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Filename: //proc/self/root///proc/self/root//bin////X11///ubuntu-cloudimg-query
#!/bin/sh VERBOSITY=0 TEMP_D="" NAME="ubuntu-cloudimg-query" DOT_D="$HOME/.$NAME" CACHE_D="$HOME/.cache/$NAME" KNOWN_RELEASES="hardy karmic lucid maverick natty oneiric precise quantal raring trusty utopic vivid wily xenial yakkety"; cachelife=86400 error() { echo "$@" 1>&2; } errorp() { printf "$@" 1>&2; } fail() { [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; exit 1; } failp() { [ $# -eq 0 ] || errorp "$@"; exit 1; } Usage() { cat <<EOF Usage: ${0##*/} [ options ] criteria Get the latest Ubuntu ami meeting certain criteria options: -o | --output FILE output to file rather than stdout -f | --format format change output to 'format'. default: '%{ami}\n' --arch ARCH use the specified arch Examples: - get the latest ami matching default criteria for release 'n' $ ${0##*/} -v n us-east-1/ebs/ubuntu-natty-11.04-amd64-server-20110426 ami-1aad5273 - get an instance-store image in i386 image in us-west-1 $ ${0##*/} lucid i386 instance us-west-1 ami-73c69436 - get the latest daily build of the devel release in eu-west-1 $ EC2_REGION=eu-west-1 ${0##*/} daily amd64 ebs o EOF } bad_Usage() { Usage 1>&2; [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; exit 1; } cleanup() { [ -z "${TEMP_D}" -o ! -d "${TEMP_D}" ] || rm -Rf "${TEMP_D}" } cache_valid() { local file="$1" date="$2" [ -n "$file" -a -e "$file" ] || return 1 touch --date "${date}" "${TEMP_D}/ts" [ "$file" -nt "$TEMP_D/ts" ] } dlcache() { local url="$1" out="$2" cfilename="$3" age="$4" local cachef="${CACHE_D}/$cfilename" local timeout="now - $age seconds" [ -n "$cfilename" ] || cachef="" if cache_valid "$cachef" "$timeout"; then cp -a "$cachef" "$out" return fi wget -q "${url}" -O "${out}" || return 1 { [ -z "$cachef" ] || cp "${out}" "${cachef}"; } || return 1 } debug() { local level=${1}; shift; [ "${level}" -gt "${VERBOSITY}" ] && return error "${@}" } isrel() { local cand="$1" url="$2" out="$3" cache="$4" age="$5" local o="" f="" for f in "$out" "$CACHE_D/$cache"; do [ -f "${f}" ] && o=$(awk '-F\t' '$1 ~ r { print $1; exit(0); }' "r=^$cand" "$f") && [ -n "$o" ] && _RET="$o" && return 0 done dlcache "$url" "$out" "$cache" "$age" && o=$(awk '-F\t' '$1 ~ r { print $1; exit(0); }' "r=^$cand" "$out") && [ -n "$o" ] && _RET="$o" && return 0 return 1 } subst() { local cur="$1"; shift; while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do while [ "${cur#*${1}}" != "${cur}" ]; do cur="${cur%%${1}*}${2}${cur#*${1}}" done shift 2 done _RET=${cur} } in_args() { # is $1 in $2.... local needle="$1" hay="" shift; for hay in "$@"; do [ "$hay" = "$needle" ] && return 0 done return 1 } getreleases() { # get the list of releases, return it in _RET local releases="${KNOWN_RELEASES}" r="" if command -v "ubuntu-distro-info" >/dev/null; then local all_rels="" seen_lucid=false all_rels=$(ubuntu-distro-info --all) || { error "'ubuntu-distro-info --all' failed"; return 1; } releases="hardy" for r in $all_rels; do if $seen_lucid || [ "$r" = "lucid" ]; then seen_lucid=true; releases="${releases} $r" fi done fi _RET="$releases" } short_opts="f:ho:v" long_opts="arch:,format:,help,no-cache,output:,verbose" getopt_out=$(getopt --name "${0##*/}" \ --options "${short_opts}" --long "${long_opts}" -- "$@") && eval set -- "${getopt_out}" || bad_Usage ## <<insert default variables here>> output="-" format='%{ami}\n' burl="${UBUNTU_CLOUDIMG_QUERY_BASEURL:-https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/query}" store="" region_default="${EC2_REGION:-us-east-1}" release="xenial" arch="amd64" stream="released" bname="server" itype="" ptype="paravirtual" poss_release="" itypes="" itypes_i386="m1.small c1.medium m1.medium" itypes_amd64="${itypes_i386} m1.large m1.xlarge m2.xlarge m2.2xlarge m2.4xlarge c1.xlarge" itypes_hvm="cc1.4xlarge cg1.4xlarge cc2.8xlarge hi1.4xlarge" itypes_ebs_only="t1.micro m3.xlarge m3.2xlarge" while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do cur=${1}; next=${2}; case "$cur" in --arch) arch="$next"; shift;; -h|--help) Usage ; exit 0;; -f|--format) format=${2}; shift;; -o|--output) output=${2}; shift;; -v|--verbose) VERBOSITY=$((${VERBOSITY}+1));; --no-cache) cachelife=0;; --) shift; break;; esac shift; done getreleases || fail "failed to get releases" releases="${_RET}" for i in "$@"; do in_args "$i" $releases && r_rel=$i && continue case $i in rel*) stream="released";; daily) stream=${i};; server|desktop) bname=${i};; i386|amd64|x86_64|armhf|ppc64el|arm64|s390x|powerpc) arch=${i}; [ "${i}" = "x86_64" ] && arch="amd64";; *-*-[0-9]) region=${i};; ebs|ebs-ssd|ebs-io1) store="$i";; instance|instance-store) store="instance-store";; hvm) ptype="hvm";; para|paravirtual) ptype="paravirtual";; c[cg][1-9].*|hi1.*) ptype="hvm"; itype="$i"; arch=amd64;; [a-z][1-9].[0-9a-z]*) itype="$i"; case "${i}" in t1.micro|m3.*) store=ebs;; # t1.micro, m3.* only supports ebs esac ;; http://*|https://*) burl=${i};; [hklmnopqrstuvwxyz]) [ -z "$p_rel" ] || fail "found 2 unknown args: $p_rel, $i"; p_rel=$i;; *) fail "confused by argument: ${i}";; esac done TEMP_D=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/${0##*/}.XXXXXX") || fail "failed to make tempdir" trap cleanup EXIT { [ -d "${CACHE_D}" ] || mkdir -p "${CACHE_D}"; } || fail "failed to create ${CACHE_D}" daily_latest="${TEMP_D}/daily.latest.txt" release_latest="${TEMP_D}/released.latest.txt" if [ -n "$p_rel" ]; then [ -z "$r_rel" ] || fail "unknown arg ${p_rel}" url="${burl}/daily.latest.txt" isrel "$p_rel" "$url" "${daily_latest}" "daily.latest.txt" $cachelife && r_rel="${_RET}" || fail "bad input $p_rel" fi [ -n "$r_rel" ] && release=$r_rel if [ -z "${region}" ]; then if [ -n "${EC2_URL}" ]; then case "${EC2_URL#*://}" in *-*-[0-9].ec2.amazonaws.com*) region=${EC2_URL#*://}; region=${region%%.*};; ec2.amazonaws.com/*) region=us-east-1;; *) region=${region_default};; esac else region="${region_default}" fi fi if [ -z "$store" ]; then # legacy 'ebs' backed root devices were dropped in xenial, # so 'ebs-ssd' is the default for newer releases. case "$release" in lucid|precise|trusty|wily) store="ebs";; *) store="ebs-ssd";; esac fi ec2_curf="${TEMP_D}/${release}.${bname}.${stream}.current.txt" ec2_url="${burl}/${release}/${bname}/${stream}.current.txt" dl_curf="${TEMP_D}/${release}.${bname}.${stream}-dl.current.txt" dl_url="${burl}/${release}/${bname}/${stream}-dl.current.txt" dlcache "${dl_url}" "${dl_curf}" "${dl_curf##*/}" $cachelife || fail "failed to get ${dl_url}" out=$(awk '-F\t' \ '$1 == release && $2 == bname && $5 == arch { print $4, $6, $7 }' \ "release=$release" "bname=$bname" "arch=$arch" "${dl_curf}") && [ -n "$out" ] || fail "failed find entry in ${dl_url}" set -- ${out}; serial=$1; dlpath=$2; pubname=$3 url="${burl%/query}/${dlpath}" prefix="${store}" [ "${ptype}" = "hvm" ] && prefix="hvm" dlcache "${ec2_url}" "${ec2_curf}" "${ec2_curf##*/}" $cachelife || fail "failed to get ${ec2_url}" ami=$(awk '-F\t' \ '$1 == release && $2 == bname && $5 == store && $6 == arch && $7 == region && $11 == ptype { print $8 }' \ "release=$release" "bname=${bname}" \ "store=$store" "arch=$arch" "region=$region" "ptype=$ptype" \ "${ec2_curf}") if [ -z "$ami" ]; then amifmt="%{ami}" [ "$format" = "${format#*${amifmt}}" ] || fail "no matching ami id found, but '%{ami}' in output format" fi case "$arch:$store:$ptype" in *:hvm) itypes_all="${itypes_hvm}";; i386:*) itypes_all="${itypes_i386}";; amd64:*) itypes_all="${itypes_amd64}";; esac [ "$store" = "ebs" -a "$ptype" != "hvm" ] && itypes_all="${itypes_ebs_only} $itypes_all" itypes="" for x in ${itype} ${itypes_all}; do case ",$itypes," in *,$x,*) continue;; esac itypes="${itypes},${x}" done itypes=${itypes#,} itype=${itypes%%,*} xarch=${arch} [ "$xarch" = "amd64" ] && xarch="x86_64" CR=" " TAB=" " subst "$format" \ '\\n' "$CR" '\\t' "$TAB" \ '%{ami}' "$ami" \ '%{arch}' "$arch" '%{bname}' "$bname" '%{dlpath}' "$dlpath" \ '%{ptype}' "$ptype" '%{pubname}' "$pubname" '%{region}' "$region" \ '%{release}' "$release" '%{store}' "$store" '%{stream}' "$stream" \ '%{url}' "$url" \ '%{xarch}' "$xarch" '%{itype}' "${itype}" '%{itypes}' "$itypes" \ '%{serial}' "$serial" \ '%{summary}' "${region}/${prefix}/${pubname}" out=${_RET} [ -n "${out}" ] || fail "no ami found matching criteria" debug 1 "${region}/${prefix}/${pubname}" if [ -n "${output}" -a "${output}" != "-" ]; then echo -n "$out" > "$output" else echo -n "$out" fi exit # vi: ts=4 noexpandtab