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Filename: //usr/share/i18n/locales//to_TO
comment_char % escape_char / % Tongan language locale for Tonga % Contributed by Akhilesh Kumar <akhilesh.k@samsung.com>. LC_IDENTIFICATION title "Tongan language locale for Tonga" source "International Components for Unicode" address "Samsung R & D Institute India - Delhi 2-A Sectort 126 Noida 201303" contact "" email "akhilesh.k@samsung.com" tel "" fax "" language "Tongan" territory "Tonga" revision "1.0" date "2017-03-23" category "i18n:2012";LC_IDENTIFICATION category "i18n:2012";LC_CTYPE category "i18n:2012";LC_COLLATE category "i18n:2012";LC_TIME category "i18n:2012";LC_NUMERIC category "i18n:2012";LC_MONETARY category "i18n:2012";LC_PAPER category "i18n:2012";LC_MEASUREMENT category "i18n:2012";LC_MESSAGES category "i18n:2012";LC_NAME category "i18n:2012";LC_ADDRESS category "i18n:2012";LC_TELEPHONE END LC_IDENTIFICATION LC_CTYPE copy "i18n" translit_start include "translit_combining";"" translit_end END LC_CTYPE LC_COLLATE copy "iso14651_t1" END LC_COLLATE LC_TIME % http://www.weltec.ac.nz/Portals/0/pasifika/A4card_tonga_2014%20(3).pdf % http://scriptsource.org/cms/scripts/page.php?item_id=entry_detail&uid=ux3sxwufev % Full month names (%B) mon "S<U0101>nuali";/ "F<U0113>pueli";/ "Ma<U02BB>asi";/ "<U02BB>Epeleli";/ "M<U0113>";/ "Sune";/ "Siulai";/ "<U02BB>Aokosi";/ "Sepitema";/ "<U02BB>Okatopa";/ "N<U014D>vema";/ "T<U012B>sema" % Abbreviated month names (%b) abmon "S<U0101>n";/ "F<U0113>p";/ "Ma<U02BB>a";/ "<U02BB>Epe";/ "M<U0113>";/ "Sun";/ "Siu";/ "<U02BB>Aok";/ "Sep";/ "<U02BB>Oka";/ "N<U014D>v";/ "T<U012B>s" % http://www.weltec.ac.nz/Portals/0/pasifika/A4card_tonga_2014%20(3).pdf % http://scriptsource.org/cms/scripts/page.php?item_id=entry_detail&uid=ux3sxwufev % Full weekday names (%A) day "S<U0101>pate";/ "M<U014D>nite";/ "T<U016B>site";/ "Pulelulu";/ "Tu<U02BB>apulelulu";/ "Falaite";/ "Tokonaki" % Abbreviated weekday names (%a) abday "S<U0101>p";/ "M<U014D>n";/ "T<U016B>s";/ "Pul";/ "Tu<U02BB>a";/ "Fal";/ "Tok" % Equivalent of AM PM am_pm "hengihengi";"efiafi" % % Appropriate date and time representation d_t_fmt "%A %d %b %Y %I:%M:%S %p" % % Appropriate date and time representation for date(1) date_fmt "%A %d %b %Y %I:%M:%S %p %Z" % % Appropriate date representation d_fmt "%A %d %b %Y" % % Appropriate time representation t_fmt "%I:%M:%S %p %Z" % % Appropriate 12 h time representation (%r) t_fmt_ampm "%I:%M:%S %p %Z" END LC_TIME % LC_NUMERIC decimal_point "." thousands_sep "," grouping 3 END LC_NUMERIC % https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonga % https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongan_pa%CA%BBanga LC_MONETARY currency_symbol "T$" int_curr_symbol "TOP " mon_decimal_point "." mon_thousands_sep "," mon_grouping 3 positive_sign "" negative_sign "-" frac_digits 2 int_frac_digits 2 p_cs_precedes 1 p_sep_by_space 1 n_cs_precedes 1 n_sep_by_space 1 p_sign_posn 1 n_sign_posn 1 END LC_MONETARY LC_PAPER copy "i18n" END LC_PAPER LC_MEASUREMENT copy "i18n" END LC_MEASUREMENT LC_MESSAGES % https://www.tripadvisor.com/Travel-g294141-s604/Tonga:Important.Phrases.html yesexpr "^[+1yY]" noexpr "^[-0nN]" yesstr "<U02BB>Io" nostr "<U02BB>Ikai" END LC_MESSAGES LC_NAME copy "en_US" END LC_NAME LC_ADDRESS % https://www.grcdi.nl/gsb/tonga.html postal_fmt "%a%b%s%c" country_name "Tonga" % No code country_post "" % http://laendercode.net/en/2-letter-list.html country_ab2 "TO" % http://laendercode.net/en/countries.html country_ab3 "TON" country_car "TON" country_num 776 % Tongan lang_name "lea fakatonga" % https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongan_language lang_ab "to" lang_term "ton" lang_lib "ton" END LC_ADDRESS LC_TELEPHONE % https://www.howtocallabroad.com/tonga/ tel_int_fmt "+%c %l" int_select "00" int_prefix "676" END LC_TELEPHONE