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Filename: //lib//python3/////dist-packages//pbr/tests//test_integration.py
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser import os.path import pkg_resources import shlex import sys import fixtures import testtools import textwrap from pbr.tests import base from pbr.tests import test_packaging PIPFLAGS = shlex.split(os.environ.get('PIPFLAGS', '')) PIPVERSION = os.environ.get('PIPVERSION', 'pip') PBRVERSION = os.environ.get('PBRVERSION', 'pbr') REPODIR = os.environ.get('REPODIR', '') WHEELHOUSE = os.environ.get('WHEELHOUSE', '') PIP_CMD = ['-m', 'pip'] + PIPFLAGS + ['install', '-f', WHEELHOUSE] PROJECTS = shlex.split(os.environ.get('PROJECTS', '')) PBR_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, '..', '..', '..')) def all_projects(): if not REPODIR: return # Future: make this path parameterisable. excludes = set(['tempest', 'requirements']) for name in PROJECTS: name = name.strip() short_name = name.split('/')[-1] try: with open(os.path.join( REPODIR, short_name, 'setup.py'), 'rt') as f: if 'pbr' not in f.read(): continue except IOError: continue if short_name in excludes: continue yield (short_name, dict(name=name, short_name=short_name)) class TestIntegration(base.BaseTestCase): scenarios = list(all_projects()) def setUp(self): # Integration tests need a higher default - big repos can be slow to # clone, particularly under guest load. env = fixtures.EnvironmentVariable( 'OS_TEST_TIMEOUT', os.environ.get('OS_TEST_TIMEOUT', '600')) with env: super(TestIntegration, self).setUp() base._config_git() @testtools.skipUnless( os.environ.get('PBR_INTEGRATION', None) == '1', 'integration tests not enabled') def test_integration(self): # Test that we can: # - run sdist from the repo in a venv # - install the resulting tarball in a new venv # - pip install the repo # - pip install -e the repo # We don't break these into separate tests because we'd need separate # source dirs to isolate from side effects of running pip, and the # overheads of setup would start to beat the benefits of parallelism. path = os.path.join(REPODIR, self.short_name) setup_cfg = os.path.join(path, 'setup.cfg') project_name = pkg_resources.safe_name(self.short_name).lower() # These projects should all have setup.cfg files but we'll be careful if os.path.exists(setup_cfg): config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(setup_cfg) if config.has_section('metadata'): raw_name = config.get('metadata', 'name', fallback='notapackagename') # Technically we should really only need to use the raw # name because all our projects should be good and use # normalized names but they don't... project_name = pkg_resources.safe_name(raw_name).lower() constraints = os.path.join(REPODIR, 'requirements', 'upper-constraints.txt') tmp_constraints = os.path.join( self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir()).path, 'upper-constraints.txt') # We need to filter out the package we are installing to avoid # conflicts with the constraints. with open(constraints, 'r') as src: with open(tmp_constraints, 'w') as dest: for line in src: constraint = line.split('===')[0] if project_name != constraint: dest.write(line) pip_cmd = PIP_CMD + ['-c', tmp_constraints] venv = self.useFixture( test_packaging.Venv('sdist', modules=['pip', 'wheel', PBRVERSION], pip_cmd=PIP_CMD)) python = venv.python self.useFixture(base.CapturedSubprocess( 'sdist', [python, 'setup.py', 'sdist'], cwd=path)) venv = self.useFixture( test_packaging.Venv('tarball', modules=['pip', 'wheel', PBRVERSION], pip_cmd=PIP_CMD)) python = venv.python filename = os.path.join( path, 'dist', os.listdir(os.path.join(path, 'dist'))[0]) self.useFixture(base.CapturedSubprocess( 'tarball', [python] + pip_cmd + [filename])) venv = self.useFixture( test_packaging.Venv('install-git', modules=['pip', 'wheel', PBRVERSION], pip_cmd=PIP_CMD)) root = venv.path python = venv.python self.useFixture(base.CapturedSubprocess( 'install-git', [python] + pip_cmd + ['git+file://' + path])) if self.short_name == 'nova': found = False for _, _, filenames in os.walk(root): if 'migrate.cfg' in filenames: found = True self.assertTrue(found) venv = self.useFixture( test_packaging.Venv('install-e', modules=['pip', 'wheel', PBRVERSION], pip_cmd=PIP_CMD)) root = venv.path python = venv.python self.useFixture(base.CapturedSubprocess( 'install-e', [python] + pip_cmd + ['-e', path])) class TestInstallWithoutPbr(base.BaseTestCase): @testtools.skipUnless( os.environ.get('PBR_INTEGRATION', None) == '1', 'integration tests not enabled') def test_install_without_pbr(self): # Test easy-install of a thing that depends on a thing using pbr tempdir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir()).path # A directory containing sdists of the things we're going to depend on # in using-package. dist_dir = os.path.join(tempdir, 'distdir') os.mkdir(dist_dir) self._run_cmd(sys.executable, ('setup.py', 'sdist', '-d', dist_dir), allow_fail=False, cwd=PBR_ROOT) # testpkg - this requires a pbr-using package test_pkg_dir = os.path.join(tempdir, 'testpkg') os.mkdir(test_pkg_dir) pkgs = { 'pkgTest': { 'setup.py': textwrap.dedent("""\ #!/usr/bin/env python import setuptools setuptools.setup( name = 'pkgTest', tests_require = ['pkgReq'], test_suite='pkgReq' ) """), 'setup.cfg': textwrap.dedent("""\ [easy_install] find_links = %s """ % dist_dir)}, 'pkgReq': { 'requirements.txt': textwrap.dedent("""\ pbr """), 'pkgReq/__init__.py': textwrap.dedent("""\ print("FakeTest loaded and ran") """)}, } pkg_dirs = self.useFixture( test_packaging.CreatePackages(pkgs)).package_dirs test_pkg_dir = pkg_dirs['pkgTest'] req_pkg_dir = pkg_dirs['pkgReq'] self._run_cmd(sys.executable, ('setup.py', 'sdist', '-d', dist_dir), allow_fail=False, cwd=req_pkg_dir) # A venv to test within venv = self.useFixture(test_packaging.Venv('nopbr', ['pip', 'wheel'])) python = venv.python # Run the depending script self.useFixture(base.CapturedSubprocess( 'nopbr', [python] + ['setup.py', 'test'], cwd=test_pkg_dir)) class TestMarkersPip(base.BaseTestCase): scenarios = [ ('pip-latest', {'modules': ['pip']}), ('setuptools-Bionic', { 'modules': ['pip==9.0.1', 'setuptools==39.0.1']}), ('setuptools-Stretch', { 'modules': ['pip==9.0.1', 'setuptools==33.1.1']}), ('setuptools-EL8', {'modules': ['pip==9.0.3', 'setuptools==39.2.0']}), ('setuptools-Buster', { 'modules': ['pip==18.1', 'setuptools==40.8.0']}), ('setuptools-Focal', { 'modules': ['pip==20.0.2', 'setuptools==45.2.0']}), ] @testtools.skipUnless( os.environ.get('PBR_INTEGRATION', None) == '1', 'integration tests not enabled') def test_pip_versions(self): pkgs = { 'test_markers': {'requirements.txt': textwrap.dedent("""\ pkg_a; python_version=='1.2' pkg_b; python_version!='1.2' """)}, 'pkg_a': {}, 'pkg_b': {}, } pkg_dirs = self.useFixture( test_packaging.CreatePackages(pkgs)).package_dirs temp_dir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir()).path repo_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'repo') venv = self.useFixture(test_packaging.Venv('markers')) bin_python = venv.python os.mkdir(repo_dir) for module in self.modules: self._run_cmd( bin_python, ['-m', 'pip', 'install', '--upgrade', module], cwd=venv.path, allow_fail=False) for pkg in pkg_dirs: self._run_cmd( bin_python, ['setup.py', 'sdist', '-d', repo_dir], cwd=pkg_dirs[pkg], allow_fail=False) self._run_cmd( bin_python, ['-m', 'pip', 'install', '--no-index', '-f', repo_dir, 'test_markers'], cwd=venv.path, allow_fail=False) self.assertIn('pkg-b', self._run_cmd( bin_python, ['-m', 'pip', 'freeze'], cwd=venv.path, allow_fail=False)[0]) class TestLTSSupport(base.BaseTestCase): # These versions come from the versions installed from the 'virtualenv' # command from the 'python-virtualenv' package. scenarios = [ ('Bionic', {'modules': ['pip==9.0.1', 'setuptools==39.0.1']}), ('Stretch', {'modules': ['pip==9.0.1', 'setuptools==33.1.1']}), ('EL8', {'modules': ['pip==9.0.3', 'setuptools==39.2.0']}), ('Buster', {'modules': ['pip==18.1', 'setuptools==40.8.0']}), ('Focal', {'modules': ['pip==20.0.2', 'setuptools==45.2.0']}), ] @testtools.skipUnless( os.environ.get('PBR_INTEGRATION', None) == '1', 'integration tests not enabled') def test_lts_venv_default_versions(self): venv = self.useFixture( test_packaging.Venv('setuptools', modules=self.modules)) bin_python = venv.python pbr = 'file://%s#egg=pbr' % PBR_ROOT # Installing PBR is a reasonable indication that we are not broken on # this particular combination of setuptools and pip. self._run_cmd(bin_python, ['-m', 'pip', 'install', pbr], cwd=venv.path, allow_fail=False)