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Filename: //proc/self///root//bin//X11/resize-part-image
#!/bin/sh # # cloud-resize-image - resize a cloud image # # Copyright (C) 2010 Canonical Ltd. # # Authors: Scott Moser <smoser@canonical.com> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Usage() { cat <<EOF Usage: ${0##*/} [ options ] image size [output] Resize a partition image and contained filesystem to a new size. if output is given, do not modify 'image', but create new file 'output' New size is specified per resize2fs(8), e.g. "1G" for 1 gigabyte options: -v | --verbose show command output EOF return 0 } error() { echo "$@" 1>&2; } fail() { [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; exit 1; } human2bytes() { # converts size suitable for input to resize2fs to bytes # s:512 byte sectors, K:kilobytes, M:megabytes, G:gigabytes # none: block size of the image local input=${1} defunit=${2:-1024} local unit count; case "$input" in *s) count=${input%s}; unit=512;; *K) count=${input%K}; unit=1024;; *M) count=${input%M}; unit=$((1024*1024));; *G) count=${input%G}; unit=$((1024*1024*1024));; *) count=${input} ; unit=${2:-1024};; esac _RET=$((${count}*${unit})) } xtruncate() { if which truncate >/dev/null 2>&1; then truncate "${@}" else local size=${1} file=${2} blk="" size=${size#--size=} # this is a poor mans truncate supporting whatever human2bytes supports human2bytes "${size}" && blk=$((${_RET}/512)) && dd if=/dev/zero of="${file}" obs=512 seek=${blk} count=0 2>/dev/null fi } runcmd() { local output=$1 shift; if [ "$output" = "0" ]; then local out="" ret=0; out=$("${@}" 2>&1) || { ret=$?; error "${out}"; return $ret; } else "$@" fi } [ "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" = "--help" ] && { Usage; exit 0; } verbose=0 [ "$1" = "-v" -o "$1" = "--verbose" ] && { verbose=1; shift; } [ "${CLOUD_UTILS_WARN_RESIZE:-0}" = "0" ] && _n="${0##*/}" && [ "${_n#uec}" != "${_n}" ] && export CLOUD_UTILS_WARN_RESIZE=1 && error "WARNING: uec-resize-image is now 'resize-part-image'. Please update your tools or docs." [ $# -eq 3 -o $# -eq 2 ] || { Usage 1>&2; exit 1; } old="$1" size="$2" new="${3:-${old}}" [ -f "${old}" ] || fail "${old}: does not exist" human2bytes "${size}" && new_size=${_RET} || fail "failed to understand ${size}" if [ ! "${old}" -ef "${new}" ]; then file_out=$(file "${old}") || fail "failed to read ${old} with 'file'" case "${file_out}" in *gzip\ compressed*) file_out_z=$(file -z "${old}") case "${file_out_z}" in *tar\ archive*) : > "${new}" && newd=$(dirname "${new}") || fail "failed to get full path for ${new}" tmpd=$(mktemp -d "${newd}/.${0##*/}.XXXXXX") && ( cd "${tmpd}" && tar -S --wildcards -xzf - "*.img" && mv *.img "../${new}" ) < "${old}" || { rm -Rf "${tmpd}"; fail "failed to extract image from ${old}" } rm -Rf "${tmpd}" ;; *) zcat -f "$old" | cp --sparse=always /dev/stdin "$new";; esac ;; *) cp --sparse=always "${old}" "${new}";; esac [ $? -eq 0 ] || fail "failed to cp ${old} -> ${new}" else # if old=new (in place), it must be a simple image file case "${old}" in *.gz) fail "refusing work in place compressed or archive file: ${old}";; esac fi ls_out=$(ls -l "${new}") && old_size=$(echo "${ls_out}" | awk '{print $5}') || fail "failed to get size of ${new_img}" runcmd "${verbose}" e2fsck -fp "${new}" || fail "failed to fsck ${new}" if [ "${old_size}" -lt "${new_size}" ]; then xtruncate "--size=$size" "$new" || fail "failed to change size of ${new}" fi runcmd "${verbose}" resize2fs "$new" "$size" || fail "failed to resize ${new} -> ${size}" if [ "${old_size}" -gt "${new_size}" ]; then xtruncate "--size=$size" "$new" || fail "failed to change size of ${new}" fi echo "resized ${new} to ${size}" exit 0 # vi: ts=4 noexpandtab