET) # It would be nice if there were some canonical character set conversion if charset.lower() == 'ansi_x3.4-1968': charset = 'us-ascii' # Allow the UI to know what charset we're using ui.charset = charset if self.options.configure: offer_configuration(self.options) sys.exit(0) elif self.options.license: print(COPYRIGHT) print() print(LICENSE) sys.exit(0) # These option values may get adjusted below, so give them a variable name. sendto = self.options.sendto check_available = self.options.check_available dontquery = self.options.dontquery headers = self.options.headers or [] pseudos = self.options.pseudos or [] mua = self.options.mua pkgversion = self.options.pkgversion quietly = self.options.quietly severity = self.options.severity smtphost = self.options.smtphost subject = self.options.subject bts = self.options.bts or 'debian' sysinfo = debbugs.SYSTEMS[bts] rtype = self.options.type or sysinfo.get('type') attachments = self.options.attachments pgp_addr = self.options.keyid bugnumber = self.options.bugnumber bugscript = self.options.bugscript pkgavail = maintainer = origin = src_name = state = debsumsoutput = '' depends = [] recommends = [] suggests = [] conffiles = [] reportinfo = None issource = installed = usedavail = False status = None # if user specified a bug number on the command-line, don't query BTS if bugnumber: dontquery = True if self.options.body: body = textwrap.fill(self.options.body) elif self.options.bodyfile: try: if check_attachment_size(self.options.bodyfile, self.options.max_attachment_size): print('Body file %s size bigger than the maximum of %d bytes: ' \ 'reduce its size else the report cannot be sent' % ( self.options.bodyfile, self.options.max_attachment_size)) raise Exception with open(self.options.bodyfile, errors='backslashreplace') as bf: body = bf.read() except: efail('Unable to read body from file %s.\n', self.options.bodyfile) elif self.options.resume_saved: try: with open(self.options.resume_saved, 'rb') as fb: msg = email.message_from_binary_file(fb, policy=email.policy.default) body = msg.get_body().get_content() subject = subject or msg.get('subject') sendto = sendto or msg.get('to') dontquery = True check_available = False bugscript = False severity = 'normal' except: efail('Unable to read message from file %s.\n', self.options.resume_saved) if body and not body.endswith('\n'): body += '\n' if self.options.queryonly: check_available = False if self.options.offline: check_available = False dontquery = True if self.options.tags: taglist = self.options.tags if 'none' in taglist: taglist = [] else: taglist = [] if self.options.testmode: self.options.debugmode = True self.options.tags = ['none'] check_available = False dontquery = True severity = 'normal' subject = 'testing' taglist = [] interactive = True if self.options.template: check_available = interactive = False dontquery = quietly = notatty = True mua = smtphost = None severity = severity or 'wishlist' subject = subject or 'none' taglist = taglist or [] if self.options.outfile or self.options.printonly: mua = smtphost = None if smtphost and smtphost.lower() in ('master.debian.org', 'bugs.debian.org'): ui.long_message( "*** Warning: %s is no longer an appropriate smtphost setting for reportbug: " "it has been superseded by reportbug.debian.org and this one is forced as " "smtphost; please update your .reportbugrc file.\n", smtphost.lower()) smtphost = 'reportbug.debian.org' if any(hd.startswith('X-Debbugs-CC: ') for hd in headers): ui.long_message("*** Warning: Your ~/.reportbugrc is setting an X-Debbugs-CC header in a 'header' command. " "This is an old default setting that no longer works reliably. " "You may want to re-run 'reportbug --configure', or edit your configuration file " "to use the 'list-cc-me' command (without recipient address) instead.\n") #if attachments and mua: # ewrite('Attachments are incompatible with using an MUA. They will be ignored.\n') # attachments = [] if utils.first_run(): if not self.args and not self.options.searchfor: offer_configuration(self.options) # due to the multithreaded gtk UI we cannot just # call main() again, but need to re-execute reportbug os.execv(__file__, sys.argv) sys.exit(0) else: ewrite('Warning: no reportbug configuration found. Proceeding in %s mode.\n' % self.options.mode) mode = utils.MODELIST.index(self.options.mode) # Disable signatures when in printonly or mua mode # (since they'll be bogus anyway) sign = self.options.sign if (self.options.mua or self.options.printonly) and sign: sign = '' if self.options.mua: ewrite('The signature option is ignored when using an MUA.\n') elif self.options.printonly: ewrite('The signature option is ignored when producing a template.\n') uid = os.getuid() if uid < MIN_USER_ID: if notatty and not uid: ewrite("reportbug will not run as root non-interactively.\n") sys.exit(1) if not uid or self.options.check_uid: if not uid: message = "Running 'reportbug' as root is probably insecure!" else: message = "Running 'reportbug' as an administrative user " \ "is probably not a good idea!" message += ' Continue?' if not ui.yes_no(message, 'Continue with reportbug.', 'Exit.', False): ewrite("reportbug stopped.\n") sys.exit(1) if (utils.first_run() and not self.args and not self.options.searchfor): offer_configuration(self.options) ewrite('To report a bug, please rerun reportbug.\n') sys.exit(0) if self.options.mta and not os.path.exists(self.options.mta) and not ( self.options.mua or self.options.template or self.options.printonly or self.options.smtphost or self.options.outfile): ewrite(f"The MTA {self.options.mta} is not available; exiting.\n") ewrite("Please run 'reportbug --configure' or specify a submission method on the command line.\n") sys.exit(1) foundfile = None package = None if self.options.resume_saved: package = "reportbug" pkgversion = VERSION_NUMBER elif not len(self.args) and not self.options.searchfor and not notatty and not self.options.buildd_format: package = get_package_name(bts, mode) elif self.options.buildd_format: # retrieve package name and version from the input string package, self.options.pkgversion = self.options.buildd_format.split('_') # TODO: fix it when refactoring # if not done as of below, it will ask for version when the package # is not available on the local system (try a dummy one, like foo_12-3) pkgversion = self.options.pkgversion elif len(self.args) > 1: ewrite("Please report one bug at a time.\n") ewrite("[Did you forget to put all switches before the " "package name?]\n") sys.exit(1) elif self.options.searchfor: (foundfile, package) = find_package_for(self.options.searchfor, notatty, self.options.pathonly) elif len(self.args): package = self.args[0] if package and package.startswith('/'): (foundfile, package) = find_package_for(package, notatty) elif package and self.options.source: # convert it to the source package if we are reporting for src package = utils.get_source_name(package) if package and package.startswith('src:'): package = package[4:] issource = True others = debbugs.SYSTEMS[bts].get('otherpkgs') if package == 'other' and others: package = get_other_package_name(others) if package in ('kernel', 'linux-image'): ui.long_message( "Automatically selecting the package for the running kernel") package = utils.get_running_kernel_pkg() if package in ('installation-report', 'upgrade-report') and mode < MODE_EXPERT: package += 's' if not package: efail("No package specified or we were unable to find it in the apt" " cache; stopping.\n") tfprefix = tempfile_prefix(package) if self.options.interface == 'text': ewrite('*** Welcome to reportbug. Use ? for help at prompts. ***\n') # we show this for the 2 "textual" UIs if self.options.interface in ('text', 'urwid'): ewrite('Note: bug reports are publicly archived (including the email address of the submitter).\n') try: blah = 'hello' except LookupError: ui.display_failure( 'Unable to use specified character set "%s"; you probably need ' 'either cjkcodecs (for users of Asian locales) or iconvcodec ' 'installed.\nFalling back to ASCII encoding.\n', charset) charset = 'us-ascii' else: ewrite("Detected character set: %s\n" "Please change your locale if this is incorrect.\n\n", charset) fromaddr = utils.get_user_id(self.options.email, self.options.realname, charset) if not utils.check_email_addr(email.utils.parseaddr(fromaddr)[1]): efail("Unable to identify a valid from address, please run 'reportbug --configure'\n") ewrite("Using '%s' as your from address.\n", str(email.header.make_header(email.header.decode_header(fromaddr)))) if '@localhost' in fromaddr: ewrite("Please quit and run 'reportbug --configure' if this is not correct.\n") if self.options.debugmode: sendto = fromaddr edname = utils.which_editor(self.options.editor) baseedname = os.path.basename(edname) if baseedname == 'sensible-editor': edname = utils.realpath('/usr/bin/editor') if not notatty and 'vi' in baseedname and mode < MODE_STANDARD and 'EDITOR' not in os.environ: if not ui.yes_no('You appear to be using the "vi" editor, which is ' 'not suited for new users. You probably want to ' 'change this setting by using "update-alternatives ' '--config editor" as root. (You can bypass this ' 'message in the future by using reportbug in ' '"standard" mode or higher.) ' 'Do you want to continue?', 'Continue filing this report.', 'Stop reportbug to change editors.', False): ewrite('Exiting per user request.\n') sys.exit(1) incfiles = "" if self.options.include: for f in self.options.include: if os.path.exists(f): with open(f, errors='backslashreplace') as fp: incfiles += '\n*** {}\n{}'.format(f, fp.read()) else: ewrite("Can't find %s to include!\n", f) sys.exit(1) incfiles += '\n' if self.options.source: issource = True exinfo = None # If user specified a bug number on the command line try: if bugnumber: reportre = re.compile(r'^#?(\d+)$') match = reportre.match(package) if match: report = int(match.group(1)) exinfo = ui.show_report(report, 'debian', self.options.mirrors, self.options.http_proxy, self.options.timeout, queryonly=self.options.queryonly, title=VERSION, archived=False, mbox_reader_cmd=self.options.mbox_reader_cmd) # When asking to re-display the bugs list, None is returned # given we're in the part of code that's executed when the # user pass a bug number on the cli, so we'll exit if exinfo is None: raise NoReport else: package = exinfo.package or exinfo.source subject = exinfo.subject if package == 'src:linux': package = utils.get_running_kernel_pkg() elif package.startswith('src:'): package = package[4:] issource = True else: efail("The report bug number provided seems to not exist.\n") except NoBugs: efail('No such bug report.\n') except NoReport: efail('Exiting.\n') isvirtual = (package in list(sysinfo.get('otherpkgs', {}).keys()) and package not in sysinfo.get('nonvirtual', [])) if not pkgversion and self.options.querydpkg and \ sysinfo.get('query-dpkg', True) and \ package not in list(debbugs.SYSTEMS[bts].get('otherpkgs').keys()): ewrite("Getting status for %s...\n", package) status = utils.get_package_status(package) pkgavail, installed = status[1], status[6] # Packages that only exist to do weird dependency things deppkgs = sysinfo.get('deppkgs') if pkgavail and deppkgs: if installed and package in deppkgs: depends = status[2] if depends: newdepends = [] for x in depends: newdepends.extend(x) depends = newdepends if len(depends) == 1: if mode < MODE_ADVANCED: ewrite('Dependency package "%s" corresponds to ' 'actual package "%s".\n', package, depends[0]) package = depends[0] else: opts = [(x, (utils.get_package_status(x)[11] or 'not installed')) for x in depends] if mode >= MODE_ADVANCED: opts += [(package, status[11] + ' (dependency package)')] package = ui.menu('%s is a dependency package. ' 'Which of the following ' 'packages is the bug in?' % package, opts, 'Select one of these packages: ') ewrite("Getting status for %s...\n", package) status = utils.get_package_status(package) pkgavail, installed = status[1], status[6] if not pkgavail and not isvirtual: # Look for a matching source package packages = utils.get_source_package(package) if self.options.source: issource = True # package is already ok here, just need the version # so we loop over the bin pkgs looking for one installed # and then get its version if len(packages) > 0: for p in packages: v = utils.get_package_status(p[0])[0] if v: pkgversion = v break elif len(packages) > 0: src = utils.get_source_name(package) if len(packages) and not notatty: packages.sort() if src not in [x[0] for x in packages]: packages.append((src, 'Source package')) if len(packages) > 1: package = ui.menu( 'Which of the following packages is the bug in?', packages, empty_ok=True, prompt='Select one of these packages: ') else: package = packages[0][0] if not package: efail("No package specified; stopping.\n") if package != src: ewrite("Getting status for %s...\n", package) status = utils.get_package_status(package) pkgavail, installed = status[1], status[6] elif 'Source package' in [x[1] for x in packages]: issource = True else: ewrite('No matching source or binary packages.\n') if (not installed and not isvirtual and not issource) and not notatty: packages = utils.packages_providing(package) tmp = pack = None if not packages: if ui.yes_no('A package named "%s" does not appear to be installed; do ' 'you want to search for a similar-looking filename in ' 'an installed package?' % package, 'Look for a file with a similar filename.', 'Continue filing with this package name.', True): pkgavail = False else: pack = package packages = [(package, '')] ewrite("Getting available info for %s...\n", package) status = utils.get_package_status(package, avail=True) check_available = False usedavail = True if not packages and not pkgavail and not pack: (tmp, pack) = find_package_for(package, notatty) if pack: status = None if not ui.yes_no("A package named '%s' does not appear to be installed " "on your system; however, '%s' contains a file named " "'%s'. Do you want to file your report on the " "package reportbug found?" % (package, pack, tmp), 'Yes, use the package specified.', 'No, give up the search.'): efail("Package not installed; stopping.\n") if not status and pack: foundfile, package = tmp, pack ewrite("Getting status for %s...\n", package) status = utils.get_package_status(package) elif not packages: if not ui.yes_no( 'This package does not appear to be installed; continue ' 'with this report?', 'Ignore this problem and continue.', 'Exit without filing a report.', False): efail("Package not installed; stopping.\n") elif (len(packages) > 1) or (packages[0][0] != package): this_package = [(package, 'Uninstalled/non-existent package')] packages.sort() package = ui.menu('Which of the following installed packages ' 'is the bug in?', packages + this_package, 'Select one of these packages: ', empty_ok=True) if not package: efail("No package specified; stopping.\n") else: ewrite("Getting status for %s...\n", package) status = utils.get_package_status(package) elif not pkgavail and not notatty and not isvirtual and not issource: if not ui.yes_no( 'This package does not appear to exist; continue?', 'Ignore this problem and continue.', 'Exit without filing a report.', False): efail("Package does not exist; stopping.\n") sys.exit(1) # we can use status only if it's not a source pkg if not issource: (pkgversion, pkgavail, depends, recommends, conffiles, maintainer, installed, origin, vendor, reportinfo, priority, desc, src_name, fulldesc, state, suggests, section) = status buginfo = '/usr/share/bug/' + package bugexec = submitas = submitto = presubj = None reportwith = [] supplemental = [] if self.options.resume_saved: pass elif os.path.isfile(buginfo) and os.access(buginfo, os.X_OK): bugexec = buginfo elif os.path.isdir(buginfo): if os.path.isfile(buginfo + '/script') and os.access(buginfo + '/script', os.X_OK): bugexec = buginfo + '/script' if os.path.isfile(buginfo + '/presubj'): presubj = buginfo + '/presubj' if os.path.isfile(buginfo + '/control'): submitas, submitto, reportwith, supplemental = \ utils.parse_bug_control_file(buginfo + '/control') elif os.path.isfile('/usr/share/bug/default/' + package) \ and os.access('/usr/share/bug/default/' + package, os.X_OK): bugexec = '/usr/share/bug/default/' + package elif os.path.isdir('/usr/share/bug/default/' + package): buginfo = '/usr/share/bug/default/' + package if os.path.isfile(buginfo + '/script') and os.access(buginfo + '/script', os.X_OK): bugexec = buginfo + '/script' if os.path.isfile(buginfo + '/presubj'): presubj = buginfo + '/presubj' if os.path.isfile(buginfo + '/control'): submitas, submitto, reportwith, supplemental = \ utils.parse_bug_control_file(buginfo + '/control') if submitas and (submitas not in reportwith): reportwith += [submitas] if reportwith: # Remove current package from report-with list reportwith = [x for x in reportwith if x != package] if (pkgavail and self.options.verify and os.path.exists('/usr/bin/debsums') and not self.options.kudos and state == 'installed'): ewrite('Verifying package integrity...\n') fullpackagename = package try: fullpackagename = utils.get_command_output( "dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package}\n' %s 2>/dev/null" % shlex.quote(package)).split()[0] except IndexError: pass rc, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput('/usr/bin/debsums --ignore-permissions -s ' + shlex.quote(fullpackagename)) debsumsoutput = output if rc and not notatty: if not ui.yes_no('There may be a problem with your installation of ' + package + ';\nthe following problems were detected by debsums:\n' + output + '\nDo you still want to file a report?', 'Ignore this problem and continue. This may be ' 'appropriate if you have fixed the package manually already. ' 'This problem may also result from the use of localepurge.', 'Exit without filing a report.', False, nowrap=True): efail("Package integrity check failed; stopping.\n") if not pkgversion or usedavail or (not pkgavail and not self.options.pkgversion and not self.options.source): if not bugnumber and not (isvirtual or notatty) and not self.options.resume_saved: pkgversion = ui.get_string('Please enter the version of the ' 'package this report applies to ' '(blank OK)', empty_ok=True, force_prompt=True) elif (check_available and not (self.options.kudos or notatty or self.options.offline) and state == 'installed' and bts == 'debian'): arch = utils.get_arch() check_more = (mode > MODE_STANDARD) if check_more: ewrite('Checking for newer versions at madison,' + ' incoming.debian.org and http://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html\n') else: ewrite('Checking for newer versions at madison...\n') (avail, toonew) = checkversions.check_available( package, pkgversion, timeout=self.options.timeout, check_incoming=check_more, check_newqueue=check_more, http_proxy=self.options.http_proxy, arch=arch) if toonew: if not ui.yes_no('\nYour version of %s (%s) is newer than that in Debian!\n' 'Do you still want to file a report?' % (package, pkgversion), 'Ignore this problem and continue. This may be ' 'appropriate if you know this bug is present in older ' 'releases of the package, or you\'re running a mixed ' 'stable/testing installation.', 'Exit without filing a report.', False): efail("Newer released version; stopping.\n") if avail: availtext = '' availlist = list(avail.keys()) availlist.sort() for rel in availlist: availtext += ' %s: %s\n' % (rel, avail[rel]) if not ui.yes_no(('\nYour version (%s) of %s appears to be out of date.\nThe ' 'following newer release(s) are available in the Debian ' 'archive:\n' % (pkgversion, package)) + availtext + 'Please try to verify if the bug you are about to report is ' + 'already addressed by these releases. Do you still want to file a report?', 'Ignore this problem and continue. This may be ' 'appropriate if you know this bug is still present in more ' 'recent releases of the package.', 'Exit without filing a report.', False, nowrap=True): efail("Newer released version; stopping.\n") bts = DEFAULT_BTS if self.options.bts: bts = self.options.bts ewrite("Will send report to %s (per request).\n", debbugs.SYSTEMS[bts].get('name', bts)) elif origin: if origin.lower() == bts: ewrite("Package originates from %s.\n", vendor or origin) reportinfo = None elif origin.lower() in list(debbugs.SYSTEMS.keys()): ewrite("Package originates from %s; overriding your system " "selection.\n", vendor or origin) bts = origin.lower() sysinfo = debbugs.SYSTEMS[bts] elif reportinfo: ewrite("Unknown origin %s; will send to %s.\n", origin, reportinfo[1]) rtype, submitto = reportinfo elif submitto: ewrite("Unknown origin %s; will send to %s.\n", origin, submitto) else: ewrite("Unknown origin %s; will send to %s.\n", origin, bts) elif reportinfo: rtype, submitto = reportinfo ewrite("Will use %s protocol talking to %s.\n", rtype, submitto) dontquery = True else: lsbr = subprocess.getoutput('lsb_release -si 2>/dev/null') if lsbr: distro = lsbr.strip().lower() if distro in debbugs.SYSTEMS: bts = distro ewrite("Will send report to %s (per lsb_release).\n", debbugs.SYSTEMS[bts].get('name', bts)) if rtype == 'mailto': rtype = 'debbugs' dontquery = True special = False if not body and not subject and not notatty: res = special_prompts(package, bts, ui, fromaddr, self.options.timeout, not self.options.offline and (check_available or not dontquery), self.options.http_proxy) if res: (subject, severity, h, ph, body, query) = res headers += h pseudos += ph if not query: dontquery = True special = True if not (dontquery or notatty or self.options.kudos): pkg, src = package, issource if self.options.query_src and not issource and not isvirtual: pkg = [pkg] if src_name: pkg += ['src:'+src_name] elif not package.startswith('src:'): pkg += ['src:'+package] if submitas and submitas not in pkg: pkg += [submitas] try: exinfo = ui.handle_bts_query(pkg, bts, self.options.timeout, self.options.mirrors, self.options.http_proxy, source=src, queryonly=self.options.queryonly, version=pkgversion, mbox_reader_cmd=self.options.mbox_reader_cmd, latest_first=self.options.latest_first) except UINotImplemented: exinfo = None except NoNetwork: sys.exit(1) except NoPackage: if not self.options.queryonly and maintainer and ui.yes_no( 'There is no record of this package in the bug tracking ' 'system.\nSend report directly to maintainer?', 'Send the report to the maintainer (%s).' % maintainer, 'Send the report to the BTS anyway.'): rtype = 'debbugs' sendto = maintainer except NoBugs: ewrite('No bug reports found.\n') except NoReport: if self.options.queryonly: ewrite('Exiting at user request.\n') else: ewrite('Nothing new to report; exiting.\n') return except QuertBTSError as q: if not ui.yes_no( 'Error retrieving information on existing bug reports from the BTS. ' 'The following error was detected:\n' + str(q) + '\nDo you still want to file a report?', 'Keep going', 'Abort', False, nowrap=True): return if self.options.queryonly and not exinfo: return ccaddr = os.environ.get('MAILCC') if self.options.nocc: bccaddr = os.environ.get('MAILBCC') else: bccaddr = os.environ.get('MAILBCC', fromaddr) if maintainer: mstr = "Maintainer for %s is '%s'.\n" % (package, maintainer) ewrite(mstr) if 'qa.debian.org' in maintainer: ui.long_message( "This package seems to be currently \"orphaned\"; it also seems you're a bit " "interested in this package, since you're reporting a bug against it, so you " "might consider being involved in the package maintenance in Debian and/or " "adopting it. Please be aware that your report may not be resolved for a while, " "because the package seems to lack an active maintainer, but please GO ON and " "REPORT the bug, if there is one.\n" "\n" "For more details, please see: http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/ " ) if self.options.kudos and not self.options.debugmode: sendto = '%s@packages.debian.org' % package depinfo = "" # Grab dependency list, removing version conditions. if (depends or recommends or suggests) and not self.options.kudos: ewrite("Looking up dependencies of %s...\n", package) depinfo = (utils.get_dependency_info(package, depends) + utils.get_dependency_info(package, recommends, "recommends") + utils.get_dependency_info(package, suggests, "suggests")) if reportwith and not self.options.kudos: # retrieve information for the packages listed in 'report-with' bug # control file field for extrapackage in reportwith: ewrite("Getting status for related package %s...\n", extrapackage) extrastatus = utils.get_package_status(extrapackage) # depends if extrastatus[2]: extradepends = [x for x in extrastatus[2] if package not in x] ewrite("Looking up 'depends' of related package %s...\n", extrapackage) depinfo += utils.get_dependency_info(extrapackage, extradepends) # recommends if extrastatus[3]: extrarecommends = [x for x in extrastatus[3] if package not in x] ewrite("Looking up 'recommends' of related package %s...\n", extrapackage) depinfo += utils.get_dependency_info(extrapackage, extrarecommends, "recommends") # suggests if extrastatus[15]: extrasuggests = [x for x in extrastatus[15] if package not in x] ewrite("Looking up 'suggests' of related package %s...\n", extrapackage) depinfo += utils.get_dependency_info(extrapackage, extrasuggests, "suggests") if supplemental and not self.options.kudos: ewrite("Looking up status of additional packages...\n") depinfo += utils.get_dependency_info( package, [[x] for x in supplemental], rel='is related to') confinfo = [] if conffiles and not self.options.kudos: ewrite("Getting changed configuration files...\n") confinfo, changed = utils.get_changed_config_files( conffiles, self.options.nocompress) if self.options.noconf and changed: for f in changed: confinfo[f] = 'changed [not included]' elif changed and not notatty: while 1: x = ui.select_options( "*** WARNING: The following configuration files have been " "modified:\n" + "\n".join(changed) + "\nSend modified configuration files", 'Ynd', {'y': 'Send your modified configuration files.', 'n': "Don't send modified configuration files.", 'd': 'Display modified configuration files (exit with "q").'}) if x == 'n': for f in changed: confinfo[f] = 'changed [not included]' break elif x == 'd': PAGER = os.environ.get('PAGER', '/usr/bin/sensible-pager') ui.system(PAGER + ' ' + ' '.join(changed)) else: break conftext = '' if confinfo: conftext = '\n-- Configuration Files:\n' files = list(confinfo.keys()) files.sort() for f in files: conftext = conftext + '%s %s\n' % (f, confinfo[f]) if (self.options.debconf and os.path.exists('/usr/bin/debconf-show') and not self.options.kudos and installed): showpkgs = package if reportwith: showpkgs += ' ' + ' '.join(reportwith) r = subprocess.run( 'DEBCONF_SYSTEMRC=1 DEBCONF_NOWARNINGS=yes ' '/usr/bin/debconf-show %s' % showpkgs, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) (status, output) = r.returncode, r.stdout.decode(errors='backslashreplace').rstrip() if status: conftext += '\n-- debconf-show failed\n' elif output: if (notatty or ui.yes_no("*** The following debconf settings were detected:\n" + output + "\nInclude these settings in your report?", 'Send your debconf settings.', "Don't send your debconf settings.", nowrap=True)): conftext += '\n-- debconf information:\n%s\n' % output else: conftext += '\n-- debconf information excluded\n' else: conftext += '\n-- no debconf information\n' ewrite('\n') prompted = False if interactive and not (self.options.kudos or exinfo) and presubj: with open(presubj, errors='backslashreplace') as f: ui.display_report(f.read() + '\n', presubj=True) if self.options.kudos: subject = subject or ('Thanks for packaging %s!' % package) elif exinfo: if special: body = '' prompted = True subject_ok = False while not subject_ok: subject = ui.get_string( 'Please provide a subject for your response.', default="Re: %s" % exinfo.subject, force_prompt=True) if subject: subject_ok = True else: ewrite("Providing a subject is mandatory.\n") # Check to make sure the bug still exists to avoid auto-reopens if subject and pkgversion: if not ui.yes_no('Does this bug still exist in version %s ' 'of this package?' % pkgversion, 'Yes, it does.', 'No, it doesn\'t (or I don\'t know).', default=False): pkgversion = None elif not subject and not notatty: prompted = True subject_ok = False while not subject_ok: subject = ui.get_string( 'Briefly describe the problem (max. 100 characters ' 'allowed). This will be the bug email subject, so keep the ' 'summary as concise as possible, for example: "fails to ' 'send email" or "does not start with -q option specified" ' '(enter Ctrl+c to exit reportbug without reporting a bug).', force_prompt=True) if subject: subject_ok = True else: ewrite("Providing a subject is mandatory.\n") if len(subject) > 100 and prompted and mode < MODE_EXPERT: subject = ui.get_string( 'Your description is a bit long; please enter a shorter subject. ' '(An empty response will retain the existing subject.)', empty_ok=True, force_prompt=True) or subject if package != 'wnpp' and mode < MODE_EXPERT: if foundfile: subject = foundfile + ": " + subject ewrite("Rewriting subject to '%s'\n", subject) elif not re.match(r"\S+:\s", subject) and not subject.startswith(package): subject = package + ": " + subject ewrite("Rewriting subject to '%s'\n", subject) listcc = self.options.listcc if not listcc: listcc = [] if self.options.listccme: detected_addr = self.options.email or utils.get_email()[1] if not detected_addr: efail("list-cc-me option specified but email address not detected") listcc += [detected_addr] if not listcc and mode > MODE_STANDARD and rtype == 'debbugs' and not self.options.testmode and not self.options.template and self.options.ccmenu: listcc += ui.get_multiline( 'Enter any additional addresses this report should be sent to; press ENTER after each address.') # If the bug is reported against a package with a version that possibly # indicates a security update add the security or LTS team to CC # after user confirmation if pkgversion and package and not self.options.offline and mode > MODE_NOVICE and utils.is_security_update(package, pkgversion): if ui.yes_no('Do you want to report a regression because of a security update?', 'Yes, please inform the LTS and security teams.', 'No or I am not sure.', True): distnumber = re.search(r'[+~]deb(\d+)u\d+', pkgversion).group(1) support = 'none' email_address = 'none' try: r = requests.get('https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/distributions.json', timeout=self.options.timeout) data = r.json() for key, value in data.items(): if distnumber == value['major-version']: support = value['support'] email_address = value['contact'] break if support != 'none' and utils.check_email_addr(email_address): listcc += [email_address] else: raise except requests.exceptions.RequestException: ewrite('Unable to connect to security-tracker.debian.org.\n' 'Please try again later or contact the LTS or security team via email directly.\n') except: # catch-all ewrite('No support team contact address could be identified.\n') if severity and rtype: severity = debbugs.convert_severity(severity, rtype) klass = self.options.klass if not notatty and not (exinfo or self.options.kudos): if not severity: if rtype == 'gnats': severities = debbugs.SEVERITIES_gnats default = 'non-critical' else: severities = debbugs.SEVERITIES if mode < MODE_STANDARD: ewrite("Removing release critical severities, since running in \'%s\' mode.\n" % utils.MODELIST[mode]) for sev in ['critical', 'grave', 'serious', 'does-not-build']: del severities[sev] if isvirtual: for sev in ['critical', 'does-not-build']: if sev in severities: del severities[sev] default = 'normal' while not severity or severity not in debbugs.SEVLIST: severity = ui.menu("How would you rate the severity of this " "problem or report?", severities, 'Please select a severity level: ', default=default, order=debbugs.SEVLIST) # urwid has a cancel and a quit button that return < 0 if isinstance(severity, int) and severity < 0: sys.exit() if rtype == 'gnats': # Class of report klass = ui.menu("What sort of problem are you reporting?", debbugs.CLASSES, 'Please select a class: ', default='sw-bug', order=debbugs.CLASSLIST) severity = severity or 'normal' justification = self.options.justification if rtype == 'debbugs' and package != 'wnpp' and mode < MODE_EXPERT: if severity in ('critical', 'grave'): justification = ui.menu( 'You are reporting a ' + severity + ' bug; which of the ' 'following criteria does it meet?', debbugs.JUSTIFICATIONS[severity], 'Please select the impact of the bug: ', default='unknown') elif severity == 'serious': justification = ui.get_string( 'You are reporting a serious bug; which section of the ' 'Debian Policy Manual contains the "must" or "required" ' 'directive that it violates (E.g., "1.2.3")? ' 'Just type "unknown" if you are not sure (that would ' 'downgrade severity to normal).', force_prompt=True) if re.match(r'[0-9]+\.[0-9.]+', justification): justification = 'Policy ' + justification elif not justification: justification = 'unknown' if justification == 'unknown': justification = '' severity = 'normal' ewrite('Severity downgraded to "normal".\n') if severity == 'does-not-build': if pkgversion and not src_name: src_name = package if src_name and check_available and not notatty: ewrite('Checking buildd.debian.org for past builds of %s...\n', src_name) built = checkbuildd.check_built(src_name, http_proxy=self.options.http_proxy, timeout=self.options.timeout) severity = 'serious' justification = 'fails to build from source' # special-case only if it was built in the past if built: justification += ' (but built successfully in the past)' else: severity = 'serious' justification = 'fails to build from source' if not notatty: # special-case only if it was built in the past if ui.yes_no( 'Has this package successfully been built for this ' 'architecture in the past (you can look this up at ' 'buildd.debian.org)?', 'Yes, this is a recently-introduced problem.', 'No, it has always been this way.'): justification += ' (but built successfully in the past)' HOMEDIR = os.environ.get('HOME', '/') if (rtype == 'debbugs' and not self.options.tags and not (notatty or self.options.kudos or exinfo) and package not in ('wnpp', 'ftp.debian.org', 'release.debian.org') and not self.options.resume_saved and mode > MODE_NOVICE and self.options.tagsmenu): tags = debbugs.get_tags(severity, mode) taglist = ui.select_multiple( 'Do any of the following apply to this report?', tags, 'Please select tags: ') if taglist is None: # We've pressed cancel or quit in urwid sys.exit() patch = ('patch' in taglist) if justification and 'security' not in taglist and 'security' in \ justification: ewrite('Adding security tag to this report.\n') taglist += ['security'] if justification and 'ftbfs' not in taglist and 'fails to build from source' in justification: ewrite('Adding ftbfs tag to this report.\n') taglist += ['ftbfs'] if taglist: tags = ' '.join(taglist) else: tags = '' if 'security' in taglist: if self.options.secteam or (self.options.secteam is None and ui.yes_no( 'Are you reporting an undisclosed vulnerability? If so, in order ' 'to responsibly disclose the issue, it should not be sent to the public BTS ' 'right now, but instead to the private Security Team mailing list.', 'Yes, it is an undisclosed vulnerability, send this report to the ' 'private Security Team mailing list and not to the BTS.', 'No, it is already a publicly disclosed vulnerability, send this report to the BTS.', False)): sendto = 'team@security.debian.org' # Execute bug script if bugscript and bugexec and not self.options.kudos: # add a warning, since it can take a while, 587952 ewrite("Gathering additional data, this may take a while...\n") handler = '/usr/share/reportbug/handle_bugscript' # we get the return code of the script, headers and pseudo- set # by the script, and last the text output of the script (rc, bugscript_hdrs, bugscript_pseudo, text, bugscript_attachments) = \ utils.exec_and_parse_bugscript(handler, bugexec, ui.system) if rc and not notatty: if not ui.yes_no('The package bug script %s exited with an error status (return ' 'code = %s). Do you still want to file a report?' % (bugexec, rc), 'Ignore this problem and continue.', 'Exit without filing a report.', False, nowrap=True): efail("Package bug script failed; stopping.\n") # add bugscript headers only if present if bugscript_hdrs: headers.extend(bugscript_hdrs.split('\n')) if bugscript_pseudo: pseudos.append(bugscript_pseudo.strip()) # add attachments only if no MUA is used, using attachments with a # MUA is not yet supported by reportbug. #if bugscript_attachments and not mua: if bugscript_attachments: attachments += bugscript_attachments addinfo = None if not self.options.noconf: addinfo = "\n-- Package-specific info:\n" + text if addinfo and incfiles: incfiles = addinfo + "\n" + incfiles elif addinfo: incfiles = addinfo if bts == 'debian' and 'security' in taglist and sendto != 'team@security.debian.org': ewrite('Will send a CC of this report to the Debian Security Team.\n') listcc += ['Debian Security Team <team@security.debian.org>'] listcc = [cc.strip() for cc in listcc if cc.strip()] if listcc: pseudos.append('X-Debbugs-Cc: ' + ', '.join(listcc)) # Prepare bug report if self.options.kudos: message = '\n\n' if not mua: SIGFILE = os.path.join(HOMEDIR, '.signature') try: with open(SIGFILE, errors='backslashreplace') as sf: message = "\n\n-- \n" + sf.read() except IOError: pass else: p = submitas or package # multiarch: remove arch qualifier only if we're not reporting # against the src package if not p.startswith('src:'): p = p.split(':')[0] if self.options.resume_saved: message = body else: message = utils.generate_blank_report( p, pkgversion, severity, justification, depinfo, conftext, foundfile, incfiles, bts, exinfo, rtype, klass, subject, tags, body, mode, pseudos, debsumsoutput, issource=issource, options=self.options) # Substitute server email address if submitto and '@' not in sendto: if '@' in submitto: sendto = submitto else: if exinfo: if sendto != 'submit': sendto = '%d-%s' % (exinfo.bug_num, sendto) else: sendto = str(exinfo.bug_num) sendto = sendto + '@' + submitto elif '@' not in sendto: if exinfo: if sendto != 'submit': sendto = '%d-%s' % (exinfo.bug_num, sendto) else: sendto = str(exinfo.bug_num) try: sendto = sysinfo['email'] % sendto except TypeError: sendto = sysinfo['email'] sendto = email.utils.formataddr((sysinfo['name'] + ' Bug Tracking System', sendto)) mailing = not (mua or self.options.printonly or self.options.template) message = "Subject: %s\n%s" % (subject, message) justsave = False if mailing: fh, filename = TempFile(prefix=tfprefix, dir=self.options.draftpath) fh.write(message) fh.close() oldmua = mua or self.options.mua if not self.options.body and not self.options.bodyfile: message, haspatch, justsave = handle_editing( filename, message, self.options, sendto, attachments, package, severity, mode, bool(exinfo), issource, charset=charset, tags=tags) if haspatch: patch = True if not oldmua and self.options.mua: mua = self.options.mua if mua: mailing = False elif not sendto: print(message, end=' ') cleanup_temp_file(filename) return cleanup_temp_file(filename) if not mua and patch and not attachments and not notatty: while True: patchfile = ui.get_filename( 'What is the filename of the patch (if none, or you have ' 'already included it, just press ENTER)?', force_prompt=True) if patchfile: attachfile = os.path.expanduser(patchfile) # loop over the glob of 'attachfile', we support glob now for attachf in sorted(glob(attachfile), key=str.casefold): if os.path.exists(attachfile): attachments.append(attachfile) else: ewrite('%s not found!', attachfile) else: break # Pass both headers and pseudo-headers (passed on command-line, f.e.) body, headers, pseudoheaders = utils.cleanup_msg(message, headers, pseudos, rtype) if sign: ewrite('Passing message to %s for signature...\n', sign) oldbody = body body = submit.sign_message(body, fromaddr, package, pgp_addr, sign, self.options.draftpath) if not body: ewrite('Signature failed; sending message unsigned.\n') body = oldbody if pseudoheaders: body = '\n'.join(pseudoheaders) + '\n\n' + body # Strip the body of useless whitespace at the end, then put a final # newline in the message. See #234963. body = body.rstrip('\n') + '\n' if not pseudoheaders and not justsave: ui.display_failure('Invalid bug report message: No pseudoheaders found.\n' 'Your message will not be submitted, but stored in a temporary file instead.\n') justsave = True if justsave: if not self.options.outfile: fh, outputfile = TempFile(prefix=tfprefix, dir=self.options.draftpath) fh.close() mua = mailing = False # fake sending the report, it actually saves it in a tempfile # but with all the email headers and stuff submit.send_report( body, attachments, mua, fromaddr, sendto, ccaddr, bccaddr, headers, package, charset, mailing, sysinfo, rtype, exinfo, self.options.replyto, outfile=self.options.outfile or outputfile, mta=None, smtphost=None) else: submit.send_report( body, attachments, mua, fromaddr, sendto, ccaddr, bccaddr, headers, package, charset, mailing, sysinfo, rtype, exinfo, self.options.replyto, self.options.printonly, self.options.template, self.options.outfile, self.options.mta, self.options.kudos, self.options.smtptls, smtphost, self.options.smtpuser, self.options.smtppasswd, self.options.paranoid, self.options.draftpath, self.options.envelopefrom) ui.final_message('Thank you for using reportbug\n') return if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: ewrite("\nreportbug: exiting due to user interrupt.\n") except debbugs.Error as x: ewrite('error accessing BTS: %s\n' % x)