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Filename: ///usr/share/////doc///nodejs//contributing//static-analysis.md
# Static Analysis The project uses Coverity to scan Node.js source code and to report potential issues in the C/C++ code base. Those who have been added to the Node.js coverity project can receive emails when there are new issues reported as well as view all current issues through <https://scan9.coverity.com/reports.htm>. Any collaborator can ask to be added to the Node.js coverity project by opening an issue in the [build](https://github.com/nodejs/build) repository titled `Please add me to coverity`. A member of the build WG with admin access will verify that the requestor is an existing collaborator as listed in the [collaborators section](https://github.com/nodejs/node#collaborators) on the nodejs/node project repo. Once validated the requestor will added to the coverity project.