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Filename: //lib//python3/////dist-packages///reportbug/ui/text_ui.py
# Text user interface for reportbug # Written by Chris Lawrence <lawrencc@debian.org> # (C) 2001-08 Chris Lawrence # Copyright (C) 2008-2021 Sandro Tosi <morph@debian.org> # # This program is freely distributable per the following license: # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, # provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that # both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in # supporting documentation. # # I DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL I # BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY # DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, # ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS # SOFTWARE. import sys import os import subprocess import re import math import string import errno import glob import getpass import textwrap import locale from functools import reduce try: import readline except ImportError: readline = None from reportbug import debbugs, hiermatch from reportbug.exceptions import ( NoReport, NoPackage, NoBugs, NoNetwork, QuertBTSError, InvalidRegex, ) from reportbug.urlutils import launch_browser import reportbug.utils ISATTY = sys.stdin.isatty() charset = 'us-ascii' try: r, c = subprocess.getoutput('stty size').split() rows, columns = int(r) or 24, int(c) or 79 except: rows, columns = 24, 79 def ewrite(message, *args): if not ISATTY: return if args: message = message % args sys.stderr.write(message) sys.stderr.flush() log_message = ewrite display_failure = ewrite def system(cmdline): try: x = os.getcwd() except OSError: os.chdir('/') return os.system(cmdline) def indent_wrap_text(text, starttext='', indent=0, linelen=None): """Wrapper for textwrap.fill to the existing API.""" if not linelen: linelen = columns - 1 if indent: si = ' ' * indent else: si = '' text = ' '.join(text.split()) if not text: return starttext + '\n' output = textwrap.fill(text, width=linelen, initial_indent=starttext, subsequent_indent=si) if output.endswith('\n'): return output return output + '\n' # Readline support, if available if readline is not None: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") try: # minimize the word delimiter list if possible readline.set_completer_delims(' ') except: pass def _launch_mbox_reader(mbox_reader_cmd, bts, bugs, number, mirrors, archived, mbox, mboxmaint, http_proxy, timeout): try: number = int(number) if number not in bugs and 1 <= number <= len(bugs): number = bugs[number - 1] reportbug.utils.launch_mbox_reader(mbox_reader_cmd, debbugs.get_report_url(bts, number, mirrors, archived, mbox, mboxmaint), http_proxy, timeout) except ValueError: ewrite('Invalid report number: %s\n', number) class our_completer(object): def __init__(self, completions=None): self.completions = None if completions: self.completions = tuple(map(str, completions)) def complete(self, text, i): if not self.completions: return None matching = [x for x in self.completions if x.startswith(text)] if i < len(matching): return matching[i] else: return None def our_raw_input(prompt=None, completions=None, completer=None): istty = sys.stdout.isatty() if not istty: sys.stderr.write(prompt) sys.stderr.flush() if readline: if completions and not completer: completer = our_completer(completions).complete if completer: readline.set_completer(completer) try: if istty: ret = input(prompt) else: ret = input() except EOFError: ewrite('\nUser interrupt (^D).\n') raise SystemExit if readline: readline.set_completer(None) return ret.strip() def select_options(msg, ok, help, allow_numbers=None, nowrap=False): err_message = '' for option in ok: if option in string.ascii_uppercase: default = option break if not help: help = {} if '?' not in ok: ok = ok + '?' msg = msg.rstrip() if msg[-1] == '?': msg = msg[:-1] if nowrap: longmsg = msg + ' [' + '|'.join(ok) + ']?' + ' ' else: longmsg = indent_wrap_text(msg + ' [' + '|'.join(ok) + ']?').strip() + ' ' ch = our_raw_input(longmsg, allow_numbers) # Allow entry of a bug number here if allow_numbers: while ch and ch[0] == '#': ch = ch[1:] if isinstance(allow_numbers, int): try: return str(int(ch)) except ValueError: pass else: try: number = int(ch) if number in allow_numbers: return str(number) else: nums = list(allow_numbers) nums.sort() err_message = 'Only the following entries are allowed: ' + \ ', '.join(map(str, nums)) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass if not ch: ch = default ch = ch[0] if ch == '?': help['?'] = 'Display this help.' for ch in ok: if ch in string.ascii_uppercase: desc = '(default) ' else: desc = '' desc += help.get(ch, help.get(ch.lower(), 'No help for this option.')) ewrite(indent_wrap_text(desc + '\n', '%s - ' % ch, 4)) return select_options(msg, ok, help, allow_numbers, nowrap) elif (ch.lower() in ok) or (ch.upper() in ok): return ch.lower() elif err_message: ewrite(indent_wrap_text(err_message)) else: ewrite('Invalid selection.\n') return select_options(msg, ok, help, allow_numbers, nowrap) def yes_no(msg, yeshelp, nohelp, default=True, nowrap=False): "Return True for yes, False for no." if default: ok = 'Ynq' else: ok = 'yNq' res = select_options(msg, ok, {'y': yeshelp, 'n': nohelp, 'q': 'Quit.'}, nowrap=nowrap) if res == 'q': raise SystemExit return (res == 'y') def long_message(text, *args): if args: mtext = text % args else: mtext = text linelen = columns - 1 # we do not use indent_wrap_text here because it does not preserve newlines mtext = '\n'.join(textwrap.fill(par, width=linelen) for par in mtext.splitlines()) mtext = mtext.rstrip() + '\n' ewrite(mtext) final_message = long_message def get_string(prompt, options=None, title=None, empty_ok=False, force_prompt=False, default='', completer=None): if prompt and (len(prompt) < 2 * columns / 3) and not force_prompt: if default: prompt = '%s [%s]: ' % (prompt, default) response = our_raw_input(prompt, options, completer) or default else: response = our_raw_input(prompt, options, completer) else: if prompt: ewrite(indent_wrap_text(prompt)) if default: response = our_raw_input('[%s]> ' % default, options, completer) or default else: response = our_raw_input('> ', options, completer) return response def get_multiline(prompt): ewrite('\n') ewrite(indent_wrap_text(prompt + " Press ENTER on a blank line to continue.\n")) l = [] while 1: entry = get_string('', force_prompt=True).strip() if not entry: break l.append(entry) ewrite('\n') return l def get_password(prompt=None): return getpass.getpass(prompt) def FilenameCompleter(text, i): text = os.path.expanduser(text) text = os.path.expandvars(text) paths = glob.glob(text + '*') if not paths: return None if i < len(paths): entry = paths[i] if os.path.isdir(entry): return entry + '/' return entry else: return None def get_filename(prompt, title=None, force_prompt=False, default=''): return get_string(prompt, title=title, force_prompt=force_prompt, default=default, completer=FilenameCompleter) def select_multiple(par, options, prompt, title=None, order=None, extras=None): return menu(par, options, prompt, title=title, order=order, extras=extras, multiple=True, empty_ok=False) def menu(par, options, prompt, default=None, title=None, any_ok=False, order=None, extras=None, multiple=False, empty_ok=False): selected = {} if not extras: extras = [] else: extras = list(extras) if title: ewrite(title + '\n\n') ewrite(indent_wrap_text(par, linelen=columns) + '\n') if isinstance(options, dict): options = options.copy() # Convert to a list if order: olist = [] for key in order: if key in options: olist.append((key, options[key])) del options[key] # Append anything out of order options = list(options.items()) options.sort() for option in options: olist.append(option) options = olist else: options = list(options.items()) options.sort() if multiple: options.append(('none', '')) default = 'none' extras += ['done'] allowed = [x[0] for x in options] allowed = allowed + extras maxlen_name = min(max(list(map(len, allowed))), columns // 3) digits = int(math.ceil(math.log10(len(options) + 1))) i = 1 for name, desc in options: text = indent_wrap_text(desc, indent=(maxlen_name + digits + 3), starttext=('%*d %-*.*s ' % (digits, i, maxlen_name, maxlen_name, name))) ewrite(text) if len(options) < 5: ewrite('\n') i += 1 if len(options) >= 5: ewrite('\n') if multiple: prompt += '(one at a time) ' while 1: if default: aprompt = prompt + '[%s] ' % default else: aprompt = prompt response = our_raw_input(aprompt, allowed) if not response: response = default try: num = int(response) if 1 <= num <= len(options): response = options[num - 1][0] except (ValueError, TypeError): pass if response in allowed or (response == default and response): if multiple: if response == 'done': return list(selected.keys()) elif response == 'none': return [] elif selected.get(response): del selected[response] else: selected[response] = 1 ewrite('- selected: %s\n' % ', '.join(list(selected.keys()))) if len(selected): default = 'done' else: default = 'none' continue else: return response if any_ok and response: return response elif empty_ok and not response: return ewrite('Invalid entry.\n') return # Things that are very UI dependent go here def show_report(number, system, mirrors, http_proxy, timeout, screen=None, queryonly=False, title='', archived='no', mbox_reader_cmd=None): sysinfo = debbugs.SYSTEMS[system] ewrite('Retrieving report #%d from %s bug tracking system...\n', number, sysinfo['name']) try: info = debbugs.get_report(number, timeout, system, mirrors=mirrors, followups=1, http_proxy=http_proxy, archived=archived) except: info = None if not info: ewrite('No report available: #%s\n', number) raise NoBugs buginfo, messages = info # XXX: could this be ever possible? if not (buginfo.package or not buginfo.source): ewrite('Cannot retrieve bug\'s package, exiting...\n') sys.exit(-1) current_message = 0 skip_pager = False while 1: if current_message: text = 'Followup %d - %s\n\n%s' % (current_message, buginfo.subject, messages[current_message]) else: text = 'Original report - %s\n\n%s' % (buginfo.subject, messages[0]) if not skip_pager: try: with subprocess.Popen('sensible-pager', stdin=subprocess.PIPE, errors='ignore') as fd: fd.communicate(text) except IOError as x: if x.errno == errno.EPIPE: pass else: raise skip_pager = False options = 'xOrbeq' if (current_message + 1) < len(messages): options = 'N' + options.lower() if (current_message): options = 'p' + options x = select_options("What do you want to do now?", options, {'x': 'Provide extra information.', 'o': 'Show other bug reports (return to bug listing).', 'n': 'Show next message (followup).', 'p': 'Show previous message (followup).', 'r': 'Redisplay this message.', 'e': 'Launch e-mail client to read full log.', 'b': 'Launch web browser to read full log.', 'q': "I'm bored; quit please."}, allow_numbers=list(range(1, len(messages) + 1))) if x == 'x': return buginfo elif x == 'q': raise NoReport elif x == 'b': launch_browser(debbugs.get_report_url( system, number, mirrors, archived)) skip_pager = True elif x == 'e': reportbug.utils.launch_mbox_reader(mbox_reader_cmd, debbugs.get_report_url(system, number, mirrors, archived, True, True), http_proxy, timeout) skip_pager = True elif x == 'o': break elif x == 'n': current_message += 1 elif x == 'p': current_message -= 1 return def handle_bts_query(package, bts, timeout, mirrors=None, http_proxy="", queryonly=False, title="", screen=None, archived='no', source=False, version=None, mbox=False, buglist=None, mbox_reader_cmd=None, latest_first=False): root = debbugs.SYSTEMS[bts].get('btsroot') if not root: ewrite('%s bug tracking system has no web URL; bypassing query\n', debbugs.SYSTEMS[bts]['name']) return srcstr = "" if source: srcstr = " (source)" if isinstance(package, str): long_message('Querying %s BTS for reports on %s%s...\n', debbugs.SYSTEMS[bts]['name'], package, srcstr) else: long_message('Querying %s BTS for reports on %s%s...\n', debbugs.SYSTEMS[bts]['name'], ' '.join([str(x) for x in package]), srcstr) bugs = [] try: (count, title, hierarchy) = debbugs.get_reports( package, timeout, bts, mirrors=mirrors, version=version, source=source, http_proxy=http_proxy, archived=archived) except Exception as e: errmsg = 'Unable to connect to %s BTS (error: "%s"); ' % (debbugs.SYSTEMS[bts]['name'], repr(e)) raise QuertBTSError(errmsg) try: # If there's no report, then skip all the rest if not count: if hierarchy is None: raise NoPackage else: raise NoBugs hierarchy_new = [] if mbox: mboxbuglist = [] for entry in hierarchy: for bug in entry[1]: mboxbuglist.append(bug.bug_num) return mboxbuglist if buglist: for entry in hierarchy: # second item is a list of bugs report for bug in entry[1]: msg = "#%d %s" % (bug.bug_num, bug.subject) print(msg) sys.exit(0) for entry in hierarchy: # first item is the title of the section entry_new = entry[0] bugs_new = {} bugs_numbers = [] # XXX: we can probably simplify this code, with some lists # generations and map() # second item is a list of bugs report for bug in entry[1]: # show if the bugs is already resolved done = '' if bug.pending == 'done': done = ' [RESOLVED]' # we take the info we need (bug number and subject) # we use a dict so it's easy to sort the keys and then values bugs_new[bug.bug_num] = "%s%s" % (bug.subject, done) # and at the same time create a list of bugs numbers bugs_numbers.append(bug.bug_num) # then we sort both the lists hierarchy_new.append((entry_new, ["#%d %s" % (k, bugs_new[k]) for k in sorted(list(bugs_new.keys()), reverse=latest_first)])) bugs.extend(sorted(bugs_numbers, reverse=latest_first)) # replace old hierarchy with hierarchy_new hierarchy = hierarchy_new if not count: if hierarchy is None: raise NoPackage else: raise NoBugs elif count == 1: ewrite('%d bug report found:\n\n', count) else: ewrite('%d bug reports found:\n\n', count) return browse_bugs(hierarchy, count, bugs, bts, queryonly, mirrors, http_proxy, timeout, screen, title, package, source, mbox_reader_cmd) except NoPackage: long_message('No record of this package found.') raise NoPackage def browse_bugs(hierarchy, count, bugs, bts, queryonly, mirrors, http_proxy, timeout, screen, title, package, source, mbox_reader_cmd): try: output_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() except locale.Error as msg: print(msg) sys.exit(1) endcount = catcount = 0 scount = startcount = 1 category = hierarchy[0] lastpage = [] digits = len(str(len(bugs))) linefmt = ' %' + str(digits) + 'd) %s\n' while category: scount += 1 catname, reports = category[0:2] while catname.endswith(':'): catname = catname[:-1] total = len(reports) while len(reports): these = reports[:rows - 2] reports = reports[rows - 2:] remain = len(reports) tplural = rplural = 's' if total == 1: tplural = '' if remain != 1: rplural = '' if remain: lastpage.append(' %s: %d remain%s\n' % (catname, remain, rplural)) else: lastpage.append(catname + '\n') oldscount, oldecount = scount, endcount for report in these: scount = scount + 1 endcount = endcount + 1 lastpage.append(linefmt % (endcount, report[:columns - digits - 5])) if category == hierarchy[-1] or \ (scount >= (rows - len(hierarchy[catcount + 1][1]) - 1)): skipmsg = ' (s to skip rest)' if endcount == count: skipmsg = '' options = 'yNbmrqsfe' if queryonly: options = 'Nbmrqfe' rstr = "(%d-%d/%d) " % (startcount, endcount, count) pstr = rstr + "Is the bug you found listed above" if queryonly: pstr = rstr + "What would you like to do next" allowed = bugs + list(range(1, count + 1)) helptext = { 'y': 'Problem already reported; optionally add extra information.', 'n': 'Problem not listed above; possibly check more.', 'b': 'Open the complete bugs list in a web browser.', 'm': 'Get more information about a bug (you can also enter a number\n' ' without selecting "m" first).', 'r': 'Redisplay the last bugs shown.', 'q': "I'm bored; quit please.", 's': 'Skip remaining problems; file a new report immediately.', 'e': 'Open the report using an e-mail client.', 'f': 'Filter bug list using a pattern.'} if skipmsg: helptext['n'] = helptext['n'][:-1] + ' (skip to Next page).' while 1: for line in lastpage: sys.stderr.write(line) x = select_options(pstr, options, helptext, allow_numbers=allowed) if x == 'n': lastpage = [] break elif x == 'b': if source: launch_browser('https://bugs.debian.org/src:%s' % package) else: launch_browser('https://bugs.debian.org/%s' % package) continue elif x == 'r': continue elif x == 'q': raise NoReport elif x == 's': return elif x == 'y': if queryonly: return if len(bugs) == 1: number = '1' else: number = our_raw_input( 'Enter the number of the bug report ' 'you want to give more info on,\n' 'or press ENTER to exit: #', allowed) while number and number[0] == '#': number = number[1:] if number: try: number = int(number) if number not in bugs and 1 <= number <= len(bugs): number = bugs[number - 1] return debbugs.get_report(number, timeout)[0] except ValueError: ewrite('Invalid report number: %s\n', number) else: raise NoReport elif x == 'f': # Do filter. Recursive done. retval = search_bugs(hierarchy, bts, queryonly, mirrors, http_proxy, timeout, screen, title, package, mbox_reader_cmd) if isinstance(retval, str) and retval in ["FilterEnd", "Top"]: continue else: return retval elif x == 'e': number = our_raw_input('Please enter the number of the bug you would like to view: #', allowed) _launch_mbox_reader(mbox_reader_cmd, bts, bugs, number, mirrors, 'no', True, True, http_proxy, timeout) else: if x == 'm' or x == 'i': if len(bugs) == 1: number = '1' else: number = our_raw_input('Please enter the number of the bug ' 'you would like more info on: #', allowed) else: number = x while number and number[0] == '#': number = number[1:] if number: try: number = int(number) if number not in bugs and 1 <= number <= len(bugs): number = bugs[number - 1] res = show_report(number, bts, mirrors, http_proxy, timeout, queryonly=queryonly, screen=screen, title=title, mbox_reader_cmd=mbox_reader_cmd) if res: return res except ValueError: ewrite('Invalid report number: %s\n', number) startcount = endcount + 1 scount = 0 # these now empty if category == hierarchy[-1]: break catcount = catcount + 1 category = hierarchy[catcount] if scount: lastpage.append('\n') scount = scount + 1 def proc_hierarchy(hierarchy): """Find out bug count and bug # in the hierarchy.""" lenlist = [len(i[1]) for i in hierarchy] if lenlist: count = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, lenlist) else: return 0, 0 # Copy & paste from handle_bts_query() bugs = [] exp = re.compile(r'\#(\d+)[ :]') for entry in hierarchy or []: for bug in entry[1]: match = exp.match(bug) if match: bugs.append(int(match.group(1))) return count, bugs def search_bugs(hierarchyfull, bts, queryonly, mirrors, http_proxy, timeout, screen, title, package, mbox_reader_cmd): """Search for the bug list using a pattern.""" """Return string "FilterEnd" when we are done with search.""" try: output_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() except locale.Error as msg: print(msg) sys.exit(1) pattern = our_raw_input('Enter the search pattern (a Perl-compatible regular expression)\n' 'or press ENTER to exit: ') if not pattern: return "FilterEnd" # Create new hierarchy match the pattern. try: hierarchy = hiermatch.matched_hierarchy(hierarchyfull, pattern) except InvalidRegex: our_raw_input('Invalid regular expression, press ENTER to continue.') return "FilterEnd" count, bugs = proc_hierarchy(hierarchy) exp = re.compile(r'\#(\d+):') if not count: our_raw_input('No match found, press ENTER to continue.') return "FilterEnd" endcount = catcount = 0 scount = startcount = 1 category = hierarchy[0] lastpage = [] digits = len(str(len(bugs))) linefmt = ' %' + str(digits) + 'd) %s\n' # XXX: it's kinda non-sense to replicate all this code here!!! it's the same # as of browse_report! while category: scount = scount + 1 catname, reports = category[0:2] while catname.endswith(':'): catname = catname[:-1] total = len(reports) while len(reports): these = reports[:rows - 2] reports = reports[rows - 2:] remain = len(reports) tplural = rplural = 's' if total == 1: tplural = '' if remain != 1: rplural = '' if remain: lastpage.append(' %s: %d report%s (%d remain%s)\n' % (catname, total, tplural, remain, rplural)) else: lastpage.append(' %s: %d report%s\n' % (catname, total, tplural)) oldscount, oldecount = scount, endcount for report in these: scount = scount + 1 endcount = endcount + 1 lastpage.append(linefmt % (endcount, report[:columns - digits - 5])) if category == hierarchy[-1] or \ (scount >= (rows - len(hierarchy[catcount + 1][1]) - 1)): skipmsg = ' (s to skip rest)' if endcount == count: skipmsg = '' options = 'yNbmrqsfute' if queryonly: options = 'Nmbrqfute' rstr = "(%d-%d/%d) " % (startcount, endcount, count) pstr = rstr + "Is the bug you found listed above" if queryonly: pstr = rstr + "What would you like to do next" allowed = bugs + list(range(1, count + 1)) helptext = { 'y': 'Problem already reported; optionally add extra information.', 'n': 'Problem not listed above; possibly check more.', 'b': 'Open the complete bugs list in a web browser.', 'm': 'Get more information about a bug (you can also enter a number\n' ' without selecting "m" first).', 'r': 'Redisplay the last bugs shown.', 'q': "I'm bored; quit please.", 's': 'Skip remaining problems; file a new report immediately.', 'f': 'Filter (search) bug list using a pattern.', 'u': 'Up one level of filter.', 'e': 'Open the report using an e-mail client.', 't': 'Top of the bug list (remove all filters).'} if skipmsg: helptext['n'] = helptext['n'][:-1] + ' (skip to Next page).' while 1: for line in lastpage: sys.stderr.write(line) x = select_options(pstr, options, helptext, allow_numbers=allowed) if x == 'n': lastpage = [] break elif x == 'b': launch_browser('https://bugs.debian.org/%s' % package) elif x == 'r': continue elif x == 'q': raise NoReport elif x == 's': return elif x == 'y': if queryonly: return if len(bugs) == 1: number = '1' else: number = our_raw_input( 'Enter the number of the bug report ' 'you want to give more info on,\n' 'or press ENTER to exit: #', allowed) while number and number[0] == '#': number = number[1:] if number: try: number = int(number) if number not in bugs and 1 <= number <= len(bugs): number = bugs[number - 1] return debbugs.get_report(number, timeout)[0] except ValueError: ewrite('Invalid report number: %s\n', number) else: raise NoReport elif x == 'f': # Do filter. Recursive done. retval = search_bugs(hierarchy, bts, queryonly, mirrors, http_proxy, timeout, screen, title, package, mbox_reader_cmd) if isinstance(retval, str) and retval in ["FilterEnd", "Top"]: continue else: return retval elif x == 'u': # Up a level return "FilterEnd" elif x == 't': # go back to the Top level. return "Top" elif x == 'e': number = our_raw_input('Please enter the number of the ' 'bug you would like to view: #', allowed) _launch_mbox_reader(mbox_reader_cmd, bts, bugs, number, mirrors, 'no', True, True, http_proxy, timeout) else: if x == 'm' or x == 'i': number = our_raw_input( 'Please enter the number of the bug ' 'you would like more info on: #', allowed) else: number = x while number and number[0] == '#': number = number[1:] if number: try: number = int(number) if number not in bugs and 1 <= number <= len(bugs): number = bugs[number - 1] res = show_report(number, bts, mirrors, http_proxy, timeout, queryonly=queryonly, screen=screen, title=title) if res: return res except ValueError: ewrite('Invalid report number: %s\n', number) startcount = endcount + 1 scount = 0 # these now empty if category == hierarchy[-1]: break catcount += 1 category = hierarchy[catcount] if scount: lastpage.append('\n') scount += 1 return "FilterEnd" def display_report(text, use_pager=True, presubj=False): if not use_pager: ewrite(text) return elif presubj: text += "\n(You may need to press 'q' to exit your pager and continue using\nreportbug at this point.)" pager = os.environ.get('PAGER', 'sensible-pager') try: with subprocess.Popen(pager, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, errors='ignore') as p: p.communicate(text) except IOError: pass def spawn_editor(message, filename, editor, charset='utf-8'): if not editor: ewrite('No editor found!\n') return (message, 0) edname = os.path.basename(editor.split()[0]) # Move the cursor for lazy buggers like me; add your editor here... ourline = 0 with open(filename, errors='backslashreplace') as f: for (lineno, line) in enumerate(f): if line == '\n' and not ourline: ourline = lineno + 2 opts = '' if 'vim' in edname: # Force *vim to edit the file in the foreground, instead of forking opts = '-f ' if ourline: if edname in ('vi', 'nvi', 'vim', 'elvis', 'gvim', 'kvim'): opts = '-c :%d' % ourline elif (edname in ('elvis-tiny', 'gnuclient', 'ee', 'pico', 'nano', 'zile') or 'emacs' in edname): opts = '+%d' % ourline elif edname in ('jed', 'xjed'): opts = '-g %d' % ourline elif edname == 'kate': opts = '--line %d' % ourline if '&' in editor or edname == 'kate': ewrite("Spawning %s in background; please press Enter when done " "editing.\n", edname) else: ewrite("Spawning %s...\n", edname) result = os.system("%s %s '%s'" % (editor, opts, filename)) if result: ewrite('Warning: possible error exit from %s: %d\n', edname, result) if not os.path.exists(filename): ewrite('Bug report file %s removed!', filename) sys.exit(1) if '&' in editor: return (None, 1) with open(filename, errors='backslashreplace') as f: newmessage = f.read() if newmessage == message: ewrite('No changes were made in the editor.\n') return (newmessage, newmessage != message) def initialize(): return True def can_input(): return sys.stdin.isatty()