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Filename: //lib//python3/////dist-packages///supervisor/supervisorctl.py
#!/usr/bin/python3 -u """supervisorctl -- control applications run by supervisord from the cmd line. Usage: %s [options] [action [arguments]] Options: -c/--configuration FILENAME -- configuration file path (searches if not given) -h/--help -- print usage message and exit -i/--interactive -- start an interactive shell after executing commands -s/--serverurl URL -- URL on which supervisord server is listening (default "http://localhost:9001"). -u/--username USERNAME -- username to use for authentication with server -p/--password PASSWORD -- password to use for authentication with server -r/--history-file -- keep a readline history (if readline is available) action [arguments] -- see below Actions are commands like "tail" or "stop". If -i is specified or no action is specified on the command line, a "shell" interpreting actions typed interactively is started. Use the action "help" to find out about available actions. """ import cmd import errno import getpass import socket import sys import threading from supervisor.compat import xmlrpclib from supervisor.compat import urlparse from supervisor.compat import unicode from supervisor.compat import raw_input from supervisor.compat import as_string from supervisor.medusa import asyncore_25 as asyncore from supervisor.options import ClientOptions from supervisor.options import make_namespec from supervisor.options import split_namespec from supervisor import xmlrpc from supervisor import states from supervisor import http_client class LSBInitExitStatuses: SUCCESS = 0 GENERIC = 1 INVALID_ARGS = 2 UNIMPLEMENTED_FEATURE = 3 INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES = 4 NOT_INSTALLED = 5 NOT_RUNNING = 7 class LSBStatusExitStatuses: NOT_RUNNING = 3 UNKNOWN = 4 DEAD_PROGRAM_FAULTS = (xmlrpc.Faults.SPAWN_ERROR, xmlrpc.Faults.ABNORMAL_TERMINATION, xmlrpc.Faults.NOT_RUNNING) class fgthread(threading.Thread): """ A subclass of threading.Thread, with a kill() method. To be used for foreground output/error streaming. http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2004-May/260937.html """ def __init__(self, program, ctl): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.killed = False self.program = program self.ctl = ctl self.listener = http_client.Listener() self.output_handler = http_client.HTTPHandler(self.listener, self.ctl.options.username, self.ctl.options.password) self.error_handler = http_client.HTTPHandler(self.listener, self.ctl.options.username, self.ctl.options.password) def start(self): # pragma: no cover # Start the thread self.__run_backup = self.run self.run = self.__run threading.Thread.start(self) def run(self): # pragma: no cover self.output_handler.get(self.ctl.options.serverurl, '/logtail/%s/stdout' % self.program) self.error_handler.get(self.ctl.options.serverurl, '/logtail/%s/stderr' % self.program) asyncore.loop() def __run(self): # pragma: no cover # Hacked run function, which installs the trace sys.settrace(self.globaltrace) self.__run_backup() self.run = self.__run_backup def globaltrace(self, frame, why, arg): if why == 'call': return self.localtrace else: return None def localtrace(self, frame, why, arg): if self.killed: if why == 'line': raise SystemExit() return self.localtrace def kill(self): self.output_handler.close() self.error_handler.close() self.killed = True class Controller(cmd.Cmd): def __init__(self, options, completekey='tab', stdin=None, stdout=None): self.options = options self.prompt = self.options.prompt + '> ' self.options.plugins = [] self.vocab = ['help'] self._complete_info = None self.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.SUCCESS cmd.Cmd.__init__(self, completekey, stdin, stdout) for name, factory, kwargs in self.options.plugin_factories: plugin = factory(self, **kwargs) for a in dir(plugin): if a.startswith('do_') and callable(getattr(plugin, a)): self.vocab.append(a[3:]) self.options.plugins.append(plugin) plugin.name = name def emptyline(self): # We don't want a blank line to repeat the last command. return def default(self, line): self.output('*** Unknown syntax: %s' % line) self.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC def exec_cmdloop(self, args, options): try: import readline delims = readline.get_completer_delims() delims = delims.replace(':', '') # "group:process" as one word delims = delims.replace('*', '') # "group:*" as one word delims = delims.replace('-', '') # names with "-" as one word readline.set_completer_delims(delims) if options.history_file: try: readline.read_history_file(options.history_file) except IOError: pass def save(): try: readline.write_history_file(options.history_file) except IOError: pass import atexit atexit.register(save) except ImportError: pass try: self.cmdqueue.append('status') self.cmdloop() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.output('') pass def set_exitstatus_from_xmlrpc_fault(self, faultcode, ignored_faultcode=None): if faultcode in (ignored_faultcode, xmlrpc.Faults.SUCCESS): pass elif faultcode in DEAD_PROGRAM_FAULTS: self.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.NOT_RUNNING else: self.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC def onecmd(self, line): """ Override the onecmd method to: - catch and print all exceptions - call 'do_foo' on plugins rather than ourself """ cmd, arg, line = self.parseline(line) if not line: return self.emptyline() if cmd is None: return self.default(line) self._complete_info = None self.lastcmd = line if cmd == '': return self.default(line) else: do_func = self._get_do_func(cmd) if do_func is None: return self.default(line) try: try: return do_func(arg) except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError as e: if e.errcode == 401: if self.options.interactive: self.output('Server requires authentication') username = raw_input('Username:') password = getpass.getpass(prompt='Password:') self.output('') self.options.username = username self.options.password = password return self.onecmd(line) else: self.output('Server requires authentication') self.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC else: self.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC raise do_func(arg) except Exception: (file, fun, line), t, v, tbinfo = asyncore.compact_traceback() error = 'error: %s, %s: file: %s line: %s' % (t, v, file, line) self.output(error) self.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC def _get_do_func(self, cmd): func_name = 'do_' + cmd func = getattr(self, func_name, None) if not func: for plugin in self.options.plugins: func = getattr(plugin, func_name, None) if func is not None: break return func def output(self, message): if isinstance(message, unicode): message = message.encode('utf-8') self.stdout.write(message + '\n') def get_supervisor(self): return self.get_server_proxy('supervisor') def get_server_proxy(self, namespace=None): proxy = self.options.getServerProxy() if namespace is None: return proxy else: return getattr(proxy, namespace) def upcheck(self): try: supervisor = self.get_supervisor() api = supervisor.getVersion() # deprecated from supervisor import rpcinterface if api != rpcinterface.API_VERSION: self.output( 'Sorry, this version of supervisorctl expects to ' 'talk to a server with API version %s, but the ' 'remote version is %s.' % (rpcinterface.API_VERSION, api)) self.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.NOT_INSTALLED return False except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: if e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.UNKNOWN_METHOD: self.output( 'Sorry, supervisord responded but did not recognize ' 'the supervisor namespace commands that supervisorctl ' 'uses to control it. Please check that the ' '[rpcinterface:supervisor] section is enabled in the ' 'configuration file (see sample.conf).') self.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.UNIMPLEMENTED_FEATURE return False self.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC raise except socket.error as e: if e.args[0] == errno.ECONNREFUSED: self.output('%s refused connection' % self.options.serverurl) self.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES return False elif e.args[0] == errno.ENOENT: self.output('%s no such file' % self.options.serverurl) self.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.NOT_RUNNING return False self.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC raise return True def complete(self, text, state, line=None): """Completer function that Cmd will register with readline using readline.set_completer(). This function will be called by readline as complete(text, state) where text is a fragment to complete and state is an integer (0..n). Each call returns a string with a new completion. When no more are available, None is returned.""" if line is None: # line is only set in tests import readline line = readline.get_line_buffer() matches = [] # blank line completes to action list if not line.strip(): matches = self._complete_actions(text) else: words = line.split() action = words[0] # incomplete action completes to action list if len(words) == 1 and not line.endswith(' '): matches = self._complete_actions(text) # actions that accept an action name elif action in ('help'): matches = self._complete_actions(text) # actions that accept a group name elif action in ('add', 'remove', 'update'): matches = self._complete_groups(text) # actions that accept a process name elif action in ('clear', 'fg', 'pid', 'restart', 'signal', 'start', 'status', 'stop', 'tail'): matches = self._complete_processes(text) if len(matches) > state: return matches[state] def _complete_actions(self, text): """Build a completion list of action names matching text""" return [ a + ' ' for a in self.vocab if a.startswith(text)] def _complete_groups(self, text): """Build a completion list of group names matching text""" groups = [] for info in self._get_complete_info(): if info['group'] not in groups: groups.append(info['group']) return [ g + ' ' for g in groups if g.startswith(text) ] def _complete_processes(self, text): """Build a completion list of process names matching text""" processes = [] for info in self._get_complete_info(): if ':' in text or info['name'] != info['group']: processes.append('%s:%s' % (info['group'], info['name'])) if '%s:*' % info['group'] not in processes: processes.append('%s:*' % info['group']) else: processes.append(info['name']) return [ p + ' ' for p in processes if p.startswith(text) ] def _get_complete_info(self): """Get all process info used for completion. We cache this between commands to reduce XML-RPC calls because readline may call complete() many times if the user hits tab only once.""" if self._complete_info is None: self._complete_info = self.get_supervisor().getAllProcessInfo() return self._complete_info def do_help(self, arg): if arg.strip() == 'help': self.help_help() else: for plugin in self.options.plugins: plugin.do_help(arg) def help_help(self): self.output("help\t\tPrint a list of available actions") self.output("help <action>\tPrint help for <action>") def do_EOF(self, arg): self.output('') return 1 def help_EOF(self): self.output("To quit, type ^D or use the quit command") def get_names(inst): names = [] classes = [inst.__class__] while classes: aclass = classes.pop(0) if aclass.__bases__: classes = classes + list(aclass.__bases__) names = names + dir(aclass) return names class ControllerPluginBase: name = 'unnamed' def __init__(self, controller): self.ctl = controller def _doc_header(self): return "%s commands (type help <topic>):" % self.name doc_header = property(_doc_header) def do_help(self, arg): if arg: # XXX check arg syntax try: func = getattr(self, 'help_' + arg) except AttributeError: try: doc = getattr(self, 'do_' + arg).__doc__ if doc: self.ctl.output(doc) return except AttributeError: pass self.ctl.output(self.ctl.nohelp % (arg,)) return func() else: names = get_names(self) cmds_doc = [] cmds_undoc = [] help = {} for name in names: if name[:5] == 'help_': help[name[5:]]=1 names.sort() # There can be duplicates if routines overridden prevname = '' for name in names: if name[:3] == 'do_': if name == prevname: continue prevname = name cmd=name[3:] if cmd in help: cmds_doc.append(cmd) del help[cmd] elif getattr(self, name).__doc__: cmds_doc.append(cmd) else: cmds_undoc.append(cmd) self.ctl.output('') self.ctl.print_topics(self.doc_header, cmds_doc, 15, 80) def not_all_langs(): enc = getattr(sys.stdout, 'encoding', None) or '' return None if enc.lower().startswith('utf') else sys.stdout.encoding def check_encoding(ctl): problematic_enc = not_all_langs() if problematic_enc: ctl.output('Warning: sys.stdout.encoding is set to %s, so Unicode ' 'output may fail. Check your LANG and PYTHONIOENCODING ' 'environment settings.' % problematic_enc) class DefaultControllerPlugin(ControllerPluginBase): name = 'default' listener = None # for unit tests def _tailf(self, path): check_encoding(self.ctl) self.ctl.output('==> Press Ctrl-C to exit <==') username = self.ctl.options.username password = self.ctl.options.password handler = None try: # Python's urllib2 (at least as of Python 2.4.2) isn't up # to this task; it doesn't actually implement a proper # HTTP/1.1 client that deals with chunked responses (it # always sends a Connection: close header). We use a # homegrown client based on asyncore instead. This makes # me sad. if self.listener is None: listener = http_client.Listener() else: listener = self.listener # for unit tests handler = http_client.HTTPHandler(listener, username, password) handler.get(self.ctl.options.serverurl, path) asyncore.loop() except KeyboardInterrupt: if handler: handler.close() self.ctl.output('') return def do_tail(self, arg): if not self.ctl.upcheck(): return args = arg.split() if len(args) < 1: self.ctl.output('Error: too few arguments') self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC self.help_tail() return elif len(args) > 3: self.ctl.output('Error: too many arguments') self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC self.help_tail() return modifier = None if args[0].startswith('-'): modifier = args.pop(0) if len(args) == 1: name = args[-1] channel = 'stdout' else: if args: name = args[0] channel = args[-1].lower() if channel not in ('stderr', 'stdout'): self.ctl.output('Error: bad channel %r' % channel) self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC return else: self.ctl.output('Error: tail requires process name') self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC return bytes = 1600 if modifier is not None: what = modifier[1:] if what == 'f': bytes = None else: try: bytes = int(what) except: self.ctl.output('Error: bad argument %s' % modifier) self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC return supervisor = self.ctl.get_supervisor() if bytes is None: return self._tailf('/logtail/%s/%s' % (name, channel)) else: check_encoding(self.ctl) try: if channel == 'stdout': output = supervisor.readProcessStdoutLog(name, -bytes, 0) else: output = supervisor.readProcessStderrLog(name, -bytes, 0) except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC template = '%s: ERROR (%s)' if e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.NO_FILE: self.ctl.output(template % (name, 'no log file')) elif e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.FAILED: self.ctl.output(template % (name, 'unknown error reading log')) elif e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.BAD_NAME: self.ctl.output(template % (name, 'no such process name')) else: raise else: self.ctl.output(output) def help_tail(self): self.ctl.output( "tail [-f] <name> [stdout|stderr] (default stdout)\n" "Ex:\n" "tail -f <name>\t\tContinuous tail of named process stdout\n" "\t\t\tCtrl-C to exit.\n" "tail -100 <name>\tlast 100 *bytes* of process stdout\n" "tail <name> stderr\tlast 1600 *bytes* of process stderr" ) def do_maintail(self, arg): if not self.ctl.upcheck(): return args = arg.split() if len(args) > 1: self.ctl.output('Error: too many arguments') self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC self.help_maintail() return elif len(args) == 1: if args[0].startswith('-'): what = args[0][1:] if what == 'f': path = '/mainlogtail' return self._tailf(path) try: what = int(what) except: self.ctl.output('Error: bad argument %s' % args[0]) self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC return else: bytes = what else: self.ctl.output('Error: bad argument %s' % args[0]) self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC return else: bytes = 1600 supervisor = self.ctl.get_supervisor() try: output = supervisor.readLog(-bytes, 0) except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC template = '%s: ERROR (%s)' if e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.NO_FILE: self.ctl.output(template % ('supervisord', 'no log file')) elif e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.FAILED: self.ctl.output(template % ('supervisord', 'unknown error reading log')) else: raise else: self.ctl.output(output) def help_maintail(self): self.ctl.output( "maintail -f \tContinuous tail of supervisor main log file" " (Ctrl-C to exit)\n" "maintail -100\tlast 100 *bytes* of supervisord main log file\n" "maintail\tlast 1600 *bytes* of supervisor main log file\n" ) def do_quit(self, arg): return self.ctl.do_EOF(arg) def help_quit(self): self.ctl.output("quit\tExit the supervisor shell.") do_exit = do_quit def help_exit(self): self.ctl.output("exit\tExit the supervisor shell.") def _show_statuses(self, process_infos): namespecs, maxlen = [], 30 for i, info in enumerate(process_infos): namespecs.append(make_namespec(info['group'], info['name'])) if len(namespecs[i]) > maxlen: maxlen = len(namespecs[i]) template = '%(namespec)-' + str(maxlen+3) + 's%(state)-10s%(desc)s' for i, info in enumerate(process_infos): line = template % {'namespec': namespecs[i], 'state': info['statename'], 'desc': info['description']} self.ctl.output(line) def do_status(self, arg): # XXX In case upcheck fails, we override the exitstatus which # should only return 4 for do_status # TODO review this if not self.ctl.upcheck(): self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBStatusExitStatuses.UNKNOWN return supervisor = self.ctl.get_supervisor() all_infos = supervisor.getAllProcessInfo() names = as_string(arg).split() if not names or "all" in names: matching_infos = all_infos else: matching_infos = [] for name in names: bad_name = True group_name, process_name = split_namespec(name) for info in all_infos: matched = info['group'] == group_name if process_name is not None: matched = matched and info['name'] == process_name if matched: bad_name = False matching_infos.append(info) if bad_name: if process_name is None: msg = "%s: ERROR (no such group)" % group_name else: msg = "%s: ERROR (no such process)" % name self.ctl.output(msg) self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBStatusExitStatuses.UNKNOWN self._show_statuses(matching_infos) for info in matching_infos: if info['state'] in states.STOPPED_STATES: self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBStatusExitStatuses.NOT_RUNNING def help_status(self): self.ctl.output("status <name>\t\tGet status for a single process") self.ctl.output("status <gname>:*\tGet status for all " "processes in a group") self.ctl.output("status <name> <name>\tGet status for multiple named " "processes") self.ctl.output("status\t\t\tGet all process status info") def do_pid(self, arg): supervisor = self.ctl.get_supervisor() if not self.ctl.upcheck(): return names = arg.split() if not names: pid = supervisor.getPID() self.ctl.output(str(pid)) elif 'all' in names: for info in supervisor.getAllProcessInfo(): self.ctl.output(str(info['pid'])) else: for name in names: try: info = supervisor.getProcessInfo(name) except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC if e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.BAD_NAME: self.ctl.output('No such process %s' % name) else: raise else: pid = info['pid'] self.ctl.output(str(pid)) if pid == 0: self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.NOT_RUNNING def help_pid(self): self.ctl.output("pid\t\t\tGet the PID of supervisord.") self.ctl.output("pid <name>\t\tGet the PID of a single " "child process by name.") self.ctl.output("pid all\t\t\tGet the PID of every child " "process, one per line.") def _startresult(self, result): name = make_namespec(result['group'], result['name']) code = result['status'] template = '%s: ERROR (%s)' if code == xmlrpc.Faults.BAD_NAME: return template % (name, 'no such process') elif code == xmlrpc.Faults.NO_FILE: return template % (name, 'no such file') elif code == xmlrpc.Faults.NOT_EXECUTABLE: return template % (name, 'file is not executable') elif code == xmlrpc.Faults.ALREADY_STARTED: return template % (name, 'already started') elif code == xmlrpc.Faults.SPAWN_ERROR: return template % (name, 'spawn error') elif code == xmlrpc.Faults.ABNORMAL_TERMINATION: return template % (name, 'abnormal termination') elif code == xmlrpc.Faults.SUCCESS: return '%s: started' % name # assertion raise ValueError('Unknown result code %s for %s' % (code, name)) def do_start(self, arg): if not self.ctl.upcheck(): return names = arg.split() supervisor = self.ctl.get_supervisor() if not names: self.ctl.output("Error: start requires a process name") self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.INVALID_ARGS self.help_start() return if 'all' in names: results = supervisor.startAllProcesses() for result in results: self.ctl.output(self._startresult(result)) self.ctl.set_exitstatus_from_xmlrpc_fault(result['status'], xmlrpc.Faults.ALREADY_STARTED) else: for name in names: group_name, process_name = split_namespec(name) if process_name is None: try: results = supervisor.startProcessGroup(group_name) for result in results: self.ctl.output(self._startresult(result)) self.ctl.set_exitstatus_from_xmlrpc_fault(result['status'], xmlrpc.Faults.ALREADY_STARTED) except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: if e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.BAD_NAME: error = "%s: ERROR (no such group)" % group_name self.ctl.output(error) self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.INVALID_ARGS else: self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC raise else: try: result = supervisor.startProcess(name) except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: error = {'status': e.faultCode, 'name': process_name, 'group': group_name, 'description': e.faultString} self.ctl.output(self._startresult(error)) self.ctl.set_exitstatus_from_xmlrpc_fault(error['status'], xmlrpc.Faults.ALREADY_STARTED) else: name = make_namespec(group_name, process_name) self.ctl.output('%s: started' % name) def help_start(self): self.ctl.output("start <name>\t\tStart a process") self.ctl.output("start <gname>:*\t\tStart all processes in a group") self.ctl.output( "start <name> <name>\tStart multiple processes or groups") self.ctl.output("start all\t\tStart all processes") def _signalresult(self, result, success='signalled'): name = make_namespec(result['group'], result['name']) code = result['status'] fault_string = result['description'] template = '%s: ERROR (%s)' if code == xmlrpc.Faults.BAD_NAME: return template % (name, 'no such process') elif code == xmlrpc.Faults.BAD_SIGNAL: return template % (name, 'bad signal name') elif code == xmlrpc.Faults.NOT_RUNNING: return template % (name, 'not running') elif code == xmlrpc.Faults.SUCCESS: return '%s: %s' % (name, success) elif code == xmlrpc.Faults.FAILED: return fault_string # assertion raise ValueError('Unknown result code %s for %s' % (code, name)) def _stopresult(self, result): return self._signalresult(result, success='stopped') def do_stop(self, arg): if not self.ctl.upcheck(): return names = arg.split() supervisor = self.ctl.get_supervisor() if not names: self.ctl.output('Error: stop requires a process name') self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC self.help_stop() return if 'all' in names: results = supervisor.stopAllProcesses() for result in results: self.ctl.output(self._stopresult(result)) self.ctl.set_exitstatus_from_xmlrpc_fault(result['status'], xmlrpc.Faults.NOT_RUNNING) else: for name in names: group_name, process_name = split_namespec(name) if process_name is None: try: results = supervisor.stopProcessGroup(group_name) for result in results: self.ctl.output(self._stopresult(result)) self.ctl.set_exitstatus_from_xmlrpc_fault(result['status'], xmlrpc.Faults.NOT_RUNNING) except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC if e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.BAD_NAME: error = "%s: ERROR (no such group)" % group_name self.ctl.output(error) else: raise else: try: supervisor.stopProcess(name) except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: error = {'status': e.faultCode, 'name': process_name, 'group': group_name, 'description':e.faultString} self.ctl.output(self._stopresult(error)) self.ctl.set_exitstatus_from_xmlrpc_fault(error['status'], xmlrpc.Faults.NOT_RUNNING) else: name = make_namespec(group_name, process_name) self.ctl.output('%s: stopped' % name) def help_stop(self): self.ctl.output("stop <name>\t\tStop a process") self.ctl.output("stop <gname>:*\t\tStop all processes in a group") self.ctl.output("stop <name> <name>\tStop multiple processes or groups") self.ctl.output("stop all\t\tStop all processes") def do_signal(self, arg): if not self.ctl.upcheck(): return args = arg.split() if len(args) < 2: self.ctl.output( 'Error: signal requires a signal name and a process name') self.help_signal() self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC return sig = args[0] names = args[1:] supervisor = self.ctl.get_supervisor() if 'all' in names: results = supervisor.signalAllProcesses(sig) for result in results: self.ctl.output(self._signalresult(result)) self.ctl.set_exitstatus_from_xmlrpc_fault(result['status']) else: for name in names: group_name, process_name = split_namespec(name) if process_name is None: try: results = supervisor.signalProcessGroup( group_name, sig ) for result in results: self.ctl.output(self._signalresult(result)) self.ctl.set_exitstatus_from_xmlrpc_fault(result['status']) except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: if e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.BAD_NAME: error = "%s: ERROR (no such group)" % group_name self.ctl.output(error) self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC else: raise else: try: supervisor.signalProcess(name, sig) except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: error = {'status': e.faultCode, 'name': process_name, 'group': group_name, 'description':e.faultString} self.ctl.output(self._signalresult(error)) self.ctl.set_exitstatus_from_xmlrpc_fault(error['status']) else: name = make_namespec(group_name, process_name) self.ctl.output('%s: signalled' % name) def help_signal(self): self.ctl.output("signal <signal name> <name>\t\tSignal a process") self.ctl.output("signal <signal name> <gname>:*\t\tSignal all processes in a group") self.ctl.output("signal <signal name> <name> <name>\tSignal multiple processes or groups") self.ctl.output("signal <signal name> all\t\tSignal all processes") def do_restart(self, arg): if not self.ctl.upcheck(): return names = arg.split() if not names: self.ctl.output('Error: restart requires a process name') self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC self.help_restart() return self.do_stop(arg) self.do_start(arg) def help_restart(self): self.ctl.output("restart <name>\t\tRestart a process") self.ctl.output("restart <gname>:*\tRestart all processes in a group") self.ctl.output("restart <name> <name>\tRestart multiple processes or " "groups") self.ctl.output("restart all\t\tRestart all processes") self.ctl.output("Note: restart does not reread config files. For that," " see reread and update.") def do_shutdown(self, arg): if self.ctl.options.interactive: yesno = raw_input('Really shut the remote supervisord process ' 'down y/N? ') really = yesno.lower().startswith('y') else: really = 1 if really: supervisor = self.ctl.get_supervisor() try: supervisor.shutdown() except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: if e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.SHUTDOWN_STATE: self.ctl.output('ERROR: already shutting down') else: self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC raise except socket.error as e: self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC if e.args[0] == errno.ECONNREFUSED: msg = 'ERROR: %s refused connection (already shut down?)' self.ctl.output(msg % self.ctl.options.serverurl) elif e.args[0] == errno.ENOENT: msg = 'ERROR: %s no such file (already shut down?)' self.ctl.output(msg % self.ctl.options.serverurl) else: raise else: self.ctl.output('Shut down') def help_shutdown(self): self.ctl.output("shutdown \tShut the remote supervisord down.") def do_reload(self, arg): if arg: self.ctl.output('Error: reload accepts no arguments') self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC self.help_reload() return if self.ctl.options.interactive: yesno = raw_input('Really restart the remote supervisord process ' 'y/N? ') really = yesno.lower().startswith('y') else: really = 1 if really: supervisor = self.ctl.get_supervisor() try: supervisor.restart() except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC if e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.SHUTDOWN_STATE: self.ctl.output('ERROR: already shutting down') else: raise else: self.ctl.output('Restarted supervisord') def help_reload(self): self.ctl.output("reload \t\tRestart the remote supervisord.") def _formatChanges(self, added_changed_dropped_tuple): added, changed, dropped = added_changed_dropped_tuple changedict = {} for n, t in [(added, 'available'), (changed, 'changed'), (dropped, 'disappeared')]: changedict.update(dict(zip(n, [t] * len(n)))) if changedict: names = list(changedict.keys()) names.sort() for name in names: self.ctl.output("%s: %s" % (name, changedict[name])) else: self.ctl.output("No config updates to processes") def _formatConfigInfo(self, configinfo): name = make_namespec(configinfo['group'], configinfo['name']) formatted = { 'name': name } if configinfo['inuse']: formatted['inuse'] = 'in use' else: formatted['inuse'] = 'avail' if configinfo['autostart']: formatted['autostart'] = 'auto' else: formatted['autostart'] = 'manual' formatted['priority'] = "%s:%s" % (configinfo['group_prio'], configinfo['process_prio']) template = '%(name)-32s %(inuse)-9s %(autostart)-9s %(priority)s' return template % formatted def do_avail(self, arg): if arg: self.ctl.output('Error: avail accepts no arguments') self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC self.help_avail() return supervisor = self.ctl.get_supervisor() try: configinfo = supervisor.getAllConfigInfo() except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC if e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.SHUTDOWN_STATE: self.ctl.output('ERROR: supervisor shutting down') else: raise else: for pinfo in configinfo: self.ctl.output(self._formatConfigInfo(pinfo)) def help_avail(self): self.ctl.output("avail\t\t\tDisplay all configured processes") def do_reread(self, arg): if arg: self.ctl.output('Error: reread accepts no arguments') self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC self.help_reread() return supervisor = self.ctl.get_supervisor() try: result = supervisor.reloadConfig() except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC if e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.SHUTDOWN_STATE: self.ctl.output('ERROR: supervisor shutting down') elif e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.CANT_REREAD: self.ctl.output("ERROR: %s" % e.faultString) else: raise else: self._formatChanges(result[0]) def help_reread(self): self.ctl.output("reread \t\t\tReload the daemon's configuration files without add/remove") def do_add(self, arg): names = arg.split() supervisor = self.ctl.get_supervisor() for name in names: try: supervisor.addProcessGroup(name) except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: if e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.SHUTDOWN_STATE: self.ctl.output('ERROR: shutting down') self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC elif e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.ALREADY_ADDED: self.ctl.output('ERROR: process group already active') elif e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.BAD_NAME: self.ctl.output("ERROR: no such process/group: %s" % name) self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC else: self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC raise else: self.ctl.output("%s: added process group" % name) def help_add(self): self.ctl.output("add <name> [...]\tActivates any updates in config " "for process/group") def do_remove(self, arg): names = arg.split() supervisor = self.ctl.get_supervisor() for name in names: try: supervisor.removeProcessGroup(name) except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC if e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.STILL_RUNNING: self.ctl.output('ERROR: process/group still running: %s' % name) elif e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.BAD_NAME: self.ctl.output("ERROR: no such process/group: %s" % name) else: raise else: self.ctl.output("%s: removed process group" % name) def help_remove(self): self.ctl.output("remove <name> [...]\tRemoves process/group from " "active config") def do_update(self, arg): def log(name, message): self.ctl.output("%s: %s" % (name, message)) supervisor = self.ctl.get_supervisor() try: result = supervisor.reloadConfig() except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC if e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.SHUTDOWN_STATE: self.ctl.output('ERROR: already shutting down') return else: raise added, changed, removed = result[0] valid_gnames = set(arg.split()) # If all is specified treat it as if nothing was specified. if "all" in valid_gnames: valid_gnames = set() # If any gnames are specified we need to verify that they are # valid in order to print a useful error message. if valid_gnames: groups = set() for info in supervisor.getAllProcessInfo(): groups.add(info['group']) # New gnames would not currently exist in this set so # add those as well. groups.update(added) for gname in valid_gnames: if gname not in groups: self.ctl.output('ERROR: no such group: %s' % gname) self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC for gname in removed: if valid_gnames and gname not in valid_gnames: continue results = supervisor.stopProcessGroup(gname) log(gname, "stopped") fails = [res for res in results if res['status'] == xmlrpc.Faults.FAILED] if fails: self.ctl.output("%s: %s" % (gname, "has problems; not removing")) self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC continue supervisor.removeProcessGroup(gname) log(gname, "removed process group") for gname in changed: if valid_gnames and gname not in valid_gnames: continue supervisor.stopProcessGroup(gname) log(gname, "stopped") supervisor.removeProcessGroup(gname) supervisor.addProcessGroup(gname) log(gname, "updated process group") for gname in added: if valid_gnames and gname not in valid_gnames: continue supervisor.addProcessGroup(gname) log(gname, "added process group") def help_update(self): self.ctl.output("update\t\t\tReload config and add/remove as necessary, and will restart affected programs") self.ctl.output("update all\t\tReload config and add/remove as necessary, and will restart affected programs") self.ctl.output("update <gname> [...]\tUpdate specific groups") def _clearresult(self, result): name = make_namespec(result['group'], result['name']) code = result['status'] template = '%s: ERROR (%s)' if code == xmlrpc.Faults.BAD_NAME: return template % (name, 'no such process') elif code == xmlrpc.Faults.FAILED: return template % (name, 'failed') elif code == xmlrpc.Faults.SUCCESS: return '%s: cleared' % name raise ValueError('Unknown result code %s for %s' % (code, name)) def do_clear(self, arg): if not self.ctl.upcheck(): return names = arg.split() if not names: self.ctl.output('Error: clear requires a process name') self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC self.help_clear() return supervisor = self.ctl.get_supervisor() if 'all' in names: results = supervisor.clearAllProcessLogs() for result in results: self.ctl.output(self._clearresult(result)) self.ctl.set_exitstatus_from_xmlrpc_fault(result['status']) else: for name in names: group_name, process_name = split_namespec(name) try: supervisor.clearProcessLogs(name) except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: error = {'status': e.faultCode, 'name': process_name, 'group': group_name, 'description': e.faultString} self.ctl.output(self._clearresult(error)) self.ctl.set_exitstatus_from_xmlrpc_fault(error['status']) else: name = make_namespec(group_name, process_name) self.ctl.output('%s: cleared' % name) def help_clear(self): self.ctl.output("clear <name>\t\tClear a process' log files.") self.ctl.output( "clear <name> <name>\tClear multiple process' log files") self.ctl.output("clear all\t\tClear all process' log files") def do_open(self, arg): url = arg.strip() parts = urlparse.urlparse(url) if parts[0] not in ('unix', 'http'): self.ctl.output('ERROR: url must be http:// or unix://') self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC return self.ctl.options.serverurl = url # TODO review this old_exitstatus = self.ctl.exitstatus self.do_status('') self.ctl.exitstatus = old_exitstatus def help_open(self): self.ctl.output("open <url>\tConnect to a remote supervisord process.") self.ctl.output("\t\t(for UNIX domain socket, use unix:///socket/path)") def do_version(self, arg): if arg: self.ctl.output('Error: version accepts no arguments') self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC self.help_version() return if not self.ctl.upcheck(): return supervisor = self.ctl.get_supervisor() self.ctl.output(supervisor.getSupervisorVersion()) def help_version(self): self.ctl.output( "version\t\t\tShow the version of the remote supervisord " "process") def do_fg(self, arg): if not self.ctl.upcheck(): return names = arg.split() if not names: self.ctl.output('ERROR: no process name supplied') self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC self.help_fg() return if len(names) > 1: self.ctl.output('ERROR: too many process names supplied') self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC return name = names[0] supervisor = self.ctl.get_supervisor() try: info = supervisor.getProcessInfo(name) except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: if e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.BAD_NAME: self.ctl.output('ERROR: bad process name supplied') self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC else: self.ctl.output('ERROR: ' + str(e)) return if info['state'] != states.ProcessStates.RUNNING: self.ctl.output('ERROR: process not running') self.ctl.exitstatus = LSBInitExitStatuses.GENERIC return self.ctl.output('==> Press Ctrl-C to exit <==') a = None try: # this thread takes care of the output/error messages a = fgthread(name, self.ctl) a.start() # this takes care of the user input while True: inp = raw_input() + '\n' try: supervisor.sendProcessStdin(name, inp) except xmlrpclib.Fault as e: if e.faultCode == xmlrpc.Faults.NOT_RUNNING: self.ctl.output('Process got killed') else: self.ctl.output('ERROR: ' + str(e)) self.ctl.output('Exiting foreground') a.kill() return info = supervisor.getProcessInfo(name) if info['state'] != states.ProcessStates.RUNNING: self.ctl.output('Process got killed') self.ctl.output('Exiting foreground') a.kill() return except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): self.ctl.output('Exiting foreground') if a: a.kill() def help_fg(self,args=None): self.ctl.output('fg <process>\tConnect to a process in foreground mode') self.ctl.output("\t\tCtrl-C to exit") def main(args=None, options=None): if options is None: options = ClientOptions() options.realize(args, doc=__doc__) c = Controller(options) if options.args: c.onecmd(" ".join(options.args)) sys.exit(c.exitstatus) if options.interactive: c.exec_cmdloop(args, options) sys.exit(0) # exitstatus always 0 for interactive mode if __name__ == "__main__": main()