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Filename: //lib//python3/////dist-packages///acme//standalone.py
"""Support for standalone client challenge solvers. """ import collections import functools import logging import socket import threading from six.moves import BaseHTTPServer # type: ignore from six.moves import http_client from six.moves import socketserver # type: ignore from acme import challenges from acme import crypto_util from acme.magic_typing import List logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TLSServer(socketserver.TCPServer): """Generic TLS Server.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.ipv6 = kwargs.pop("ipv6", False) if self.ipv6: self.address_family = socket.AF_INET6 else: self.address_family = socket.AF_INET self.certs = kwargs.pop("certs", {}) self.method = kwargs.pop( "method", crypto_util._DEFAULT_SSL_METHOD) self.allow_reuse_address = kwargs.pop("allow_reuse_address", True) socketserver.TCPServer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def _wrap_sock(self): self.socket = crypto_util.SSLSocket( self.socket, cert_selection=self._cert_selection, alpn_selection=getattr(self, '_alpn_selection', None), method=self.method) def _cert_selection(self, connection): # pragma: no cover """Callback selecting certificate for connection.""" server_name = connection.get_servername() return self.certs.get(server_name, None) def server_bind(self): self._wrap_sock() return socketserver.TCPServer.server_bind(self) class ACMEServerMixin: """ACME server common settings mixin.""" # TODO: c.f. #858 server_version = "ACME client standalone challenge solver" allow_reuse_address = True class BaseDualNetworkedServers(object): """Base class for a pair of IPv6 and IPv4 servers that tries to do everything it's asked for both servers, but where failures in one server don't affect the other. If two servers are instantiated, they will serve on the same port. """ def __init__(self, ServerClass, server_address, *remaining_args, **kwargs): port = server_address[1] self.threads = [] # type: List[threading.Thread] self.servers = [] # type: List[ACMEServerMixin] # Must try True first. # Ubuntu, for example, will fail to bind to IPv4 if we've already bound # to IPv6. But that's ok, since it will accept IPv4 connections on the IPv6 # socket. On the other hand, FreeBSD will successfully bind to IPv4 on the # same port, which means that server will accept the IPv4 connections. # If Python is compiled without IPv6, we'll error out but (probably) successfully # create the IPv4 server. for ip_version in [True, False]: try: kwargs["ipv6"] = ip_version new_address = (server_address[0],) + (port,) + server_address[2:] new_args = (new_address,) + remaining_args server = ServerClass(*new_args, **kwargs) logger.debug( "Successfully bound to %s:%s using %s", new_address[0], new_address[1], "IPv6" if ip_version else "IPv4") except socket.error: if self.servers: # Already bound using IPv6. logger.debug( "Certbot wasn't able to bind to %s:%s using %s, this " "is often expected due to the dual stack nature of " "IPv6 socket implementations.", new_address[0], new_address[1], "IPv6" if ip_version else "IPv4") else: logger.debug( "Failed to bind to %s:%s using %s", new_address[0], new_address[1], "IPv6" if ip_version else "IPv4") else: self.servers.append(server) # If two servers are set up and port 0 was passed in, ensure we always # bind to the same port for both servers. port = server.socket.getsockname()[1] if not self.servers: raise socket.error("Could not bind to IPv4 or IPv6.") def serve_forever(self): """Wraps socketserver.TCPServer.serve_forever""" for server in self.servers: thread = threading.Thread( target=server.serve_forever) thread.start() self.threads.append(thread) def getsocknames(self): """Wraps socketserver.TCPServer.socket.getsockname""" return [server.socket.getsockname() for server in self.servers] def shutdown_and_server_close(self): """Wraps socketserver.TCPServer.shutdown, socketserver.TCPServer.server_close, and threading.Thread.join""" for server in self.servers: server.shutdown() server.server_close() for thread in self.threads: thread.join() self.threads = [] class TLSALPN01Server(TLSServer, ACMEServerMixin): """TLSALPN01 Server.""" ACME_TLS_1_PROTOCOL = b"acme-tls/1" def __init__(self, server_address, certs, challenge_certs, ipv6=False): TLSServer.__init__( self, server_address, _BaseRequestHandlerWithLogging, certs=certs, ipv6=ipv6) self.challenge_certs = challenge_certs def _cert_selection(self, connection): # TODO: We would like to serve challenge cert only if asked for it via # ALPN. To do this, we need to retrieve the list of protos from client # hello, but this is currently impossible with openssl [0], and ALPN # negotiation is done after cert selection. # Therefore, currently we always return challenge cert, and terminate # handshake in alpn_selection() if ALPN protos are not what we expect. # [0] https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/4952 server_name = connection.get_servername() logger.debug("Serving challenge cert for server name %s", server_name) return self.challenge_certs.get(server_name, None) def _alpn_selection(self, _connection, alpn_protos): """Callback to select alpn protocol.""" if len(alpn_protos) == 1 and alpn_protos[0] == self.ACME_TLS_1_PROTOCOL: logger.debug("Agreed on %s ALPN", self.ACME_TLS_1_PROTOCOL) return self.ACME_TLS_1_PROTOCOL logger.debug("Cannot agree on ALPN proto. Got: %s", str(alpn_protos)) # Explicitly close the connection now, by returning an empty string. # See https://www.pyopenssl.org/en/stable/api/ssl.html#OpenSSL.SSL.Context.set_alpn_select_callback # pylint: disable=line-too-long return b"" class HTTPServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer): """Generic HTTP Server.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.ipv6 = kwargs.pop("ipv6", False) if self.ipv6: self.address_family = socket.AF_INET6 else: self.address_family = socket.AF_INET BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) class HTTP01Server(HTTPServer, ACMEServerMixin): """HTTP01 Server.""" def __init__(self, server_address, resources, ipv6=False, timeout=30): HTTPServer.__init__( self, server_address, HTTP01RequestHandler.partial_init( simple_http_resources=resources, timeout=timeout), ipv6=ipv6) class HTTP01DualNetworkedServers(BaseDualNetworkedServers): """HTTP01Server Wrapper. Tries everything for both. Failures for one don't affect the other.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): BaseDualNetworkedServers.__init__(self, HTTP01Server, *args, **kwargs) class HTTP01RequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): """HTTP01 challenge handler. Adheres to the stdlib's `socketserver.BaseRequestHandler` interface. :ivar set simple_http_resources: A set of `HTTP01Resource` objects. TODO: better name? """ HTTP01Resource = collections.namedtuple( "HTTP01Resource", "chall response validation") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.simple_http_resources = kwargs.pop("simple_http_resources", set()) self.timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', 30) BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def log_message(self, format, *args): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """Log arbitrary message.""" logger.debug("%s - - %s", self.client_address[0], format % args) def handle(self): """Handle request.""" self.log_message("Incoming request") BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.handle(self) def do_GET(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-function-docstring if self.path == "/": self.handle_index() elif self.path.startswith("/" + challenges.HTTP01.URI_ROOT_PATH): self.handle_simple_http_resource() else: self.handle_404() def handle_index(self): """Handle index page.""" self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-Type", "text/html") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(self.server.server_version.encode()) def handle_404(self): """Handler 404 Not Found errors.""" self.send_response(http_client.NOT_FOUND, message="Not Found") self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html") self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(b"404") def handle_simple_http_resource(self): """Handle HTTP01 provisioned resources.""" for resource in self.simple_http_resources: if resource.chall.path == self.path: self.log_message("Serving HTTP01 with token %r", resource.chall.encode("token")) self.send_response(http_client.OK) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(resource.validation.encode()) return else: # pylint: disable=useless-else-on-loop self.log_message("No resources to serve") self.log_message("%s does not correspond to any resource. ignoring", self.path) @classmethod def partial_init(cls, simple_http_resources, timeout): """Partially initialize this handler. This is useful because `socketserver.BaseServer` takes uninitialized handler and initializes it with the current request. """ return functools.partial( cls, simple_http_resources=simple_http_resources, timeout=timeout) class _BaseRequestHandlerWithLogging(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler): """BaseRequestHandler with logging.""" def log_message(self, format, *args): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """Log arbitrary message.""" logger.debug("%s - - %s", self.client_address[0], format % args) def handle(self): """Handle request.""" self.log_message("Incoming request") socketserver.BaseRequestHandler.handle(self)