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Filename: //var//www/1stopsheba/wp-content/themes/healsoul/style-rtl.css
/*! Theme Name: Healsoul Theme URI: http://healsoul.thememove.com Author: ThemeMove Author URI: http://thememove.com Description: Healsoul - Medical and Healthcare Service WordPress Theme Version: 1.5.9 License: GNU General Public License v2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Text Domain: healsoul Tags: editor-style, featured-images, microformats, post-formats, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, threaded-comments, translation-ready */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------- >>> TABLE OF CONTENTS: ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Settings # Vendor # Tools # Generic # Elements # Objects # Components # Trumps --------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Settings store all variables, config switches, etc. Split up into logical sections, the smaller and simpler the better. */ /* Tools store all programic Sass functionality. If your tooling is simplistic enough, you can do something like: tools.mixins If your tooling is more complex you can split it up like: tools.grid tools.typography etc. */ /* Generic rules are project-agnostic. These can be copied from any project to the next */ html { font-family: sans-serif; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; } body { margin: 0; } article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, main, menu, nav, section, summary { display: block; } audio, canvas, progress, video { display: inline-block; vertical-align: baseline; } audio:not([controls]) { display: none; height: 0; } [hidden], template { display: none; } a { background-color: transparent; } a:active, a:hover { outline: 0; } abbr[title] { border-bottom: 1px dotted; } b, strong { font-weight: bold; } dfn { font-style: italic; } h1 { margin: .67em 0; font-size: 2em; } mark { background: #ffff00; color: #000000; } small { font-size: 80%; } sub, sup { position: relative; vertical-align: baseline; font-size: 75%; line-height: 0; } sup { top: -.5em; } sub { bottom: -.25em; } img { border: 0; } svg:not(:root) { overflow: hidden; } figure { margin: 1.5em 0; } hr { box-sizing: content-box; height: 0; } pre { overflow: auto; } code, kbd, pre, samp { font-size: 1em; font-family: monospace, monospace; } button, input, optgroup, select, textarea { margin: 0; color: inherit; font: inherit; } button { overflow: visible; } button, select { text-transform: none; } button, html input[type='button'], input[type='reset'], input[type='submit'] { cursor: pointer; -webkit-appearance: button; } button[disabled], html input[disabled] { cursor: default; } button::-moz-focus-inner, input::-moz-focus-inner { padding: 0; border: 0; } input { line-height: normal; } input[type='checkbox'], input[type='radio'] { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; } input[type='number']::-webkit-inner-spin-button, input[type='number']::-webkit-outer-spin-button { height: auto; } input[type='search'] { box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-appearance: textfield; } input[type='search']::-webkit-search-cancel-button, input[type='search']::-webkit-search-decoration { -webkit-appearance: none; } fieldset { margin: 0 2px; padding: .35em .625em .75em; border: 1px solid #c0c0c0; } legend { padding: 0; border: 0; } textarea { overflow: auto; } optgroup { font-weight: 700; } table { border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; } td, th { padding: 0; } body { -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; /* firefox font smoothing css */ } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { margin: 0; } input[type='search'] { box-sizing: inherit; } html { box-sizing: border-box; } *, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: inherit; } .container { margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; padding-right: 0.9375rem; padding-left: 0.9375rem; } @media (min-width: 544px) { .container { max-width: 576px; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .container { max-width: 720px; } } @media (min-width: 992px) { .container { max-width: 940px; } } @media (min-width: 1200px) { .container { max-width: 1200px; } } .container-fluid { margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; padding-right: 0.9375rem; padding-left: 0.9375rem; } .row { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; margin-right: -0.9375rem; 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} .col-xs-push-0 { right: auto; } .col-xs-push-1 { right: 8.33333%; } .col-xs-push-2 { right: 16.66667%; } .col-xs-push-3 { right: 25%; } .col-xs-push-4 { right: 33.33333%; } .col-xs-push-5 { right: 41.66667%; } .col-xs-push-6 { right: 50%; } .col-xs-push-7 { right: 58.33333%; } .col-xs-push-8 { right: 66.66667%; } .col-xs-push-9 { right: 75%; } .col-xs-push-10 { right: 83.33333%; } .col-xs-push-11 { right: 91.66667%; } .col-xs-push-12 { right: 100%; } .col-xs-offset-0 { margin-right: 0%; } .col-xs-offset-1 { margin-right: 8.33333%; } .col-xs-offset-2 { margin-right: 16.66667%; } .col-xs-offset-3 { margin-right: 25%; } .col-xs-offset-4 { margin-right: 33.33333%; } .col-xs-offset-5 { margin-right: 41.66667%; } .col-xs-offset-6 { margin-right: 50%; } .col-xs-offset-7 { margin-right: 58.33333%; } .col-xs-offset-8 { margin-right: 66.66667%; } .col-xs-offset-9 { margin-right: 75%; } .col-xs-offset-10 { margin-right: 83.33333%; } .col-xs-offset-11 { margin-right: 91.66667%; } .col-xs-offset-12 { margin-right: 100%; } .col-xs-offset-right-0 { margin-left: 0%; } .col-xs-offset-right-1 { margin-left: 8.33333%; } .col-xs-offset-right-2 { margin-left: 16.66667%; } .col-xs-offset-right-3 { margin-left: 25%; } .col-xs-offset-right-4 { margin-left: 33.33333%; } .col-xs-offset-right-5 { margin-left: 41.66667%; } .col-xs-offset-right-6 { margin-left: 50%; } .col-xs-offset-right-7 { margin-left: 58.33333%; } .col-xs-offset-right-8 { margin-left: 66.66667%; } .col-xs-offset-right-9 { margin-left: 75%; } .col-xs-offset-right-10 { margin-left: 83.33333%; } .col-xs-offset-right-11 { margin-left: 91.66667%; } .col-xs-offset-right-12 { margin-left: 100%; } @media (min-width: 544px) { .col-sm-1 { flex: 0 0 8.33333%; max-width: 8.33333%; } .col-sm-2 { flex: 0 0 16.66667%; max-width: 16.66667%; } .col-sm-3 { flex: 0 0 25%; max-width: 25%; } .col-sm-4 { flex: 0 0 33.33333%; max-width: 33.33333%; } .col-sm-5 { flex: 0 0 41.66667%; max-width: 41.66667%; } .col-sm-6 { flex: 0 0 50%; max-width: 50%; } .col-sm-7 { flex: 0 0 58.33333%; max-width: 58.33333%; } .col-sm-8 { flex: 0 0 66.66667%; max-width: 66.66667%; } .col-sm-9 { flex: 0 0 75%; max-width: 75%; } .col-sm-10 { flex: 0 0 83.33333%; max-width: 83.33333%; } .col-sm-11 { flex: 0 0 91.66667%; max-width: 91.66667%; } .col-sm-12 { flex: 0 0 100%; max-width: 100%; } .col-sm-pull-0 { left: auto; } .col-sm-pull-1 { left: 8.33333%; } .col-sm-pull-2 { left: 16.66667%; } .col-sm-pull-3 { left: 25%; } .col-sm-pull-4 { left: 33.33333%; } .col-sm-pull-5 { left: 41.66667%; } .col-sm-pull-6 { left: 50%; } .col-sm-pull-7 { left: 58.33333%; } .col-sm-pull-8 { left: 66.66667%; } .col-sm-pull-9 { left: 75%; } .col-sm-pull-10 { left: 83.33333%; } .col-sm-pull-11 { left: 91.66667%; } .col-sm-pull-12 { left: 100%; } .col-sm-push-0 { right: auto; } .col-sm-push-1 { right: 8.33333%; } .col-sm-push-2 { right: 16.66667%; } .col-sm-push-3 { right: 25%; } .col-sm-push-4 { right: 33.33333%; } .col-sm-push-5 { right: 41.66667%; } .col-sm-push-6 { right: 50%; } .col-sm-push-7 { right: 58.33333%; } .col-sm-push-8 { right: 66.66667%; } .col-sm-push-9 { right: 75%; } .col-sm-push-10 { right: 83.33333%; } .col-sm-push-11 { right: 91.66667%; } .col-sm-push-12 { right: 100%; } .col-sm-offset-0 { margin-right: 0%; } .col-sm-offset-1 { margin-right: 8.33333%; } .col-sm-offset-2 { margin-right: 16.66667%; } .col-sm-offset-3 { margin-right: 25%; } .col-sm-offset-4 { margin-right: 33.33333%; } .col-sm-offset-5 { margin-right: 41.66667%; } .col-sm-offset-6 { margin-right: 50%; } .col-sm-offset-7 { margin-right: 58.33333%; } .col-sm-offset-8 { margin-right: 66.66667%; } .col-sm-offset-9 { margin-right: 75%; } .col-sm-offset-10 { margin-right: 83.33333%; } .col-sm-offset-11 { margin-right: 91.66667%; } .col-sm-offset-12 { margin-right: 100%; } .col-sm-offset-right-0 { margin-left: 0%; } .col-sm-offset-right-1 { margin-left: 8.33333%; } .col-sm-offset-right-2 { margin-left: 16.66667%; } .col-sm-offset-right-3 { margin-left: 25%; } .col-sm-offset-right-4 { margin-left: 33.33333%; } .col-sm-offset-right-5 { margin-left: 41.66667%; } .col-sm-offset-right-6 { margin-left: 50%; } .col-sm-offset-right-7 { margin-left: 58.33333%; } .col-sm-offset-right-8 { margin-left: 66.66667%; } .col-sm-offset-right-9 { margin-left: 75%; } .col-sm-offset-right-10 { margin-left: 83.33333%; } .col-sm-offset-right-11 { margin-left: 91.66667%; } .col-sm-offset-right-12 { margin-left: 100%; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .col-md-1 { flex: 0 0 8.33333%; max-width: 8.33333%; } .col-md-2 { flex: 0 0 16.66667%; max-width: 16.66667%; } .col-md-3 { flex: 0 0 25%; max-width: 25%; } .col-md-4 { flex: 0 0 33.33333%; max-width: 33.33333%; } .col-md-5 { flex: 0 0 41.66667%; max-width: 41.66667%; } .col-md-6 { flex: 0 0 50%; max-width: 50%; } .col-md-7 { flex: 0 0 58.33333%; max-width: 58.33333%; } .col-md-8 { flex: 0 0 66.66667%; max-width: 66.66667%; } .col-md-9 { flex: 0 0 75%; max-width: 75%; } .col-md-10 { flex: 0 0 83.33333%; max-width: 83.33333%; } .col-md-11 { flex: 0 0 91.66667%; max-width: 91.66667%; } .col-md-12 { flex: 0 0 100%; max-width: 100%; } .col-md-pull-0 { left: auto; } .col-md-pull-1 { left: 8.33333%; } .col-md-pull-2 { left: 16.66667%; } .col-md-pull-3 { left: 25%; } .col-md-pull-4 { left: 33.33333%; } .col-md-pull-5 { left: 41.66667%; } .col-md-pull-6 { left: 50%; } .col-md-pull-7 { left: 58.33333%; } .col-md-pull-8 { left: 66.66667%; } .col-md-pull-9 { left: 75%; } .col-md-pull-10 { left: 83.33333%; } .col-md-pull-11 { left: 91.66667%; } .col-md-pull-12 { left: 100%; } .col-md-push-0 { right: auto; } .col-md-push-1 { right: 8.33333%; } .col-md-push-2 { right: 16.66667%; } .col-md-push-3 { right: 25%; } .col-md-push-4 { right: 33.33333%; } .col-md-push-5 { right: 41.66667%; } .col-md-push-6 { right: 50%; } .col-md-push-7 { right: 58.33333%; } .col-md-push-8 { right: 66.66667%; } .col-md-push-9 { right: 75%; } .col-md-push-10 { right: 83.33333%; } .col-md-push-11 { right: 91.66667%; } .col-md-push-12 { right: 100%; } .col-md-offset-0 { margin-right: 0%; } .col-md-offset-1 { margin-right: 8.33333%; } .col-md-offset-2 { margin-right: 16.66667%; } .col-md-offset-3 { margin-right: 25%; } .col-md-offset-4 { margin-right: 33.33333%; } .col-md-offset-5 { margin-right: 41.66667%; } .col-md-offset-6 { margin-right: 50%; } .col-md-offset-7 { margin-right: 58.33333%; } .col-md-offset-8 { margin-right: 66.66667%; } .col-md-offset-9 { margin-right: 75%; } .col-md-offset-10 { margin-right: 83.33333%; } .col-md-offset-11 { margin-right: 91.66667%; } .col-md-offset-12 { margin-right: 100%; } .col-md-offset-right-0 { margin-left: 0%; } .col-md-offset-right-1 { margin-left: 8.33333%; } .col-md-offset-right-2 { margin-left: 16.66667%; } .col-md-offset-right-3 { margin-left: 25%; } .col-md-offset-right-4 { margin-left: 33.33333%; } .col-md-offset-right-5 { margin-left: 41.66667%; } .col-md-offset-right-6 { margin-left: 50%; } .col-md-offset-right-7 { margin-left: 58.33333%; } .col-md-offset-right-8 { margin-left: 66.66667%; } .col-md-offset-right-9 { margin-left: 75%; } .col-md-offset-right-10 { margin-left: 83.33333%; } .col-md-offset-right-11 { margin-left: 91.66667%; } .col-md-offset-right-12 { margin-left: 100%; } } @media (min-width: 992px) { .col-lg-1 { flex: 0 0 8.33333%; max-width: 8.33333%; } .col-lg-2 { flex: 0 0 16.66667%; max-width: 16.66667%; } .col-lg-3 { flex: 0 0 25%; max-width: 25%; } .col-lg-4 { flex: 0 0 33.33333%; max-width: 33.33333%; } .col-lg-5 { flex: 0 0 41.66667%; max-width: 41.66667%; } .col-lg-6 { flex: 0 0 50%; max-width: 50%; } .col-lg-7 { flex: 0 0 58.33333%; max-width: 58.33333%; } .col-lg-8 { flex: 0 0 66.66667%; max-width: 66.66667%; } .col-lg-9 { flex: 0 0 75%; max-width: 75%; } .col-lg-10 { flex: 0 0 83.33333%; max-width: 83.33333%; } .col-lg-11 { flex: 0 0 91.66667%; max-width: 91.66667%; } .col-lg-12 { flex: 0 0 100%; max-width: 100%; } .col-lg-pull-0 { left: auto; } .col-lg-pull-1 { left: 8.33333%; } .col-lg-pull-2 { left: 16.66667%; } .col-lg-pull-3 { left: 25%; } .col-lg-pull-4 { left: 33.33333%; } .col-lg-pull-5 { left: 41.66667%; } .col-lg-pull-6 { left: 50%; } .col-lg-pull-7 { left: 58.33333%; } .col-lg-pull-8 { left: 66.66667%; } .col-lg-pull-9 { left: 75%; } .col-lg-pull-10 { left: 83.33333%; } .col-lg-pull-11 { left: 91.66667%; } .col-lg-pull-12 { left: 100%; } .col-lg-push-0 { right: auto; } .col-lg-push-1 { right: 8.33333%; } .col-lg-push-2 { right: 16.66667%; } .col-lg-push-3 { right: 25%; } .col-lg-push-4 { right: 33.33333%; } .col-lg-push-5 { right: 41.66667%; } .col-lg-push-6 { right: 50%; } .col-lg-push-7 { right: 58.33333%; } .col-lg-push-8 { right: 66.66667%; } .col-lg-push-9 { right: 75%; } .col-lg-push-10 { right: 83.33333%; } .col-lg-push-11 { right: 91.66667%; } .col-lg-push-12 { right: 100%; } .col-lg-offset-0 { margin-right: 0%; } .col-lg-offset-1 { margin-right: 8.33333%; } .col-lg-offset-2 { margin-right: 16.66667%; } .col-lg-offset-3 { margin-right: 25%; } .col-lg-offset-4 { margin-right: 33.33333%; } .col-lg-offset-5 { margin-right: 41.66667%; } .col-lg-offset-6 { margin-right: 50%; } .col-lg-offset-7 { margin-right: 58.33333%; } .col-lg-offset-8 { margin-right: 66.66667%; } .col-lg-offset-9 { margin-right: 75%; } .col-lg-offset-10 { margin-right: 83.33333%; } .col-lg-offset-11 { margin-right: 91.66667%; } .col-lg-offset-12 { margin-right: 100%; } .col-lg-offset-right-0 { margin-left: 0%; } .col-lg-offset-right-1 { margin-left: 8.33333%; } .col-lg-offset-right-2 { margin-left: 16.66667%; } .col-lg-offset-right-3 { margin-left: 25%; } .col-lg-offset-right-4 { margin-left: 33.33333%; } .col-lg-offset-right-5 { margin-left: 41.66667%; } .col-lg-offset-right-6 { margin-left: 50%; } .col-lg-offset-right-7 { margin-left: 58.33333%; } .col-lg-offset-right-8 { margin-left: 66.66667%; } .col-lg-offset-right-9 { margin-left: 75%; } .col-lg-offset-right-10 { margin-left: 83.33333%; } .col-lg-offset-right-11 { margin-left: 91.66667%; } .col-lg-offset-right-12 { margin-left: 100%; } } @media (min-width: 1200px) { .col-xl-1 { flex: 0 0 8.33333%; max-width: 8.33333%; } .col-xl-2 { flex: 0 0 16.66667%; max-width: 16.66667%; } .col-xl-3 { flex: 0 0 25%; max-width: 25%; } .col-xl-4 { flex: 0 0 33.33333%; max-width: 33.33333%; } .col-xl-5 { flex: 0 0 41.66667%; max-width: 41.66667%; } .col-xl-6 { flex: 0 0 50%; max-width: 50%; } .col-xl-7 { flex: 0 0 58.33333%; max-width: 58.33333%; } .col-xl-8 { flex: 0 0 66.66667%; max-width: 66.66667%; } .col-xl-9 { flex: 0 0 75%; max-width: 75%; } .col-xl-10 { flex: 0 0 83.33333%; max-width: 83.33333%; } .col-xl-11 { flex: 0 0 91.66667%; max-width: 91.66667%; } .col-xl-12 { flex: 0 0 100%; max-width: 100%; } .col-xl-pull-0 { left: auto; } .col-xl-pull-1 { left: 8.33333%; } .col-xl-pull-2 { left: 16.66667%; } .col-xl-pull-3 { left: 25%; } .col-xl-pull-4 { left: 33.33333%; } .col-xl-pull-5 { left: 41.66667%; } .col-xl-pull-6 { left: 50%; } .col-xl-pull-7 { left: 58.33333%; } .col-xl-pull-8 { left: 66.66667%; } .col-xl-pull-9 { left: 75%; } .col-xl-pull-10 { left: 83.33333%; } .col-xl-pull-11 { left: 91.66667%; } .col-xl-pull-12 { left: 100%; } .col-xl-push-0 { right: auto; } .col-xl-push-1 { right: 8.33333%; } .col-xl-push-2 { right: 16.66667%; } .col-xl-push-3 { right: 25%; } .col-xl-push-4 { right: 33.33333%; } .col-xl-push-5 { right: 41.66667%; } .col-xl-push-6 { right: 50%; } .col-xl-push-7 { right: 58.33333%; } .col-xl-push-8 { right: 66.66667%; } .col-xl-push-9 { right: 75%; } .col-xl-push-10 { right: 83.33333%; } .col-xl-push-11 { right: 91.66667%; } .col-xl-push-12 { right: 100%; } .col-xl-offset-0 { margin-right: 0%; } .col-xl-offset-1 { margin-right: 8.33333%; } .col-xl-offset-2 { margin-right: 16.66667%; } .col-xl-offset-3 { margin-right: 25%; } .col-xl-offset-4 { margin-right: 33.33333%; } .col-xl-offset-5 { margin-right: 41.66667%; } .col-xl-offset-6 { margin-right: 50%; } .col-xl-offset-7 { margin-right: 58.33333%; } .col-xl-offset-8 { margin-right: 66.66667%; } .col-xl-offset-9 { margin-right: 75%; } .col-xl-offset-10 { margin-right: 83.33333%; } .col-xl-offset-11 { margin-right: 91.66667%; } .col-xl-offset-12 { margin-right: 100%; } .col-xl-offset-right-0 { margin-left: 0%; } .col-xl-offset-right-1 { margin-left: 8.33333%; } .col-xl-offset-right-2 { margin-left: 16.66667%; } .col-xl-offset-right-3 { margin-left: 25%; } .col-xl-offset-right-4 { margin-left: 33.33333%; } .col-xl-offset-right-5 { margin-left: 41.66667%; } .col-xl-offset-right-6 { margin-left: 50%; } .col-xl-offset-right-7 { margin-left: 58.33333%; } .col-xl-offset-right-8 { margin-left: 66.66667%; } .col-xl-offset-right-9 { margin-left: 75%; } .col-xl-offset-right-10 { margin-left: 83.33333%; } .col-xl-offset-right-11 { margin-left: 91.66667%; } .col-xl-offset-right-12 { margin-left: 100%; } } @media (min-width: 1920px) { .col-xxl-1 { flex: 0 0 8.33333%; max-width: 8.33333%; } .col-xxl-2 { flex: 0 0 16.66667%; max-width: 16.66667%; } .col-xxl-3 { flex: 0 0 25%; max-width: 25%; } .col-xxl-4 { flex: 0 0 33.33333%; max-width: 33.33333%; } .col-xxl-5 { flex: 0 0 41.66667%; max-width: 41.66667%; } .col-xxl-6 { flex: 0 0 50%; max-width: 50%; } .col-xxl-7 { flex: 0 0 58.33333%; max-width: 58.33333%; } .col-xxl-8 { flex: 0 0 66.66667%; max-width: 66.66667%; } .col-xxl-9 { flex: 0 0 75%; max-width: 75%; } .col-xxl-10 { flex: 0 0 83.33333%; max-width: 83.33333%; } .col-xxl-11 { flex: 0 0 91.66667%; max-width: 91.66667%; } .col-xxl-12 { flex: 0 0 100%; max-width: 100%; } .col-xxl-pull-0 { left: auto; } .col-xxl-pull-1 { left: 8.33333%; } .col-xxl-pull-2 { left: 16.66667%; } .col-xxl-pull-3 { left: 25%; } .col-xxl-pull-4 { left: 33.33333%; } .col-xxl-pull-5 { left: 41.66667%; } .col-xxl-pull-6 { left: 50%; } .col-xxl-pull-7 { left: 58.33333%; } .col-xxl-pull-8 { left: 66.66667%; } .col-xxl-pull-9 { left: 75%; } .col-xxl-pull-10 { left: 83.33333%; } .col-xxl-pull-11 { left: 91.66667%; } .col-xxl-pull-12 { left: 100%; } .col-xxl-push-0 { right: auto; } .col-xxl-push-1 { right: 8.33333%; } .col-xxl-push-2 { right: 16.66667%; } .col-xxl-push-3 { right: 25%; } .col-xxl-push-4 { right: 33.33333%; } .col-xxl-push-5 { right: 41.66667%; } .col-xxl-push-6 { right: 50%; } .col-xxl-push-7 { right: 58.33333%; } .col-xxl-push-8 { right: 66.66667%; } .col-xxl-push-9 { right: 75%; } .col-xxl-push-10 { right: 83.33333%; } .col-xxl-push-11 { right: 91.66667%; } .col-xxl-push-12 { right: 100%; } .col-xxl-offset-0 { margin-right: 0%; } .col-xxl-offset-1 { margin-right: 8.33333%; } .col-xxl-offset-2 { margin-right: 16.66667%; } .col-xxl-offset-3 { margin-right: 25%; } .col-xxl-offset-4 { margin-right: 33.33333%; } .col-xxl-offset-5 { margin-right: 41.66667%; } .col-xxl-offset-6 { margin-right: 50%; } .col-xxl-offset-7 { margin-right: 58.33333%; } .col-xxl-offset-8 { margin-right: 66.66667%; } .col-xxl-offset-9 { margin-right: 75%; } .col-xxl-offset-10 { margin-right: 83.33333%; } .col-xxl-offset-11 { margin-right: 91.66667%; } .col-xxl-offset-12 { margin-right: 100%; } .col-xxl-offset-right-0 { margin-left: 0%; } .col-xxl-offset-right-1 { margin-left: 8.33333%; } .col-xxl-offset-right-2 { margin-left: 16.66667%; } .col-xxl-offset-right-3 { margin-left: 25%; } .col-xxl-offset-right-4 { margin-left: 33.33333%; } .col-xxl-offset-right-5 { margin-left: 41.66667%; } .col-xxl-offset-right-6 { margin-left: 50%; } .col-xxl-offset-right-7 { margin-left: 58.33333%; } .col-xxl-offset-right-8 { margin-left: 66.66667%; } .col-xxl-offset-right-9 { margin-left: 75%; } .col-xxl-offset-right-10 { margin-left: 83.33333%; } .col-xxl-offset-right-11 { margin-left: 91.66667%; } .col-xxl-offset-right-12 { margin-left: 100%; } } .col-xs-first { order: -1; } .col-xs-last { order: 1; } @media (min-width: 544px) { .col-sm-first { order: -1; } .col-sm-last { order: 1; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .col-md-first { order: -1; } .col-md-last { order: 1; } } @media (min-width: 992px) { .col-lg-first { order: -1; } .col-lg-last { order: 1; } } @media (min-width: 1200px) { .col-xl-first { order: -1; } .col-xl-last { order: 1; } } @media (min-width: 1920px) { .col-xxl-first { order: -1; } .col-xxl-last { order: 1; } } .row-xs-top { align-items: flex-start; } .row-xs-center { align-items: center; } .row-xs-bottom { align-items: flex-end; } @media (min-width: 544px) { .row-sm-top { align-items: flex-start; } .row-sm-center { align-items: center; } .row-sm-bottom { align-items: flex-end; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .row-md-top { align-items: flex-start; } .row-md-center { align-items: center; } .row-md-bottom { align-items: flex-end; } } @media (min-width: 992px) { .row-lg-top { align-items: flex-start; } .row-lg-center { align-items: center; } .row-lg-bottom { align-items: flex-end; } } @media (min-width: 1200px) { .row-xl-top { align-items: flex-start; } .row-xl-center { align-items: center; } .row-xl-bottom { align-items: flex-end; } } @media (min-width: 1920px) { .row-xxl-top { align-items: flex-start; } .row-xxl-center { align-items: center; } .row-xxl-bottom { align-items: flex-end; } } .row-xs-between { -webkit-box-pack: justify; -ms-flex-pack: justify; justify-content: space-between; } @media (min-width: 544px) { .row-sm-between { -webkit-box-pack: justify; -ms-flex-pack: justify; justify-content: space-between; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .row-md-between { -webkit-box-pack: justify; -ms-flex-pack: justify; justify-content: space-between; } } @media (min-width: 992px) { .row-lg-between { -webkit-box-pack: justify; -ms-flex-pack: justify; justify-content: space-between; } } @media (min-width: 1200px) { .row-xl-between { -webkit-box-pack: justify; -ms-flex-pack: justify; justify-content: space-between; } } @media (min-width: 1920px) { .row-xxl-between { -webkit-box-pack: justify; -ms-flex-pack: justify; justify-content: space-between; } } .row-xs-reverse { -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; -webkit-box-direction: reverse; flex-direction: row-reverse; } @media (min-width: 544px) { .row-sm-reverse { -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; -webkit-box-direction: reverse; flex-direction: row-reverse; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .row-md-reverse { -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; -webkit-box-direction: reverse; flex-direction: row-reverse; } } @media (min-width: 992px) { .row-lg-reverse { -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; -webkit-box-direction: reverse; flex-direction: row-reverse; } } @media (min-width: 1200px) { .row-xl-reverse { -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; -webkit-box-direction: reverse; flex-direction: row-reverse; } } @media (min-width: 1920px) { .row-xxl-reverse { -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; -webkit-box-direction: reverse; flex-direction: row-reverse; } } .col-xs-top { align-self: flex-start; } .col-xs-center { align-self: center; } .col-xs-bottom { align-self: flex-end; } @media (min-width: 544px) { .col-sm-top { align-self: flex-start; } .col-sm-center { align-self: center; } .col-sm-bottom { align-self: flex-end; } } @media (min-width: 768px) { .col-md-top { align-self: flex-start; } .col-md-center { align-self: center; } .col-md-bottom { align-self: flex-end; } } @media (min-width: 992px) { .col-lg-top { align-self: flex-start; } .col-lg-center { align-self: center; } .col-lg-bottom { align-self: flex-end; } } @media (min-width: 1200px) { .col-xl-top { align-self: flex-start; } .col-xl-center { align-self: center; } .col-xl-bottom { align-self: flex-end; } } @media (min-width: 1920px) { .col-xxl-top { align-self: flex-start; } .col-xxl-center { align-self: center; } .col-xxl-bottom { align-self: flex-end; } } /*-------------------------------------*\ HINT.css - A CSS tooltip library \*-------------------------------------*/ /** * HINT.css is a tooltip library made in pure CSS. * * Source: https://github.com/chinchang/hint.css * Demo: http://kushagragour.in/lab/hint/ * * Release under The MIT License * */ /** * source: hint-core.scss * * Defines the basic styling for the tooltip. * Each tooltip is made of 2 parts: * 1) body (:after) * 2) arrow (:before) * * Classes added: * 1) hint */ [class*="hint--"] { position: relative; display: inline-block; /** * tooltip arrow */ /** * tooltip body */ } [class*="hint--"]:before, [class*="hint--"]:after { position: absolute; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); -moz-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; z-index: 1000000; pointer-events: none; -webkit-transition: 0.3s ease; -moz-transition: 0.3s ease; transition: 0.3s ease; -webkit-transition-delay: 0ms; -moz-transition-delay: 0ms; transition-delay: 0ms; } [class*="hint--"]:hover:before, [class*="hint--"]:hover:after { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; } [class*="hint--"]:hover:before, [class*="hint--"]:hover:after { -webkit-transition-delay: 100ms; -moz-transition-delay: 100ms; transition-delay: 100ms; } [class*="hint--"]:before { content: ''; position: absolute; background: transparent; border: 7px solid transparent; z-index: 1000001; } [class*="hint--"]:after { background: #000000; color: white; padding: 8px 10px; font-size: 14px; font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 14px; white-space: nowrap; border-radius: 5px; } [class*="hint--"][aria-label]:after { content: attr(aria-label); } [class*="hint--"][data-hint]:after { content: attr(data-hint); } [aria-label='']:before, [aria-label='']:after, [data-hint='']:before, [data-hint='']:after { display: none !important; } /** * source: hint-position.scss * * Defines the positoning logic for the tooltips. * * Classes added: * 1) hint--top * 2) hint--bottom * 3) hint--left * 4) hint--right */ /** * set default color for tooltip arrows */ .hint--top-left:before { border-top-color: #000000; } .hint--top-right:before { border-top-color: #000000; } .hint--top:before { border-top-color: #000000; } .hint--bottom-left:before { border-bottom-color: #000000; } .hint--bottom-right:before { border-bottom-color: #000000; } .hint--bottom:before { border-bottom-color: #000000; } .hint--left:before { border-right-color: #000000; } .hint--right:before { border-left-color: #000000; } /** * top tooltip */ .hint--top:before { margin-bottom: -13px; } .hint--top:before, .hint--top:after { bottom: 100%; right: 50%; } .hint--top:before { right: calc(50% - 7px); } .hint--top:after { -webkit-transform: translateX(50%); -moz-transform: translateX(50%); transform: translateX(50%); } .hint--top:hover:before { -webkit-transform: translateY(-8px); -moz-transform: translateY(-8px); transform: translateY(-8px); } .hint--top:hover:after { -webkit-transform: translateX(50%) translateY(-8px); -moz-transform: translateX(50%) translateY(-8px); transform: translateX(50%) translateY(-8px); } /** * bottom tooltip */ .hint--bottom:before { margin-top: -13px; } .hint--bottom:before, .hint--bottom:after { top: 100%; right: 50%; } .hint--bottom:before { right: calc(50% - 7px); } .hint--bottom:after { -webkit-transform: translateX(50%); -moz-transform: translateX(50%); transform: translateX(50%); } .hint--bottom:hover:before { -webkit-transform: translateY(8px); -moz-transform: translateY(8px); transform: translateY(8px); } .hint--bottom:hover:after { -webkit-transform: translateX(50%) translateY(8px); -moz-transform: translateX(50%) translateY(8px); transform: translateX(50%) translateY(8px); } /** * right tooltip */ .hint--right:before { margin-right: -13px; margin-bottom: -7px; } .hint--right:after { margin-bottom: -15px; } .hint--right:before, .hint--right:after { right: 100%; bottom: 50%; } .hint--right:hover:before { -webkit-transform: translateX(-8px); -moz-transform: translateX(-8px); transform: translateX(-8px); } .hint--right:hover:after { -webkit-transform: translateX(-8px); -moz-transform: translateX(-8px); transform: translateX(-8px); } /** * left tooltip */ .hint--left:before { margin-left: -13px; margin-bottom: -7px; } .hint--left:after { margin-bottom: -15px; } .hint--left:before, .hint--left:after { left: 100%; bottom: 50%; } .hint--left:hover:before { -webkit-transform: translateX(8px); -moz-transform: translateX(8px); transform: translateX(8px); } .hint--left:hover:after { -webkit-transform: translateX(8px); -moz-transform: translateX(8px); transform: translateX(8px); } /** * top-left tooltip */ .hint--top-left:before { margin-bottom: -13px; } .hint--top-left:before, .hint--top-left:after { bottom: 100%; right: 50%; } .hint--top-left:before { right: calc(50% - 7px); } .hint--top-left:after { -webkit-transform: translateX(100%); -moz-transform: translateX(100%); transform: translateX(100%); } .hint--top-left:after { margin-right: 14px; } .hint--top-left:hover:before { -webkit-transform: translateY(-8px); -moz-transform: translateY(-8px); transform: translateY(-8px); } .hint--top-left:hover:after { -webkit-transform: translateX(100%) translateY(-8px); -moz-transform: translateX(100%) translateY(-8px); transform: translateX(100%) translateY(-8px); } /** * top-right tooltip */ .hint--top-right:before { margin-bottom: -13px; } .hint--top-right:before, .hint--top-right:after { bottom: 100%; right: 50%; } .hint--top-right:before { right: calc(50% - 7px); } .hint--top-right:after { -webkit-transform: translateX(0); -moz-transform: translateX(0); transform: translateX(0); } .hint--top-right:after { margin-right: -14px; } .hint--top-right:hover:before { -webkit-transform: translateY(-8px); -moz-transform: translateY(-8px); transform: translateY(-8px); } .hint--top-right:hover:after { -webkit-transform: translateY(-8px); -moz-transform: translateY(-8px); transform: translateY(-8px); } /** * bottom-left tooltip */ .hint--bottom-left:before { margin-top: -13px; } .hint--bottom-left:before, .hint--bottom-left:after { top: 100%; right: 50%; } .hint--bottom-left:before { right: calc(50% - 7px); } .hint--bottom-left:after { -webkit-transform: translateX(100%); -moz-transform: translateX(100%); transform: translateX(100%); } .hint--bottom-left:after { margin-right: 14px; } .hint--bottom-left:hover:before { -webkit-transform: translateY(8px); -moz-transform: translateY(8px); transform: translateY(8px); } .hint--bottom-left:hover:after { -webkit-transform: translateX(100%) translateY(8px); -moz-transform: translateX(100%) translateY(8px); transform: translateX(100%) translateY(8px); } /** * bottom-right tooltip */ .hint--bottom-right:before { margin-top: -13px; } .hint--bottom-right:before, .hint--bottom-right:after { top: 100%; right: 50%; } .hint--bottom-right:before { right: calc(50% - 7px); } .hint--bottom-right:after { -webkit-transform: translateX(0); -moz-transform: translateX(0); transform: translateX(0); } .hint--bottom-right:after { margin-right: -14px; } .hint--bottom-right:hover:before { -webkit-transform: translateY(8px); -moz-transform: translateY(8px); transform: translateY(8px); } .hint--bottom-right:hover:after { -webkit-transform: translateY(8px); -moz-transform: translateY(8px); transform: translateY(8px); } /** * source: hint-sizes.scss * * Defines width restricted tooltips that can span * across multiple lines. * * Classes added: * 1) hint--small * 2) hint--medium * 3) hint--large * */ .hint--small:after, .hint--medium:after, .hint--large:after { white-space: normal; line-height: 1.4em; } .hint--small:after { width: 80px; } .hint--medium:after { width: 150px; } .hint--large:after { width: 300px; } /** * source: hint-theme.scss * * Defines basic theme for tooltips. * */ [class*="hint--"] { /** * tooltip body */ } [class*="hint--"]:after { text-shadow: none; border-radius: 0; box-shadow: -4px 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } /** * source: hint-color-types.scss * * Contains tooltips of various types based on color differences. * * Classes added: * 1) hint--error * 2) hint--warning * 3) hint--info * 4) hint--success * */ /** * Error */ .hint--error:after { background-color: #b34e4d; text-shadow: 0 -1px 0px #592726; } .hint--error.hint--top-left:before { border-top-color: #b34e4d; } .hint--error.hint--top-right:before { border-top-color: #b34e4d; } .hint--error.hint--top:before { border-top-color: #b34e4d; } .hint--error.hint--bottom-left:before { border-bottom-color: #b34e4d; } .hint--error.hint--bottom-right:before { border-bottom-color: #b34e4d; } .hint--error.hint--bottom:before { border-bottom-color: #b34e4d; } .hint--error.hint--left:before { border-right-color: #b34e4d; } .hint--error.hint--right:before { border-left-color: #b34e4d; } /** * Warning */ .hint--warning:after { background-color: #c09854; text-shadow: 0 -1px 0px #6c5328; } .hint--warning.hint--top-left:before { border-top-color: #c09854; } .hint--warning.hint--top-right:before { border-top-color: #c09854; } .hint--warning.hint--top:before { border-top-color: #c09854; } .hint--warning.hint--bottom-left:before { border-bottom-color: #c09854; } .hint--warning.hint--bottom-right:before { border-bottom-color: #c09854; } .hint--warning.hint--bottom:before { border-bottom-color: #c09854; } .hint--warning.hint--left:before { border-right-color: #c09854; } .hint--warning.hint--right:before { border-left-color: #c09854; } /** * Info */ .hint--info:after { background-color: #3986ac; text-shadow: 0 -1px 0px #1a3c4d; } .hint--info.hint--top-left:before { border-top-color: #3986ac; } .hint--info.hint--top-right:before { border-top-color: #3986ac; } .hint--info.hint--top:before { border-top-color: #3986ac; } .hint--info.hint--bottom-left:before { border-bottom-color: #3986ac; } .hint--info.hint--bottom-right:before { border-bottom-color: #3986ac; } .hint--info.hint--bottom:before { border-bottom-color: #3986ac; } .hint--info.hint--left:before { border-right-color: #3986ac; } .hint--info.hint--right:before { border-left-color: #3986ac; } /** * Success */ .hint--success:after { background-color: #458746; text-shadow: 0 -1px 0px #1a321a; } .hint--success.hint--top-left:before { border-top-color: #458746; } .hint--success.hint--top-right:before { border-top-color: #458746; } .hint--success.hint--top:before { border-top-color: #458746; } .hint--success.hint--bottom-left:before { border-bottom-color: #458746; } .hint--success.hint--bottom-right:before { border-bottom-color: #458746; } .hint--success.hint--bottom:before { border-bottom-color: #458746; } .hint--success.hint--left:before { border-right-color: #458746; } .hint--success.hint--right:before { border-left-color: #458746; } /** * source: hint-always.scss * * Defines a persisted tooltip which shows always. * * Classes added: * 1) hint--always * */ .hint--always:after, .hint--always:before { opacity: 1; visibility: visible; } .hint--always.hint--top:before { -webkit-transform: translateY(-8px); -moz-transform: translateY(-8px); transform: translateY(-8px); } .hint--always.hint--top:after { -webkit-transform: translateX(50%) translateY(-8px); -moz-transform: translateX(50%) translateY(-8px); transform: translateX(50%) translateY(-8px); } .hint--always.hint--top-left:before { -webkit-transform: translateY(-8px); -moz-transform: translateY(-8px); transform: translateY(-8px); } .hint--always.hint--top-left:after { -webkit-transform: translateX(100%) translateY(-8px); -moz-transform: translateX(100%) translateY(-8px); transform: translateX(100%) translateY(-8px); } .hint--always.hint--top-right:before { -webkit-transform: translateY(-8px); -moz-transform: translateY(-8px); transform: translateY(-8px); } .hint--always.hint--top-right:after { -webkit-transform: translateY(-8px); -moz-transform: translateY(-8px); transform: translateY(-8px); } .hint--always.hint--bottom:before { -webkit-transform: translateY(8px); -moz-transform: translateY(8px); transform: translateY(8px); } .hint--always.hint--bottom:after { -webkit-transform: translateX(50%) translateY(8px); -moz-transform: translateX(50%) translateY(8px); transform: translateX(50%) translateY(8px); } .hint--always.hint--bottom-left:before { -webkit-transform: translateY(8px); -moz-transform: translateY(8px); transform: translateY(8px); } .hint--always.hint--bottom-left:after { -webkit-transform: translateX(100%) translateY(8px); -moz-transform: translateX(100%) translateY(8px); transform: translateX(100%) translateY(8px); } .hint--always.hint--bottom-right:before { -webkit-transform: translateY(8px); -moz-transform: translateY(8px); transform: translateY(8px); } .hint--always.hint--bottom-right:after { -webkit-transform: translateY(8px); -moz-transform: translateY(8px); transform: translateY(8px); } .hint--always.hint--left:before { -webkit-transform: translateX(8px); -moz-transform: translateX(8px); transform: translateX(8px); } .hint--always.hint--left:after { -webkit-transform: translateX(8px); -moz-transform: translateX(8px); transform: translateX(8px); } .hint--always.hint--right:before { -webkit-transform: translateX(-8px); -moz-transform: translateX(-8px); transform: translateX(-8px); } .hint--always.hint--right:after { -webkit-transform: translateX(-8px); -moz-transform: translateX(-8px); transform: translateX(-8px); } /** * source: hint-rounded.scss * * Defines rounded corner tooltips. * * Classes added: * 1) hint--rounded * */ .hint--rounded:after { border-radius: 4px; } /** * source: hint-effects.scss * * Defines various transition effects for the tooltips. * * Classes added: * 1) hint--no-animate * 2) hint--bounce * */ .hint--no-animate:before, .hint--no-animate:after { -webkit-transition-duration: 0ms; 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display: table; clear: both; } /* Elements are rules for classless HTML tags. There can exist no classes at this layer, only further into our triangle. */ a { color: royalblue; text-decoration: none; } a:hover, a:focus, a:active { outline: 0; color: midnightblue; } a[href^=tel] { text-decoration: none; } .link-secret { color: currentColor; } ol { list-style: decimal; } li > ul, li > ol { margin-bottom: 0; } dt { font-weight: 700; } dd { margin: 0 1.5em 1.5em; } ::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: #7A8A9E; font-weight: 500; opacity: 1; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s !important; transition: opacity .3s !important; } :-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 18- */ color: #7A8A9E; font-weight: 500; opacity: 1; -moz-transition: opacity .3s !important; transition: opacity .3s !important; } ::-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 19+ */ color: #7A8A9E; font-weight: 500; opacity: 1; -moz-transition: opacity .3s !important; transition: opacity .3s !important; } :-ms-input-placeholder { color: #7A8A9E; font-weight: 500; opacity: 1; -ms-transition: opacity .3s !important; transition: opacity .3s !important; 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color: #999; } .header-11 .header-search-form-wrap .search-submit { font-size: 16px; height: 40px; width: 40px; line-height: 40px; top: 50%; transform: translate(0, -50%); } .header-11.headroom--not-top .header-below { display: none; } .header-11.headroom--not-top .tm-button.style-flat.tm-button-sm { height: 40px; line-height: 36px; font-size: 12px; } @media (max-width: 1520px) { .header-11 .header-button { display: none !important; } } @media (max-width: 1330px) { .header-11 .header-social-networks { display: none !important; } } @media (max-width: 1199px) { .header-11 .header-text-wrap { display: none !important; } .header-11 .header-search-form-wrap .search-field { width: 300px; } } @media (max-width: 991px) { .header-11 .header-above { padding: 0 15px; } .header-11 .branding { flex-shrink: 1; } .header-11 .header-right-below { width: 100%; justify-content: space-between; } .header-11 .header-right-below .header-search-form-wrap { border-left: 1px solid #eee; border-right: 0; } .header-11 .header-below { display: none !important; 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margin-left: -8px; } .header-23 .header-social-networks a { padding: 0 8px; font-size: 18px; } @media (max-width: 1500px) { .desktop-menu .header-23 .header-wrap { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; } .desktop-menu .header-23 .page-open-mobile-menu { display: block !important; } .desktop-menu .header-23 .page-navigation { display: none; } .desktop-menu .header-23 .toggle-sub-menu:before { display: none !important; } } @media (max-width: 767px) { .header-23 .switcher-language-wrapper, .header-23 .header-right-info { display: none; } } .simple-footer { background: #222222; color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); padding: 20px 0; } .simple-footer .social-networks { text-align: left; line-height: 0; } .simple-footer .social-networks .inner { display: inline-block; border: 1px solid rgba(151, 151, 151, 0.11); border-radius: 5px; } .simple-footer .social-networks a { float: right; display: block; color: #d8d8d8; height: 48px; width: 51px; font-size: 16px; position: relative; 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(it's not recommended editing these rules) */ /* ...end */ } .desktop-menu .sm { position: relative; z-index: 9999; } .desktop-menu .sm, .desktop-menu .sm ul, .desktop-menu .sm li { display: block; margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; text-align: right; line-height: normal; direction: rtl; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } .desktop-menu .sm-rtl, .desktop-menu .sm-rtl ul, .desktop-menu .sm-rtl li { text-align: left; direction: ltr; } .desktop-menu .sm > li h1, .desktop-menu .sm > li h2, .desktop-menu .sm > li h3, .desktop-menu .sm > li h4, .desktop-menu .sm > li h5, .desktop-menu .sm > li h6 { margin: 0; padding: 0; } .desktop-menu .sm ul { display: none; } .desktop-menu .sm li, .desktop-menu .sm a { position: relative; } .desktop-menu .sm a { display: block; } .desktop-menu .sm a.disabled { cursor: not-allowed; } .desktop-menu .sm-simple li > a { padding: 13px 20px; padding-left: 58px; } .desktop-menu .sm-simple a.current { background: #555; color: #fff; } 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a { white-space: normal; } .desktop-menu .sm-simple .sm-nowrap > li > a, .desktop-menu .sm-simple .sm-nowrap > li > :not(ul) a { white-space: nowrap; } .desktop-menu .sm-simple .scroll-up, .desktop-menu .sm-simple .scroll-down { position: absolute; display: none; visibility: hidden; overflow: hidden; height: 20px; background: #fff; } .desktop-menu .sm-simple .scroll-up-arrow, .desktop-menu .sm-simple .scroll-down-arrow { position: absolute; top: -2px; right: 50%; overflow: hidden; margin-right: -8px; width: 0; height: 0; border-width: 8px; border-style: dashed dashed solid dashed; border-color: transparent transparent #555 transparent; } .desktop-menu .sm-simple .scroll-down-arrow { top: 6px; border-style: solid dashed dashed dashed; border-color: #555 transparent transparent transparent; } .desktop-menu .sm-simple.sm-rtl .has-submenu { padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 32px; } .desktop-menu .sm-simple.sm-rtl.sm-vertical .has-submenu { padding: 11px 20px; } .desktop-menu 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display: block; margin: 0 0 20px; padding-bottom: 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #eee; letter-spacing: 1px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 600; font-size: 14px; } .desktop-menu .menu--primary .sub-menu, .desktop-menu .menu--primary .children { padding: 25px 0; min-width: 270px !important; box-shadow: 0 0 37px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07); border-bottom: 3px solid transparent; } .desktop-menu .menu--primary .sub-menu > .menu-item > a, .desktop-menu .menu--primary .children > .menu-item > a { padding: 11px 30px; } .desktop-menu .menu--primary .sub-menu .toggle-sub-menu:before, .desktop-menu .menu--primary .children .toggle-sub-menu:before { content: '\f054'; } .desktop-menu .menu--primary .sub-menu.mega-menu, .desktop-menu .menu--primary .children.mega-menu { box-shadow: 0 10px 37px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07); } .desktop-menu .menu--primary .has-mega-menu .mega-menu { padding: 34px 23px; } .desktop-menu .menu--primary .has-mega-menu .mega-menu ul { position: static; display: block; width: auto; border: 0; background: transparent; box-shadow: none; } .desktop-menu .menu--primary .has-mega-menu .mega-menu-content > .vc_row { margin-right: 0 !important; margin-left: 0 !important; } .desktop-menu .menu--primary .has-mega-menu .mega-menu-content .menu > .menu-item > a { padding: 11px 0; } .desktop-menu .menu--primary .has-mega-menu .scroll-up, .desktop-menu .menu--primary .has-mega-menu .scroll-down { margin-right: 0 !important; } .desktop-menu .menu--primary .has-mega-menu .wpb_button, .desktop-menu .menu--primary .has-mega-menu .wpb_content_element, .desktop-menu .menu--primary .has-mega-menu ul.wpb_thumbnails-fluid > li { margin-bottom: 0; } .desktop-menu .menu--primary .has-mega-menu .widget_nav_menu ul, .desktop-menu .menu--primary .has-mega-menu .insight-core-bmw ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; } .desktop-menu .menu--primary .has-mega-menu .widget_nav_menu li, .desktop-menu .menu--primary .has-mega-menu .insight-core-bmw li { margin-bottom: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; } 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rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); opacity: 0; transform: translateX(-20px); } .sm-simple .menu-item-image_hover img { border-radius: 5px; } .sm-simple .has-image-hover:hover > a > .menu-item-image_hover { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; transform: translateX(0); } .mobile-menu .page-navigation-wrap, .mobile-menu .page-navigation { display: none; } .page-mobile-main-menu .tm-list.style-circle-05 .title a { padding: 0; } .page-mobile-main-menu .vc_tta-panel-title { background-color: #333; } .page-close-main-menu { position: fixed; top: 60px; left: 60px; z-index: 100000; visibility: hidden; font-size: 100px; line-height: 0; opacity: 0; cursor: pointer; } .page-off-canvas-main-menu { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; z-index: 99999; visibility: hidden; overflow: hidden; overflow-y: auto; opacity: 0; transform: scale(0.3); } .page-off-canvas-main-menu .menu--primary .sm-simple li { display: block; } .page-off-canvas-main-menu .toggle-sub-menu { margin-right: 20px; } 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!important; } .admin-bar .page-off-canvas-main-menu { top: 32px; } .page-off-canvas-main-menu .insight-core-bmw li { margin-bottom: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; } .page-off-canvas-main-menu .insight-core-bmw li a { padding: 4px 0; } .page-off-canvas-main-menu .menu__container .sub-menu > li > a { padding: 4px 0; } .page-off-canvas-menu-opened { overflow: hidden; } .page-off-canvas-menu-opened .page-header { z-index: 99999; } .page-off-canvas-menu-opened .page-off-canvas-main-menu { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; transform: scale(1); } .page-off-canvas-menu-opened .page-off-canvas-main-menu .menu__container > li { opacity: 1; transform: translateY(0); } .page-off-canvas-menu-opened .page-close-main-menu { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; } .page-off-canvas-sidebar { position: fixed; top: 0; left: -380px; bottom: 0; width: 380px; z-index: 99999; visibility: hidden; overflow-y: auto; opacity: 0; background-color: #fff; padding: 50px 30px; -webkit-box-shadow: 10px 0px 50px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 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background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); height: 100%; width: 3.5em; display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; right: -50%; transform: skewX(45deg); transition: none; } .tm-button.glint-effect:hover:before { right: 150%; transition: all .5s ease-in-out; } .rev-btn { transition: background-color 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1), border-color 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1), color 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1) !important; } .rev_slider .left-icon { margin-left: 10px; } .rev_slider .right-icon { margin-right: 10px; } .btn-text-popup-video .button-text { font-size: 15px; letter-spacing: 0; text-transform: none; font-weight: normal; } .tm-button-group { clear: both; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: flex-start; margin: -10px; } .tm-button-group .tm-button-wrapper { padding: 10px; } .tm-list-group.style-01 > div { border-top: 1px solid #ecebeb; padding-top: 50px; } .tm-list-group.style-01 > div + div { margin-top: 50px; } .tm-list { display: grid; 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