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Filename: //lib//python3/////dist-packages//pysimplesoap///simplexml.py
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. """Simple XML manipulation""" from __future__ import unicode_literals import sys if sys.version > '3': basestring = str unicode = str import logging import re import time import xml.dom.minidom from . import __author__, __copyright__, __license__, __version__ # Utility functions used for marshalling, moved aside for readability from .helpers import TYPE_MAP, TYPE_MARSHAL_FN, TYPE_UNMARSHAL_FN, \ REVERSE_TYPE_MAP, Struct, Date, Decimal log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SimpleXMLElement(object): """Simple XML manipulation (simil PHP)""" def __init__(self, text=None, elements=None, document=None, namespace=None, prefix=None, namespaces_map={}, jetty=False): """ :param namespaces_map: How to map our namespace prefix to that given by the client; {prefix: received_prefix} """ self.__namespaces_map = namespaces_map _rx = "|".join(namespaces_map.keys()) # {'external': 'ext', 'model': 'mod'} -> 'external|model' self.__ns_rx = re.compile(r"^(%s):.*$" % _rx) # And now we build an expression ^(external|model):.*$ # to find prefixes in all xml nodes i.e.: <model:code>1</model:code> # and later change that to <mod:code>1</mod:code> self.__ns = namespace self.__prefix = prefix self.__jetty = jetty # special list support if text is not None: try: self.__document = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(text) except: log.error(text) raise self.__elements = [self.__document.documentElement] else: self.__elements = elements self.__document = document def add_child(self, name, text=None, ns=True): """Adding a child tag to a node""" if not ns or self.__ns is False: ##log.debug('adding %s without namespace', name) element = self.__document.createElement(name) else: ##log.debug('adding %s ns "%s" %s', name, self.__ns, ns) if isinstance(ns, basestring): element = self.__document.createElement(name) if ns: element.setAttribute("xmlns", ns) elif self.__prefix: element = self.__document.createElementNS(self.__ns, "%s:%s" % (self.__prefix, name)) else: element = self.__document.createElementNS(self.__ns, name) # don't append null tags! if text is not None: if isinstance(text, xml.dom.minidom.CDATASection): element.appendChild(self.__document.createCDATASection(text.data)) else: element.appendChild(self.__document.createTextNode(text)) self._element.appendChild(element) return SimpleXMLElement( elements=[element], document=self.__document, namespace=self.__ns, prefix=self.__prefix, jetty=self.__jetty, namespaces_map=self.__namespaces_map ) def __setattr__(self, tag, text): """Add text child tag node (short form)""" if tag.startswith("_"): object.__setattr__(self, tag, text) else: ##log.debug('__setattr__(%s, %s)', tag, text) self.add_child(tag, text) def __delattr__(self, tag): """Remove a child tag (non recursive!)""" elements = [__element for __element in self._element.childNodes if __element.nodeType == __element.ELEMENT_NODE] for element in elements: self._element.removeChild(element) def add_comment(self, data): """Add an xml comment to this child""" comment = self.__document.createComment(data) self._element.appendChild(comment) def as_xml(self, filename=None, pretty=False): """Return the XML representation of the document""" if not pretty: return self.__document.toxml('UTF-8') else: return self.__document.toprettyxml(encoding='UTF-8') if sys.version > '3': def __repr__(self): """Return the XML representation of this tag""" return self._element.toxml() else: def __repr__(self): """Return the XML representation of this tag""" # NOTE: do not use self.as_xml('UTF-8') as it returns the whole xml doc return self._element.toxml('UTF-8') def get_name(self): """Return the tag name of this node""" return self._element.tagName def get_local_name(self): """Return the tag local name (prefix:name) of this node""" return self._element.localName def get_prefix(self): """Return the namespace prefix of this node""" return self._element.prefix def get_namespace_uri(self, ns): """Return the namespace uri for a prefix""" element = self._element while element is not None and element.attributes is not None: try: return element.attributes['xmlns:%s' % ns].value except KeyError: element = element.parentNode def attributes(self): """Return a dict of attributes for this tag""" #TODO: use slice syntax [:]? return self._element.attributes def __getitem__(self, item): """Return xml tag attribute value or a slice of attributes (iter)""" ##log.debug('__getitem__(%s)', item) if isinstance(item, basestring): if self._element.hasAttribute(item): return self._element.attributes[item].value elif isinstance(item, slice): # return a list with name:values return list(self._element.attributes.items())[item] else: # return element by index (position) element = self.__elements[item] return SimpleXMLElement( elements=[element], document=self.__document, namespace=self.__ns, prefix=self.__prefix, jetty=self.__jetty, namespaces_map=self.__namespaces_map ) def add_attribute(self, name, value): """Set an attribute value from a string""" self._element.setAttribute(name, value) def __setitem__(self, item, value): """Set an attribute value""" if isinstance(item, basestring): self.add_attribute(item, value) elif isinstance(item, slice): # set multiple attributes at once for k, v in value.items(): self.add_attribute(k, v) def __delitem__(self, item): "Remove an attribute" self._element.removeAttribute(item) def __call__(self, tag=None, ns=None, children=False, root=False, error=True, ): """Search (even in child nodes) and return a child tag by name""" try: if root: # return entire document return SimpleXMLElement( elements=[self.__document.documentElement], document=self.__document, namespace=self.__ns, prefix=self.__prefix, jetty=self.__jetty, namespaces_map=self.__namespaces_map ) if tag is None: # if no name given, iterate over siblings (same level) return self.__iter__() if children: # future: filter children? by ns? return self.children() elements = None if isinstance(tag, int): # return tag by index elements = [self.__elements[tag]] if ns and not elements: for ns_uri in isinstance(ns, (tuple, list)) and ns or (ns, ): ##log.debug('searching %s by ns=%s', tag, ns_uri) elements = self._element.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns_uri, tag) if elements: break if self.__ns and not elements: ##log.debug('searching %s by ns=%s', tag, self.__ns) elements = self._element.getElementsByTagNameNS(self.__ns, tag) if not elements: ##log.debug('searching %s', tag) elements = self._element.getElementsByTagName(tag) if not elements: ##log.debug(self._element.toxml()) if error: raise AttributeError("No elements found") else: return return SimpleXMLElement( elements=elements, document=self.__document, namespace=self.__ns, prefix=self.__prefix, jetty=self.__jetty, namespaces_map=self.__namespaces_map) except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError("Tag not found: %s (%s)" % (tag, e)) def __getattr__(self, tag): """Shortcut for __call__""" return self.__call__(tag) def __iter__(self): """Iterate over xml tags at this level""" try: for __element in self.__elements: yield SimpleXMLElement( elements=[__element], document=self.__document, namespace=self.__ns, prefix=self.__prefix, jetty=self.__jetty, namespaces_map=self.__namespaces_map) except: raise def __dir__(self): """List xml children tags names""" return [node.tagName for node in self._element.childNodes if node.nodeType != node.TEXT_NODE] def children(self): """Return xml children tags element""" elements = [__element for __element in self._element.childNodes if __element.nodeType == __element.ELEMENT_NODE] if not elements: return None #raise IndexError("Tag %s has no children" % self._element.tagName) return SimpleXMLElement( elements=elements, document=self.__document, namespace=self.__ns, prefix=self.__prefix, jetty=self.__jetty, namespaces_map=self.__namespaces_map ) def __len__(self): """Return element count""" return len(self.__elements) def __contains__(self, item): """Search for a tag name in this element or child nodes""" return self._element.getElementsByTagName(item) def __unicode__(self): """Returns the unicode text nodes of the current element""" rc = '' for node in self._element.childNodes: if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE or node.nodeType == node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: rc = rc + node.data return rc if sys.version > '3': __str__ = __unicode__ else: def __str__(self): return self.__unicode__().encode('utf-8') def __int__(self): """Returns the integer value of the current element""" return int(self.__str__()) def __float__(self): """Returns the float value of the current element""" try: return float(self.__str__()) except: raise IndexError(self._element.toxml()) _element = property(lambda self: self.__elements[0]) def unmarshall(self, types, strict=True): #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() """Convert to python values the current serialized xml element""" # types is a dict of {tag name: conversion function} # strict=False to use default type conversion if not specified # example: types={'p': {'a': int,'b': int}, 'c': [{'d':str}]} # expected xml: <p><a>1</a><b>2</b></p><c><d>hola</d><d>chau</d> # returnde value: {'p': {'a':1,'b':2}, `'c':[{'d':'hola'},{'d':'chau'}]} d = {} for node in self(): name = str(node.get_local_name()) ref_name_type = None # handle multirefs: href="#id0" if 'href' in node.attributes().keys(): href = node['href'][1:] for ref_node in self(root=True)("multiRef"): if ref_node['id'] == href: node = ref_node ref_name_type = ref_node['xsi:type'].split(":")[1] break try: if isinstance(types, dict): fn = types[name] # custom array only in the response (not defined in the WSDL): # <results soapenc:arrayType="xsd:string[199]> if any([k for k,v in node[:] if 'arrayType' in k]) and not isinstance(fn, list): fn = [fn] else: fn = types except (KeyError, ) as e: xmlns = node['xmlns'] or node.get_namespace_uri(node.get_prefix()) if 'xsi:type' in node.attributes().keys(): xsd_type = node['xsi:type'].split(":")[1] try: # get fn type from SOAP-ENC:arrayType="xsd:string[28]" if xsd_type == 'Array': array_type = [k for k,v in node[:] if 'arrayType' in k][0] xsd_type = node[array_type].split(":")[1] if "[" in xsd_type: xsd_type = xsd_type[:xsd_type.index("[")] fn = [REVERSE_TYPE_MAP[xsd_type]] else: fn = REVERSE_TYPE_MAP[xsd_type] except: fn = None # ignore multirefs! elif xmlns == "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema": # self-defined schema, return the SimpleXMLElement # TODO: parse to python types if <s:element ref="s:schema"/> fn = None elif None in types: # <s:any/>, return the SimpleXMLElement # TODO: check position of None if inside <s:sequence> fn = None elif strict: raise TypeError("Tag: %s invalid (type not found)" % (name,)) else: # if not strict, use default type conversion fn = str if isinstance(fn, list): # append to existing list (if any) - unnested dict arrays - value = d.setdefault(name, []) # If the node has no children then the node itself might # have multiple occurrences: children = node.children() or node # TODO: check if this was really needed (get first child only) ##if len(fn[0]) == 1 and children: ## children = children() if fn and not isinstance(fn[0], dict): # simple arrays [] for child in (children or []): tmp_dict = child.unmarshall(fn[0], strict) value.extend(tmp_dict.values()) #elif (self.__jetty and len(fn[0]) > 1): elif (len(fn[0]) > 1): # Jetty and now all dialects use array style support [{k, v}] for parent in node: tmp_dict = {} # unmarshall each value & mix for child in (node.children() or []): tmp_dict.update(child.unmarshall(fn[0], strict)) value.append(tmp_dict) else: # len(fn[0]) == 0 for child in (children or []): value.append(child.unmarshall(fn[0], strict)) elif isinstance(fn, tuple): value = [] _d = {} children = node.children() as_dict = len(fn) == 1 and isinstance(fn[0], dict) for child in (children and children() or []): # Readability counts if as_dict: _d.update(child.unmarshall(fn[0], strict)) # Merging pairs else: value.append(child.unmarshall(fn[0], strict)) if as_dict: value.append(_d) if name in d: _tmp = list(d[name]) _tmp.extend(value) value = tuple(_tmp) else: value = tuple(value) elif isinstance(fn, dict): ##if ref_name_type is not None: ## fn = fn[ref_name_type] children = node.children() value = children and children.unmarshall(fn, strict) else: if fn is None: # xsd:anyType not unmarshalled value = node elif unicode(node) or (fn == str and unicode(node) != ''): try: # get special deserialization function (if any) fn = TYPE_UNMARSHAL_FN.get(fn, fn) if fn == str: # always return an unicode object: # (avoid encoding errors in py<3!) value = unicode(node) else: value = fn(unicode(node)) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: raise ValueError("Tag: %s: %s" % (name, e)) else: value = None d[name] = value return d def _update_ns(self, name): """Replace the defined namespace alias with tohse used by the client.""" pref = self.__ns_rx.search(name) if pref: pref = pref.groups()[0] try: name = name.replace(pref, self.__namespaces_map[pref]) except KeyError: log.warning('Unknown namespace alias %s' % name) return name def marshall(self, name, value, add_child=True, add_comments=False, ns=False, add_children_ns=True): """Analyze python value and add the serialized XML element using tag name""" # Change node name to that used by a client name = self._update_ns(name) if isinstance(value, dict): # serialize dict (<key>value</key>) # for the first parent node, use the document target namespace # (ns==True) or use the namespace string uri if passed (elements) child = add_child and self.add_child(name, ns=ns) or self for k, v in value.items(): if not add_children_ns: ns = False elif hasattr(value, 'namespaces'): # for children, use the wsdl element target namespace: ns = value.namespaces.get(k) else: # simple type ns = None child.marshall(k, v, add_comments=add_comments, ns=ns) elif isinstance(value, tuple): # serialize tuple (<key>value</key>) child = add_child and self.add_child(name, ns=ns) or self if not add_children_ns: ns = False for k, v in value: getattr(self, name).marshall(k, v, add_comments=add_comments, ns=ns) elif isinstance(value, list): # serialize lists name: [value1, value2] # list elements should be a dict with one element: # 'vats': [{'vat': {'vat_amount': 50, 'vat_percent': 5}}, {...}] # or an array of complex types directly (a.k.a. jetty dialect) # 'vat': [{'vat_amount': 100, 'vat_percent': 21.0}, {...}] child = self.add_child(name, ns=ns) if not add_children_ns: ns = False if add_comments: child.add_comment("Repetitive array of:") for i, t in enumerate(value): child.marshall(name, t, False, add_comments=add_comments, ns=ns) # "jetty" arrays: add new base node (if not last) -see abobe- # TODO: this could be an issue for some arrays of single values if isinstance(t, dict) and len(t) > 1 and i < len(value) - 1: child = self.add_child(name, ns=ns) elif isinstance(value, (xml.dom.minidom.CDATASection, basestring)): # do not convert strings or unicodes self.add_child(name, value, ns=ns) elif value is None: # sent a empty tag? self.add_child(name, ns=ns) elif value in TYPE_MAP.keys(): # add commented placeholders for simple tipes (for examples/help only) child = self.add_child(name, ns=ns) child.add_comment(TYPE_MAP[value]) else: # the rest of object types are converted to string # get special serialization function (if any) fn = TYPE_MARSHAL_FN.get(type(value), str) self.add_child(name, fn(value), ns=ns) def import_node(self, other): x = self.__document.importNode(other._element, True) # deep copy self._element.appendChild(x) def write_c14n(self, output=None, exclusive=True): "Generate the canonical version of the XML node" from . import c14n xml = c14n.Canonicalize(self._element, output, unsuppressedPrefixes=[] if exclusive else None) return xml