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Filename: //lib/python3/dist-packages///certbot/display//util.py
"""Certbot display. This module (`certbot.display.util`) or its companion `certbot.display.ops` should be used whenever: - Displaying status information to the user on the terminal - Collecting information from the user via prompts Other messages can use the `logging` module. See `log.py`. """ import logging import sys import textwrap import zope.interface import zope.component from acme.magic_typing import List from certbot import errors from certbot import interfaces from certbot._internal import constants from certbot._internal.display import completer from certbot.compat import misc from certbot.compat import os logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) WIDTH = 72 # Display exit codes OK = "ok" """Display exit code indicating user acceptance.""" CANCEL = "cancel" """Display exit code for a user canceling the display.""" HELP = "help" """Display exit code when for when the user requests more help. (UNUSED)""" ESC = "esc" """Display exit code when the user hits Escape (UNUSED)""" # Display constants SIDE_FRAME = ("- " * 39) + "-" """Display boundary (alternates spaces, so when copy-pasted, markdown doesn't interpret it as a heading)""" def _wrap_lines(msg): """Format lines nicely to 80 chars. :param str msg: Original message :returns: Formatted message respecting newlines in message :rtype: str """ lines = msg.splitlines() fixed_l = [] for line in lines: fixed_l.append(textwrap.fill( line, 80, break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False)) return '\n'.join(fixed_l) def input_with_timeout(prompt=None, timeout=36000.0): """Get user input with a timeout. Behaves the same as six.moves.input, however, an error is raised if a user doesn't answer after timeout seconds. The default timeout value was chosen to place it just under 12 hours for users following our advice and running Certbot twice a day. :param str prompt: prompt to provide for input :param float timeout: maximum number of seconds to wait for input :returns: user response :rtype: str :raises errors.Error if no answer is given before the timeout """ # use of sys.stdin and sys.stdout to mimic six.moves.input based on # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/baf7bb30a02aabde260143136bdf5b3738a1d409/Lib/getpass.py#L129 if prompt: sys.stdout.write(prompt) sys.stdout.flush() line = misc.readline_with_timeout(timeout, prompt) if not line: raise EOFError return line.rstrip('\n') def notify(msg): # type: (str) -> None """Display a basic status message. :param str msg: message to display """ zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay).notification( msg, pause=False, decorate=False, wrap=False ) @zope.interface.implementer(interfaces.IDisplay) class FileDisplay(object): """File-based display.""" # see https://github.com/certbot/certbot/issues/3915 def __init__(self, outfile, force_interactive): super(FileDisplay, self).__init__() self.outfile = outfile self.force_interactive = force_interactive self.skipped_interaction = False def notification(self, message, pause=True, wrap=True, force_interactive=False, decorate=True): """Displays a notification and waits for user acceptance. :param str message: Message to display :param bool pause: Whether or not the program should pause for the user's confirmation :param bool wrap: Whether or not the application should wrap text :param bool force_interactive: True if it's safe to prompt the user because it won't cause any workflow regressions :param bool decorate: Whether to surround the message with a decorated frame """ if wrap: message = _wrap_lines(message) logger.debug("Notifying user: %s", message) self.outfile.write( (("{line}{frame}{line}" if decorate else "") + "{msg}{line}" + ("{frame}{line}" if decorate else "")) .format(line=os.linesep, frame=SIDE_FRAME, msg=message) ) self.outfile.flush() if pause: if self._can_interact(force_interactive): input_with_timeout("Press Enter to Continue") else: logger.debug("Not pausing for user confirmation") def menu(self, message, choices, ok_label=None, cancel_label=None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument help_label=None, default=None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument cli_flag=None, force_interactive=False, **unused_kwargs): """Display a menu. .. todo:: This doesn't enable the help label/button (I wasn't sold on any interface I came up with for this). It would be a nice feature :param str message: title of menu :param choices: Menu lines, len must be > 0 :type choices: list of tuples (tag, item) or list of descriptions (tags will be enumerated) :param default: default value to return (if one exists) :param str cli_flag: option used to set this value with the CLI :param bool force_interactive: True if it's safe to prompt the user because it won't cause any workflow regressions :returns: tuple of (`code`, `index`) where `code` - str display exit code `index` - int index of the user's selection :rtype: tuple """ if self._return_default(message, default, cli_flag, force_interactive): return OK, default self._print_menu(message, choices) code, selection = self._get_valid_int_ans(len(choices)) return code, selection - 1 def input(self, message, default=None, cli_flag=None, force_interactive=False, **unused_kwargs): """Accept input from the user. :param str message: message to display to the user :param default: default value to return (if one exists) :param str cli_flag: option used to set this value with the CLI :param bool force_interactive: True if it's safe to prompt the user because it won't cause any workflow regressions :returns: tuple of (`code`, `input`) where `code` - str display exit code `input` - str of the user's input :rtype: tuple """ if self._return_default(message, default, cli_flag, force_interactive): return OK, default # Trailing space must be added outside of _wrap_lines to be preserved message = _wrap_lines("%s (Enter 'c' to cancel):" % message) + " " ans = input_with_timeout(message) if ans in ("c", "C"): return CANCEL, "-1" return OK, ans def yesno(self, message, yes_label="Yes", no_label="No", default=None, cli_flag=None, force_interactive=False, **unused_kwargs): """Query the user with a yes/no question. Yes and No label must begin with different letters, and must contain at least one letter each. :param str message: question for the user :param str yes_label: Label of the "Yes" parameter :param str no_label: Label of the "No" parameter :param default: default value to return (if one exists) :param str cli_flag: option used to set this value with the CLI :param bool force_interactive: True if it's safe to prompt the user because it won't cause any workflow regressions :returns: True for "Yes", False for "No" :rtype: bool """ if self._return_default(message, default, cli_flag, force_interactive): return default message = _wrap_lines(message) self.outfile.write("{0}{frame}{msg}{0}{frame}".format( os.linesep, frame=SIDE_FRAME + os.linesep, msg=message)) self.outfile.flush() while True: ans = input_with_timeout("{yes}/{no}: ".format( yes=_parens_around_char(yes_label), no=_parens_around_char(no_label))) # Couldn't get pylint indentation right with elif # elif doesn't matter in this situation if (ans.startswith(yes_label[0].lower()) or ans.startswith(yes_label[0].upper())): return True if (ans.startswith(no_label[0].lower()) or ans.startswith(no_label[0].upper())): return False def checklist(self, message, tags, default=None, cli_flag=None, force_interactive=False, **unused_kwargs): """Display a checklist. :param str message: Message to display to user :param list tags: `str` tags to select, len(tags) > 0 :param default: default value to return (if one exists) :param str cli_flag: option used to set this value with the CLI :param bool force_interactive: True if it's safe to prompt the user because it won't cause any workflow regressions :returns: tuple of (`code`, `tags`) where `code` - str display exit code `tags` - list of selected tags :rtype: tuple """ if self._return_default(message, default, cli_flag, force_interactive): return OK, default while True: self._print_menu(message, tags) code, ans = self.input("Select the appropriate numbers separated " "by commas and/or spaces, or leave input " "blank to select all options shown", force_interactive=True) if code == OK: if not ans.strip(): ans = " ".join(str(x) for x in range(1, len(tags)+1)) indices = separate_list_input(ans) selected_tags = self._scrub_checklist_input(indices, tags) if selected_tags: return code, selected_tags self.outfile.write( "** Error - Invalid selection **%s" % os.linesep) self.outfile.flush() else: return code, [] def _return_default(self, prompt, default, cli_flag, force_interactive): """Should we return the default instead of prompting the user? :param str prompt: prompt for the user :param default: default answer to prompt :param str cli_flag: command line option for setting an answer to this question :param bool force_interactive: if interactivity is forced by the IDisplay call :returns: True if we should return the default without prompting :rtype: bool """ # assert_valid_call(prompt, default, cli_flag, force_interactive) if self._can_interact(force_interactive): return False if default is None: msg = "Unable to get an answer for the question:\n{0}".format(prompt) if cli_flag: msg += ( "\nYou can provide an answer on the " "command line with the {0} flag.".format(cli_flag)) raise errors.Error(msg) logger.debug( "Falling back to default %s for the prompt:\n%s", default, prompt) return True def _can_interact(self, force_interactive): """Can we safely interact with the user? :param bool force_interactive: if interactivity is forced by the IDisplay call :returns: True if the display can interact with the user :rtype: bool """ if (self.force_interactive or force_interactive or sys.stdin.isatty() and self.outfile.isatty()): return True if not self.skipped_interaction: logger.warning( "Skipped user interaction because Certbot doesn't appear to " "be running in a terminal. You should probably include " "--non-interactive or %s on the command line.", constants.FORCE_INTERACTIVE_FLAG) self.skipped_interaction = True return False def directory_select(self, message, default=None, cli_flag=None, force_interactive=False, **unused_kwargs): """Display a directory selection screen. :param str message: prompt to give the user :param default: default value to return (if one exists) :param str cli_flag: option used to set this value with the CLI :param bool force_interactive: True if it's safe to prompt the user because it won't cause any workflow regressions :returns: tuple of the form (`code`, `string`) where `code` - display exit code `string` - input entered by the user """ with completer.Completer(): return self.input(message, default, cli_flag, force_interactive) def _scrub_checklist_input(self, indices, tags): """Validate input and transform indices to appropriate tags. :param list indices: input :param list tags: Original tags of the checklist :returns: valid tags the user selected :rtype: :class:`list` of :class:`str` """ # They should all be of type int try: indices = [int(index) for index in indices] except ValueError: return [] # Remove duplicates indices = list(set(indices)) # Check all input is within range for index in indices: if index < 1 or index > len(tags): return [] # Transform indices to appropriate tags return [tags[index - 1] for index in indices] def _print_menu(self, message, choices): """Print a menu on the screen. :param str message: title of menu :param choices: Menu lines :type choices: list of tuples (tag, item) or list of descriptions (tags will be enumerated) """ # Can take either tuples or single items in choices list if choices and isinstance(choices[0], tuple): choices = ["%s - %s" % (c[0], c[1]) for c in choices] # Write out the message to the user self.outfile.write( "{new}{msg}{new}".format(new=os.linesep, msg=message)) self.outfile.write(SIDE_FRAME + os.linesep) # Write out the menu choices for i, desc in enumerate(choices, 1): msg = "{num}: {desc}".format(num=i, desc=desc) self.outfile.write(_wrap_lines(msg)) # Keep this outside of the textwrap self.outfile.write(os.linesep) self.outfile.write(SIDE_FRAME + os.linesep) self.outfile.flush() def _get_valid_int_ans(self, max_): """Get a numerical selection. :param int max: The maximum entry (len of choices), must be positive :returns: tuple of the form (`code`, `selection`) where `code` - str display exit code ('ok' or cancel') `selection` - int user's selection :rtype: tuple """ selection = -1 if max_ > 1: input_msg = ("Select the appropriate number " "[1-{max_}] then [enter] (press 'c' to " "cancel): ".format(max_=max_)) else: input_msg = ("Press 1 [enter] to confirm the selection " "(press 'c' to cancel): ") while selection < 1: ans = input_with_timeout(input_msg) if ans.startswith("c") or ans.startswith("C"): return CANCEL, -1 try: selection = int(ans) if selection < 1 or selection > max_: selection = -1 raise ValueError except ValueError: self.outfile.write( "{0}** Invalid input **{0}".format(os.linesep)) self.outfile.flush() return OK, selection def assert_valid_call(prompt, default, cli_flag, force_interactive): """Verify that provided arguments is a valid IDisplay call. :param str prompt: prompt for the user :param default: default answer to prompt :param str cli_flag: command line option for setting an answer to this question :param bool force_interactive: if interactivity is forced by the IDisplay call """ msg = "Invalid IDisplay call for this prompt:\n{0}".format(prompt) if cli_flag: msg += ("\nYou can set an answer to " "this prompt with the {0} flag".format(cli_flag)) assert default is not None or force_interactive, msg @zope.interface.implementer(interfaces.IDisplay) class NoninteractiveDisplay(object): """An iDisplay implementation that never asks for interactive user input""" def __init__(self, outfile, *unused_args, **unused_kwargs): super(NoninteractiveDisplay, self).__init__() self.outfile = outfile def _interaction_fail(self, message, cli_flag, extra=""): "Error out in case of an attempt to interact in noninteractive mode" msg = "Missing command line flag or config entry for this setting:\n" msg += message if extra: msg += "\n" + extra if cli_flag: msg += "\n\n(You can set this with the {0} flag)".format(cli_flag) raise errors.MissingCommandlineFlag(msg) def notification(self, message, pause=False, wrap=True, decorate=True, **unused_kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Displays a notification without waiting for user acceptance. :param str message: Message to display to stdout :param bool pause: The NoninteractiveDisplay waits for no keyboard :param bool wrap: Whether or not the application should wrap text :param bool decorate: Whether to apply a decorated frame to the message """ if wrap: message = _wrap_lines(message) logger.debug("Notifying user: %s", message) self.outfile.write( (("{line}{frame}{line}" if decorate else "") + "{msg}{line}" + ("{frame}{line}" if decorate else "")) .format(line=os.linesep, frame=SIDE_FRAME, msg=message) ) self.outfile.flush() def menu(self, message, choices, ok_label=None, cancel_label=None, help_label=None, default=None, cli_flag=None, **unused_kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Avoid displaying a menu. :param str message: title of menu :param choices: Menu lines, len must be > 0 :type choices: list of tuples (tag, item) or list of descriptions (tags will be enumerated) :param int default: the default choice :param dict kwargs: absorbs various irrelevant labelling arguments :returns: tuple of (`code`, `index`) where `code` - str display exit code `index` - int index of the user's selection :rtype: tuple :raises errors.MissingCommandlineFlag: if there was no default """ if default is None: self._interaction_fail(message, cli_flag, "Choices: " + repr(choices)) return OK, default def input(self, message, default=None, cli_flag=None, **unused_kwargs): """Accept input from the user. :param str message: message to display to the user :returns: tuple of (`code`, `input`) where `code` - str display exit code `input` - str of the user's input :rtype: tuple :raises errors.MissingCommandlineFlag: if there was no default """ if default is None: self._interaction_fail(message, cli_flag) return OK, default def yesno(self, message, yes_label=None, no_label=None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument default=None, cli_flag=None, **unused_kwargs): """Decide Yes or No, without asking anybody :param str message: question for the user :param dict kwargs: absorbs yes_label, no_label :raises errors.MissingCommandlineFlag: if there was no default :returns: True for "Yes", False for "No" :rtype: bool """ if default is None: self._interaction_fail(message, cli_flag) return default def checklist(self, message, tags, default=None, cli_flag=None, **unused_kwargs): """Display a checklist. :param str message: Message to display to user :param list tags: `str` tags to select, len(tags) > 0 :param dict kwargs: absorbs default_status arg :returns: tuple of (`code`, `tags`) where `code` - str display exit code `tags` - list of selected tags :rtype: tuple """ if default is None: self._interaction_fail(message, cli_flag, "? ".join(tags)) return OK, default def directory_select(self, message, default=None, cli_flag=None, **unused_kwargs): """Simulate prompting the user for a directory. This function returns default if it is not ``None``, otherwise, an exception is raised explaining the problem. If cli_flag is not ``None``, the error message will include the flag that can be used to set this value with the CLI. :param str message: prompt to give the user :param default: default value to return (if one exists) :param str cli_flag: option used to set this value with the CLI :returns: tuple of the form (`code`, `string`) where `code` - int display exit code `string` - input entered by the user """ return self.input(message, default, cli_flag) def separate_list_input(input_): """Separate a comma or space separated list. :param str input_: input from the user :returns: strings :rtype: list """ no_commas = input_.replace(",", " ") # Each string is naturally unicode, this causes problems with M2Crypto SANs # TODO: check if above is still true when M2Crypto is gone ^ return [str(string) for string in no_commas.split()] def _parens_around_char(label): """Place parens around first character of label. :param str label: Must contain at least one character """ return "({first}){rest}".format(first=label[0], rest=label[1:]) def summarize_domain_list(domains): # type: (List[str]) -> str """Summarizes a list of domains in the format of: example.com.com and N more domains or if there is are only two domains: example.com and www.example.com or if there is only one domain: example.com :param list domains: `str` list of domains :returns: the domain list summary :rtype: str """ if not domains: return "" l = len(domains) if l == 1: return domains[0] elif l == 2: return " and ".join(domains) else: return "{0} and {1} more domains".format(domains[0], l-1)