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Filename: ////usr/share/doc/nodejs/api/tracing.md
# Trace events <!--introduced_in=v7.7.0--> > Stability: 1 - Experimental <!-- source_link=lib/trace_events.js --> The `node:trace_events` module provides a mechanism to centralize tracing information generated by V8, Node.js core, and userspace code. Tracing can be enabled with the `--trace-event-categories` command-line flag or by using the `node:trace_events` module. The `--trace-event-categories` flag accepts a list of comma-separated category names. The available categories are: * `node`: An empty placeholder. * `node.async_hooks`: Enables capture of detailed [`async_hooks`][] trace data. The [`async_hooks`][] events have a unique `asyncId` and a special `triggerId` `triggerAsyncId` property. * `node.bootstrap`: Enables capture of Node.js bootstrap milestones. * `node.console`: Enables capture of `console.time()` and `console.count()` output. * `node.dns.native`: Enables capture of trace data for DNS queries. * `node.net.native`: Enables capture of trace data for network. * `node.environment`: Enables capture of Node.js Environment milestones. * `node.fs.sync`: Enables capture of trace data for file system sync methods. * `node.fs_dir.sync`: Enables capture of trace data for file system sync directory methods. * `node.fs.async`: Enables capture of trace data for file system async methods. * `node.fs_dir.async`: Enables capture of trace data for file system async directory methods. * `node.perf`: Enables capture of [Performance API][] measurements. * `node.perf.usertiming`: Enables capture of only Performance API User Timing measures and marks. * `node.perf.timerify`: Enables capture of only Performance API timerify measurements. * `node.promises.rejections`: Enables capture of trace data tracking the number of unhandled Promise rejections and handled-after-rejections. * `node.vm.script`: Enables capture of trace data for the `node:vm` module's `runInNewContext()`, `runInContext()`, and `runInThisContext()` methods. * `v8`: The [V8][] events are GC, compiling, and execution related. * `node.http`: Enables capture of trace data for http request / response. By default the `node`, `node.async_hooks`, and `v8` categories are enabled. ```bash node --trace-event-categories v8,node,node.async_hooks server.js ``` Prior versions of Node.js required the use of the `--trace-events-enabled` flag to enable trace events. This requirement has been removed. However, the `--trace-events-enabled` flag _may_ still be used and will enable the `node`, `node.async_hooks`, and `v8` trace event categories by default. ```bash node --trace-events-enabled # is equivalent to node --trace-event-categories v8,node,node.async_hooks ``` Alternatively, trace events may be enabled using the `node:trace_events` module: ```js const trace_events = require('node:trace_events'); const tracing = trace_events.createTracing({ categories: ['node.perf'] }); tracing.enable(); // Enable trace event capture for the 'node.perf' category // do work tracing.disable(); // Disable trace event capture for the 'node.perf' category ``` Running Node.js with tracing enabled will produce log files that can be opened in the [`chrome://tracing`](https://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/trace-event-profiling-tool) tab of Chrome. The logging file is by default called `node_trace.${rotation}.log`, where `${rotation}` is an incrementing log-rotation id. The filepath pattern can be specified with `--trace-event-file-pattern` that accepts a template string that supports `${rotation}` and `${pid}`: ```bash node --trace-event-categories v8 --trace-event-file-pattern '${pid}-${rotation}.log' server.js ``` To guarantee that the log file is properly generated after signal events like `SIGINT`, `SIGTERM`, or `SIGBREAK`, make sure to have the appropriate handlers in your code, such as: ```js process.on('SIGINT', function onSigint() { console.info('Received SIGINT.'); process.exit(130); // Or applicable exit code depending on OS and signal }); ``` The tracing system uses the same time source as the one used by `process.hrtime()`. However the trace-event timestamps are expressed in microseconds, unlike `process.hrtime()` which returns nanoseconds. The features from this module are not available in [`Worker`][] threads. ## The `node:trace_events` module <!-- YAML added: v10.0.0 --> ### `Tracing` object <!-- YAML added: v10.0.0 --> The `Tracing` object is used to enable or disable tracing for sets of categories. Instances are created using the `trace_events.createTracing()` method. When created, the `Tracing` object is disabled. Calling the `tracing.enable()` method adds the categories to the set of enabled trace event categories. Calling `tracing.disable()` will remove the categories from the set of enabled trace event categories. #### `tracing.categories` <!-- YAML added: v10.0.0 --> * {string} A comma-separated list of the trace event categories covered by this `Tracing` object. #### `tracing.disable()` <!-- YAML added: v10.0.0 --> Disables this `Tracing` object. Only trace event categories _not_ covered by other enabled `Tracing` objects and _not_ specified by the `--trace-event-categories` flag will be disabled. ```js const trace_events = require('node:trace_events'); const t1 = trace_events.createTracing({ categories: ['node', 'v8'] }); const t2 = trace_events.createTracing({ categories: ['node.perf', 'node'] }); t1.enable(); t2.enable(); // Prints 'node,node.perf,v8' console.log(trace_events.getEnabledCategories()); t2.disable(); // Will only disable emission of the 'node.perf' category // Prints 'node,v8' console.log(trace_events.getEnabledCategories()); ``` #### `tracing.enable()` <!-- YAML added: v10.0.0 --> Enables this `Tracing` object for the set of categories covered by the `Tracing` object. #### `tracing.enabled` <!-- YAML added: v10.0.0 --> * {boolean} `true` only if the `Tracing` object has been enabled. ### `trace_events.createTracing(options)` <!-- YAML added: v10.0.0 --> * `options` {Object} * `categories` {string\[]} An array of trace category names. Values included in the array are coerced to a string when possible. An error will be thrown if the value cannot be coerced. * Returns: {Tracing}. Creates and returns a `Tracing` object for the given set of `categories`. ```js const trace_events = require('node:trace_events'); const categories = ['node.perf', 'node.async_hooks']; const tracing = trace_events.createTracing({ categories }); tracing.enable(); // do stuff tracing.disable(); ``` ### `trace_events.getEnabledCategories()` <!-- YAML added: v10.0.0 --> * Returns: {string} Returns a comma-separated list of all currently-enabled trace event categories. The current set of enabled trace event categories is determined by the _union_ of all currently-enabled `Tracing` objects and any categories enabled using the `--trace-event-categories` flag. Given the file `test.js` below, the command `node --trace-event-categories node.perf test.js` will print `'node.async_hooks,node.perf'` to the console. ```js const trace_events = require('node:trace_events'); const t1 = trace_events.createTracing({ categories: ['node.async_hooks'] }); const t2 = trace_events.createTracing({ categories: ['node.perf'] }); const t3 = trace_events.createTracing({ categories: ['v8'] }); t1.enable(); t2.enable(); console.log(trace_events.getEnabledCategories()); ``` ## Examples ### Collect trace events data by inspector ```js 'use strict'; const { Session } = require('inspector'); const session = new Session(); session.connect(); function post(message, data) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { session.post(message, data, (err, result) => { if (err) reject(new Error(JSON.stringify(err))); else resolve(result); }); }); } async function collect() { const data = []; session.on('NodeTracing.dataCollected', (chunk) => data.push(chunk)); session.on('NodeTracing.tracingComplete', () => { // done }); const traceConfig = { includedCategories: ['v8'] }; await post('NodeTracing.start', { traceConfig }); // do something setTimeout(() => { post('NodeTracing.stop').then(() => { session.disconnect(); console.log(data); }); }, 1000); } collect(); ``` [Performance API]: perf_hooks.md [V8]: v8.md [`Worker`]: worker_threads.md#class-worker [`async_hooks`]: async_hooks.md