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Filename: //lib//python3/////dist-packages////reportbug/utils.py
# # utils module - common functions for reportbug UIs # Written by Chris Lawrence <lawrencc@debian.org> # Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Chris Lawrence # Copyright (C) 2008-2021 Sandro Tosi <morph@debian.org> # # This program is freely distributable per the following license: # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, # provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that # both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in # supporting documentation. # # I DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL I # BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY # DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, # ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS # SOFTWARE. import sys import os import re import platform try: import pwd from .tempfiles import TempFile, cleanup_temp_file except ImportError as e: if platform.system() == 'Windows': pass else: print(e) sys.exit(1) import shlex import email import email.policy import socket import subprocess import apt import gzip import urllib from .urlutils import open_url from .mailer import MUA # Paths for dpkg DPKGLIB = '/var/lib/dpkg' AVAILDB = os.path.join(DPKGLIB, 'available') STATUSDB = os.path.join(DPKGLIB, 'status') # Headers other than these become email headers for debbugs servers PSEUDOHEADERS = ('Package', 'Source', 'Version', 'Severity', 'File', 'Tags', 'Justification', 'Followup-For', 'Owner', 'User', 'Usertags', 'Forwarded', 'Control', 'X-Debbugs-Cc') # These pseudo-headers can be repeated in the report REPEATABLE_PSEUDOHEADERS = ['Control',] MODES = {'novice': 'Offer simple prompts, bypassing technical questions.', 'standard': 'Offer more extensive prompts, including asking about ' 'things that a moderately sophisticated user would be expected to ' 'know about Debian.', 'advanced': 'Like standard, but assumes you know a bit more about ' 'Debian, including "incoming".', 'expert': 'Bypass most handholding measures and preliminary triage ' 'routines. This mode should not be used by people unfamiliar with ' 'Debian\'s policies and operating procedures.'} MODELIST = ['novice', 'standard', 'advanced', 'expert'] for mode in MODELIST: exec('MODE_%s=%d' % (mode.upper(), MODELIST.index(mode))) del mode # moved here since it needs the MODE_* vars to be defined from . import debbugs # it needs to be imported after debbugs #from .ui import text_ui as ui from reportbug.ui import AVAILABLE_UIS NEWBIELINE = """Dear Maintainer, *** Reporter, please consider answering these questions, where appropriate *** * What led up to the situation? * What exactly did you do (or not do) that was effective (or ineffective)? * What was the outcome of this action? * What outcome did you expect instead? *** End of the template - remove these template lines ***""" fhs_directories = ['/', '/usr', '/usr/share', '/var', '/usr/X11R6', '/usr/man', '/usr/doc', '/usr/bin'] # A map between codenames and suites CODENAME2SUITE = {'wheezy': 'oldoldoldoldoldstable', 'jessie': 'oldoldoldoldstable', 'stretch': 'oldoldoldstable', 'buster': 'oldoldstable', 'bullseye': 'oldstable', 'bookworm': 'stable', 'trixie': 'testing', 'forky': 'next-testing', 'sid': 'unstable', 'experimental': 'experimental'} SUITE2CODENAME = dict([(suite, codename) for codename, suite in list(CODENAME2SUITE.items())]) _apt_cache = apt.Cache() def realpath(filename): filename = os.path.abspath(filename) bits = filename.split('/') for i in range(2, len(bits) + 1): component = '/'.join(bits[0:i]) if component in fhs_directories: continue if os.path.islink(component): resolved = os.readlink(component) (dir, file) = os.path.split(component) resolved = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dir, resolved)) newpath = os.path.join(*[resolved] + bits[i:]) return realpath(newpath) return filename pathdirs = ['/usr/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/sbin', '/bin', '/usr/X11R6/bin', '/usr/games'] def search_path_for(filename): d, f = os.path.split(filename) if d: return realpath(filename) path = os.environ.get("PATH", os.defpath).split(':') for d in pathdirs: if d not in path: path.append(d) for d in path: fullname = os.path.join(d, f) if os.path.exists(fullname): return realpath(fullname) return None def which_editor(specified_editor=None): """ Determine which editor program to use. :parameters: `specified_editor` Specified editor for reportbug, to be used in preference to other settings. :return value: Command to invoke for selected editor program. """ debian_default_editor = "/usr/bin/sensible-editor" for editor in [specified_editor, os.environ.get("VISUAL"), os.environ.get("EDITOR"), debian_default_editor]: if editor: break return editor def glob_escape(filename): filename = re.sub(r'([*?\[\]])', r'\\\1', filename) return filename def search_pipe(searchfile, use_dlocate=True): arg = shlex.quote(searchfile) if use_dlocate and os.path.exists('/usr/bin/dlocate'): pipe = os.popen('COLUMNS=79 dlocate -S %s 2>/dev/null' % arg) else: use_dlocate = False pipe = os.popen('COLUMNS=79 dpkg --search %s 2>/dev/null' % arg) return (pipe, use_dlocate) def get_command_output(cmd): use_shell = False if isinstance(cmd, str) and ' ' in cmd: use_shell = True return subprocess.run(cmd, shell=use_shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode(errors='backslashreplace') def query_dpkg_for(filename, use_dlocate=True): try: x = os.getcwd() except OSError: os.chdir('/') searchfilename = glob_escape(filename) (pipe, dlocate_used) = search_pipe(searchfilename, use_dlocate) packages = {} for line in pipe: line = line.strip() # Ignore diversions if 'diversion by' in line: continue (package, path) = line.split(': ', 1) path = path.strip() packlist = package.split(', ') for package in packlist: if package in packages: packages[package].append(path) else: packages[package] = [path] pipe.close() # Try again without dlocate if no packages found if not packages and dlocate_used: _, packages = query_dpkg_for(filename, use_dlocate=False) # still not found? # dpkg and merged /usr do not work well together if not packages and filename.startswith(('/usr/bin', '/usr/lib', '/usr/sbin')): # try without '/usr' filename = filename[4:] return query_dpkg_for(filename) return filename, packages def find_package_for(filename, pathonly=False): """Find the package(s) containing this file.""" packages = {} # tries to match also files in /var/lib/dpkg/info/ if filename.startswith('/var/lib/dpkg/info/'): dpkg_info = re.compile(r'/var/lib/dpkg/info/(.+)\.[^.]+') m = dpkg_info.match(filename) # callee want a dict as second pair element... packages[m.group(1)] = '' return (filename, packages) if filename[0] == '/': fn, pkglist = query_dpkg_for(filename) if pkglist: return fn, pkglist newfilename = search_path_for(filename) if pathonly and not newfilename: return (filename, None) return query_dpkg_for(newfilename or filename) def find_rewritten(username): filename = '/etc/email-addresses' try: fp = open(filename, errors='backslashreplace') except (FileNotFoundError, IOError): return None try: for line in fp: line = line.strip().split('#')[0] if not line: continue try: name, alias = line.split(':') if name.strip() == username: return alias.strip() except ValueError: print('Invalid entry in %s' % filename) return None finally: fp.close() def check_email_addr(addr): """Simple check for email validity""" if '@' not in addr: return False if addr.count('@') != 1: return False localpart, domainpart = addr.split('@') if localpart.startswith('.') or localpart.endswith('.'): return False if '.' not in domainpart: return False if domainpart.startswith('.') or domainpart.endswith('.'): return False # known invalid addresses according to rfc2606 if domainpart in ('localhost', 'example.com', 'example.net', 'example.org'): return False if domainpart.endswith(('.example', '.invalid', '.localhost', '.test', '.example.com', '.example.net', '.example.org')): return False return True def get_email_addr(addr): return email.utils.getaddresses([addr,])[0] def get_email(emailaddr='', realname=''): return get_email_addr(get_user_id(emailaddr, realname)) def get_user_id(emailaddr='', realname='', charset='utf-8'): uid = os.getuid() info = pwd.getpwuid(uid) emailaddr = (os.environ.get('REPORTBUGEMAIL', emailaddr) or os.environ.get('DEBEMAIL') or os.environ.get('EMAIL')) emailaddr = emailaddr or find_rewritten(info[0]) or info[0] if '@' not in emailaddr: try: with open('/etc/mailname', 'r') as mf: domainname = mf.readline().strip() except (FileNotFoundError, IOError): domainname = socket.getfqdn() emailaddr = emailaddr + '@' + domainname # Handle EMAIL if it's formatted as 'Bob <bob@host>'. if '<' in emailaddr or '(' in emailaddr: realname, emailaddr = get_email_addr(emailaddr) if not realname: realname = (os.environ.get('DEBFULLNAME') or os.environ.get('DEBNAME') or os.environ.get('NAME')) if not realname: realname = info[4].split(',', 1)[0] # Convert & in gecos field 4 to capitalized logname: #224231 realname = realname.replace('&', info[0].capitalize()) if not realname: return emailaddr return email.utils.formataddr((realname, emailaddr)) statuscache = {} def get_package_status(package, avail=False): if not avail and package in statuscache: return statuscache[package] versionre = re.compile('Version: ') packagere = re.compile('Package: ') priorityre = re.compile('Priority: ') dependsre = re.compile('(Pre-)?Depends: ') recsre = re.compile('Recommends: ') suggestsre = re.compile('Suggests: ') conffilesre = re.compile('Conffiles:') maintre = re.compile('Maintainer: ') statusre = re.compile('Status: ') originre = re.compile('Origin: ') bugsre = re.compile('Bugs: ') descre = re.compile('Description(?:-[a-zA-Z]+)?: ') fullre = re.compile(' ') srcre = re.compile('Source: ') sectionre = re.compile('Section: ') pkgversion = pkgavail = maintainer = status = origin = None bugs = vendor = priority = desc = src_name = section = None conffiles = [] fulldesc = [] depends = [] recommends = [] suggests = [] confmode = False descmode = False state = '' try: x = os.getcwd() except OSError: os.chdir('/') packarg = shlex.quote(package) if avail: output = get_command_output( "LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 apt-cache show %s 2>/dev/null" % packarg) else: # filter through dpkg-query to automatically append arch # qualifier in the cases where this is needed try: packarg = get_command_output( "dpkg-query -W -f='${binary:Package}\n' %s 2>/dev/null" % packarg).split()[0] except IndexError: pass output = get_command_output( "COLUMNS=79 dpkg --status %s 2>/dev/null" % packarg) for line in output.split(os.linesep): line = line.rstrip() if not line: continue if descmode: if line[0] == ' ': fulldesc.append(line) else: descmode = False if confmode: if line[:2] != ' /': confmode = False else: # re is used to identify also conffiles with spaces in the name conffiles += re.findall(r' (.+) ([0-9a-f]+).*$', line) if versionre.match(line): (crud, pkgversion) = line.split(": ", 1) elif statusre.match(line): (crud, status) = line.split(": ", 1) elif priorityre.match(line): (crud, priority) = line.split(": ", 1) elif packagere.match(line): (crud, pkgavail) = line.split(": ", 1) elif originre.match(line): (crud, origin) = line.split(": ", 1) elif bugsre.match(line): (crud, bugs) = line.split(": ", 1) elif descre.match(line) and not fulldesc: (crud, desc) = line.split(": ", 1) descmode = True elif dependsre.match(line): (crud, thisdepends) = line.split(": ", 1) # Remove versioning crud thisdepends = [[y.split()[0] for y in x.split('|')] for x in (thisdepends.split(', '))] depends.extend(thisdepends) elif recsre.match(line): (crud, thisdepends) = line.split(": ", 1) # Remove versioning crud thisdepends = [[y.split()[0] for y in x.split('|')] for x in (thisdepends.split(', '))] recommends.extend(thisdepends) elif suggestsre.match(line): (crud, thisdepends) = line.split(": ", 1) # Remove versioning crud thisdepends = [[y.split()[0] for y in x.split('|')] for x in (thisdepends.split(', '))] suggests.extend(thisdepends) elif conffilesre.match(line): confmode = True elif maintre.match(line): crud, maintainer = line.split(": ", 1) elif srcre.match(line): crud, src_name = line.split(": ", 1) src_name = src_name.split()[0] elif sectionre.match(line): crud, section = line.split(": ", 1) installed = False if status: state = status.split()[2] installed = (state not in ('config-files', 'not-installed')) reportinfo = None if bugs: reportinfo = debbugs.parse_bts_url(bugs) elif origin: if origin in debbugs.SYSTEMS: vendor = debbugs.SYSTEMS[origin]['name'] reportinfo = (debbugs.SYSTEMS[origin].get('type', 'debbugs'), debbugs.SYSTEMS[origin]['btsroot']) else: vendor = origin.capitalize() else: vendor = '' info = (pkgversion, pkgavail, tuple(depends), tuple(recommends), tuple(conffiles), maintainer, installed, origin, vendor, reportinfo, priority, desc, src_name, os.linesep.join(fulldesc), state, tuple(suggests), section) if not avail: statuscache[package] = info return info # dbase = [] # avail = [] # Object that essentially chunkifies the output of apt-cache dumpavail class AvailDB(object): def __init__(self, fp=None, popenob=None): self.popenob = popenob if fp: self.fp = fp elif popenob: self.fp = popenob.stdout def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): chunk = '' while True: if self.popenob: if self.popenob.returncode: break line = self.fp.readline() if not line: break if line == '\n': return chunk chunk += str(line) if chunk: return chunk raise StopIteration def __del__(self): # print >> sys.stderr, 'availdb cleanup', repr(self.popenob), repr(self.fp) if self.popenob: # Clear the pipe before shutting it down while True: if self.popenob.returncode: break stuff = self.fp.read(65536) if not stuff: break self.popenob.wait() if self.fp: self.fp.close() def get_dpkg_database(): try: fp = open(STATUSDB, errors="backslashreplace") if fp: return AvailDB(fp=fp) except IOError: print('Unable to open', STATUSDB, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) def get_avail_database(): # print >> sys.stderr, 'Searching available database' subp = subprocess.Popen(('apt-cache', 'dumpavail'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return AvailDB(popenob=subp) def get_source_name(package): try: return _apt_cache[package].versions[0].source_name except KeyError: pass # check if there is a source package with that name try: srcrecords = apt.apt_pkg.SourceRecords() if srcrecords.lookup(package): return srcrecords.package except apt.apt_pkg.Error as e: print(f"Cannot look up source package: '{e}'") return None def get_source_package(package): packages = [] retlist = [] found = {} data = get_command_output('apt-cache showsrc ' + shlex.quote(package)) binre = re.compile(r'^Binary: (.*)$') for line in data.split('\n'): m = binre.match(line) if m: packs = m.group(1) packlist = re.split(r',\s*', packs) packages += packlist for p in packages: try: desc = _apt_cache[p].versions[0].summary except KeyError: continue if desc and (p not in found): retlist += [(p, desc)] found[p] = desc retlist.sort() return retlist def get_package_info(packages, skip_notfound=False): if not packages: return [] packinfo = get_dpkg_database() pkgname = r'(?:[\S]+(?:\s+\(=[^()]+\))?(?:$|,\s+))' groupfor = {} searchpkgs = [] searchbits = [] for (group, package) in packages: groupfor[package] = group escpkg = re.escape(package) searchpkgs.append(escpkg + r'(?:\s+\(=[^()]+\))?') searchbits = [ # Package regular expression r'^(?P<hdr>Package):\s+(' + '|'.join(searchpkgs) + ')$', # Provides regular expression r'^(?P<hdr>Provides):\s+' + pkgname + r'*(?P<pkg>' + '|'.join(searchpkgs) + r')(?:$|,\s+)' + pkgname + '*$' ] groups = list(groupfor.values()) found = {} searchobs = [re.compile(x, re.MULTILINE) for x in searchbits] packob = re.compile('^Package: (?P<pkg>.*)$', re.MULTILINE) statob = re.compile('^Status: (?P<stat>.*)$', re.MULTILINE) versob = re.compile('^Version: (?P<vers>.*)$', re.MULTILINE) descob = re.compile('^Description(?:-[a-zA-Z]+)?: (?P<desc>.*)$', re.MULTILINE) ret = [] for p in packinfo: for ob in searchobs: m = ob.search(p) if m: pack = packob.search(p).group('pkg') stat = statob.search(p).group('stat') sinfo = stat.split() stat = sinfo[0][0] + sinfo[2][0] # check if the package is installed, and in that case, retrieve # its information; if the first char is not 'i' or 'h' (install # or hold) or the second is 'n' (not-installed), then skip data # retrieval if stat[0] not in 'ih' or stat[1] == 'n': continue if m.group('hdr') == 'Provides': provides = m.group('pkg').split()[0] else: provides = None vers = versob.search(p).group('vers') desc = descob.search(p).group('desc') info = (pack, stat, vers, desc, provides) ret.append(info) group = groupfor.get(pack) if group: for item in group: found[item] = True if provides not in found: found[provides] = True if skip_notfound: return ret for group in groups: notfound = [x for x in group if x not in found] if len(notfound) == len(group): if group not in found: ret.append((' | '.join(group), 'pn', '<none>', '(no description available)', None)) return ret def packages_providing(package): aret = get_package_info([((package,), package)], skip_notfound=True) ret = [] for pkg in aret: ret.append((pkg[0], pkg[3])) return ret def get_dependency_info(package, depends, rel="depends on"): if not depends: return ('\n%s %s no packages.\n' % (package, rel)) dependencies = [] for dep in depends: # drop possible architecture qualifier from package names dep = [d.split(':')[0] for d in dep] for bit in dep: dependencies.append((tuple(dep), bit)) depinfo = "\nVersions of packages %s %s:\n" % (package, rel) packs = {} for info in get_package_info(dependencies): pkg = info[0] if pkg not in packs: packs[pkg] = info elif info[4]: if not packs[pkg][4]: packs[pkg] = info deplist = list(packs.values()) deplist.sort() deplist2 = [] # extract the info we need, also add provides where it fits for (pack, status, vers, desc, provides) in deplist: if provides: pack += ' [' + provides + ']' deplist2.append((pack, vers, status)) deplist = deplist2 # now we can compute the max possible value for each column, that can be the # max of all its values, or the space left from the other column; this way, # the sum of the 2 fields is never > 73 (hence the resulting line is <80 # columns) maxp = max([len(x[0]) for x in deplist]) maxv = max([len(x[1]) for x in deplist]) widthp = min(maxp, 73 - maxv) widthv = min(maxv, 73 - widthp) for (pack, vers, status) in deplist: # we format the string specifying to align it in a field of a given # dimension (the first {width*}) but also limit its size (the second # {width*} info = '{0:3.3} {1:{widthp}.{widthp}} {2:{widthv}.{widthv}}'.format( status, pack, vers, widthp=widthp, widthv=widthv) # remove tailing white spaces depinfo += info.rstrip() + '\n' return depinfo def get_changed_config_files(conffiles, nocompress=False): confinfo = {} changed = [] for (filename, md5sum) in conffiles: try: fp = open(filename, errors='backslashreplace') except IOError as msg: confinfo[filename] = msg continue filemd5 = get_command_output('md5sum ' + shlex.quote(filename)).split()[0] if filemd5 == md5sum: continue changed.append(filename) thisinfo = 'changed:\n' for line in fp: if not line: continue if line == '\n' and not nocompress: continue if line[0] == '#' and not nocompress: continue thisinfo += line confinfo[filename] = thisinfo return confinfo, changed DISTORDER = ['oldstable', 'stable', 'testing', 'unstable', 'experimental'] def get_debian_release_info(): debvers = debinfo = verfile = warn = '' dists = [] output = get_command_output('apt-cache policy 2>/dev/null') if output: mre = re.compile(r'\s+(\d+)\s+.*$\s+release\s.*o=(Ubuntu|Debian|Debian Ports),a=([^,]+),', re.MULTILINE) found = {} # XXX: When Python 2.4 rolls around, rewrite this for match in mre.finditer(output): pword, distname = match.group(1, 3) if distname in DISTORDER: pri, dist = int(pword), DISTORDER.index(distname) else: pri, dist = int(pword), len(DISTORDER) found[(pri, dist, distname)] = True if found: dists = list(found.keys()) dists.sort() dists.reverse() dists = [(x[0], x[2]) for x in dists] debvers = dists[0][1] try: with open('/etc/debian_version', errors='backslashreplace') as fob: verfile = fob.readline().strip() except IOError: print('Unable to open /etc/debian_version', file=sys.stderr) if verfile: debinfo += 'Debian Release: ' + verfile + '\n' if debvers: debinfo += ' APT prefers ' + debvers + '\n' if dists: # Should wrap this eventually... # policystr = pprint.pformat(dists) policystr = ', '.join([str(x) for x in dists]) debinfo += ' APT policy: %s\n' % policystr if warn: debinfo += warn return debinfo def lsb_release_info(): return get_command_output('lsb_release -a 2>/dev/null') def get_arch(): """Get the architecture of the current system. :returns: The architecture, e.g. ``"i386"``. """ arch = get_command_output('COLUMNS=79 dpkg --print-architecture 2>/dev/null').strip() if not arch: un = os.uname() arch = un[4] arch = re.sub(r'i[456]86', 'i386', arch) arch = re.sub(r's390x', 's390', arch) arch = re.sub(r'ppc', 'powerpc', arch) return arch def get_multiarch(): out = get_command_output('COLUMNS=79 dpkg --print-foreign-architectures 2>/dev/null') return ', '.join(out.splitlines()) def generate_blank_report(package, pkgversion, severity, justification, depinfo, confinfo, foundfile='', incfiles='', system='debian', exinfo=None, type=None, klass='', subject='', tags='', body='', mode=MODE_EXPERT, pseudos=None, debsumsoutput=None, issource=False, options=None): # For now... from . import bugreport sysinfo = (package not in debbugs.debother and (options and not options.buildd_format)) # followup is where bugreport expects the notification of the bug reportbug # to follow-up, but reportbug pass this information with 'exinfo' rep = bugreport.bugreport(package, version=pkgversion, severity=severity, justification=justification, filename=foundfile, mode=mode, subject=subject, tags=tags, body=body, pseudoheaders=pseudos, followup=exinfo, type=type, system=system, depinfo=depinfo, sysinfo=sysinfo, confinfo=confinfo, incfiles=incfiles, debsumsoutput=debsumsoutput, issource=issource) return str(rep) class our_lex(shlex.shlex): def get_token(self): token = shlex.shlex.get_token(self) if token is None or not len(token): return token if (token[0] == token[-1]) and token[0] in self.quotes: token = token[1:-1] return token USERFILE = os.path.expanduser('~/.reportbugrc') FILES = ('/etc/reportbug.conf', USERFILE) CONFIG_ARGS = ( 'sendto', 'severity', 'mua', 'mta', 'email', 'realname', 'bts', 'verify', 'replyto', 'http_proxy', 'smtphost', 'editor', 'debconf', 'justification', 'sign', 'nocc', 'nocompress', 'dontquery', 'noconf', 'mirrors', 'keyid', 'headers', 'interface', 'template', 'mode', 'check_available', 'query_src', 'printonly', 'offline', 'check_uid', 'smtptls', 'smtpuser', 'smtppasswd', 'paranoid', 'mbox_reader_cmd', 'max_attachment_size', 'listccme', 'outfile', 'draftpath') def first_run(): return not os.path.exists(USERFILE) def parse_config_files(): args = {} for filename in FILES: if os.path.exists(filename): try: lex = our_lex(open(filename, errors="backslashreplace"), posix=True) except IOError as msg: continue lex.wordchars = lex.wordchars + '-.@/:<>' token = lex.get_token() while token: token = token.lower() if token in ('quiet', 'maintonly', 'submit'): args['sendto'] = token elif token == 'severity': token = lex.get_token().lower() if token in list(debbugs.SEVERITIES.keys()): args['severity'] = token elif token == 'header': args['headers'] = args.get('headers', []) + [lex.get_token()] elif token in ('no-cc', 'cc'): args['nocc'] = (token == 'no-cc') elif token in ('no-compress', 'compress'): args['nocompress'] = (token == 'no-compress') elif token in ('no-list-cc-me', 'list-cc-me'): args['listccme'] = (token == 'list-cc-me') elif token in ('no-query-bts', 'query-bts'): args['dontquery'] = (token == 'no-query-bts') elif token in ('config-files', 'no-config-files'): args['noconf'] = (token == 'no-config-files') elif token in ('printonly', 'template', 'offline'): args[token] = True elif token in ('email', 'realname', 'replyto', 'http_proxy', 'smtphost', 'editor', 'mua', 'mta', 'smtpuser', 'smtppasswd', 'justification', 'keyid', 'mbox_reader_cmd', 'outfile', 'draftpath'): bit = lex.get_token() args[token] = bit elif token in ('no-smtptls', 'smtptls'): args['smtptls'] = (token == 'smtptls') elif token == 'sign': token = lex.get_token().lower() if token in ('pgp', 'gpg'): args['sign'] = token elif token == 'gnupg': args['sign'] = 'gpg' elif token == 'none': args['sign'] = '' elif token == 'ui': token = lex.get_token().lower() if token == 'gtk2': token = 'gtk' if token in list(AVAILABLE_UIS.keys()): args['interface'] = token elif token == 'mode': arg = lex.get_token().lower() if arg in list(MODES.keys()): args[token] = arg elif token == 'bts': token = lex.get_token().lower() if token in list(debbugs.SYSTEMS.keys()): args['bts'] = token elif token == 'mirror': args['mirrors'] = args.get('mirrors', []) + [lex.get_token()] elif token in ('no-check-available', 'check-available'): args['check_available'] = (token == 'check-available') elif token == 'reportbug_version': # Currently ignored; might be used for compat purposes # eventually w_version = lex.get_token().lower() elif token in MUA: args['mua'] = MUA[token] elif token in ('query-source', 'no-query-source'): args['query_src'] = (token == 'query-source') elif token in ('debconf', 'no-debconf'): args['debconf'] = (token == 'debconf') elif token in ('verify', 'no-verify'): args['verify'] = (token == 'verify') elif token in ('check-uid', 'no-check-uid'): args['check_uid'] = (token == 'check-uid') elif token in ('paranoid', 'no-paranoid'): args['paranoid'] = (token == 'paranoid') elif token == 'max_attachment_size': arg = lex.get_token() args['max_attachment_size'] = int(arg) elif token == 'envelopefrom': token = lex.get_token().lower() args['envelopefrom'] = token else: sys.stderr.write('Unrecognized token: %s\n' % token) token = lex.get_token() return args def parse_bug_control_file(filename): submitas = submitto = None reportwith = [] supplemental = [] fh = open(filename, errors='backslashreplace') for line in fh: line = line.strip() parts = line.split(': ') if len(parts) != 2: continue header, data = parts[0].lower(), parts[1] if header == 'submit-as': submitas = data elif header == 'send-to': submitto = data elif header == 'report-with': reportwith += data.split(' ') elif header == 'package-status': supplemental += data.split(' ') return submitas, submitto, reportwith, supplemental def cleanup_msg(dmessage, headers, pseudos, btstype): newheaders = [] collected_pseudoheaders = [] clean_pseudoheaders = [] headerre = re.compile(r'^([^:]+):\s*(.*)$', re.I) message = '' parsing = lastpseudo = True # Include the headers that were passed in too! for header in headers: mob = headerre.match(header) if mob: newheaders.append(mob.groups()) # we normalize pseudoheader keys def normph(aph): return '-'.join([x.capitalize() for x in aph.split('-')]) accepted_pseudoheaders = [normph(ph) for ph in PSEUDOHEADERS] # Get the pseudo-header fields for ph in pseudos: mob = headerre.match(ph) if mob: ph = normph(mob.group(1)) if ph not in accepted_pseudoheaders: accepted_pseudoheaders.append(ph) # look through the dirty message and extract headers and pseudoheaders for line in dmessage.split(os.linesep): if parsing: # stop trying to parse (pseudo-)headers at the first empty line if not line: parsing = False continue mob = headerre.match(line) # GNATS and debbugs have different ideas of what a pseudoheader # is... if mob and ((btstype == 'debbugs' and normph(mob.group(1)) not in accepted_pseudoheaders) or (btstype == 'gnats' and mob.group(1)[0] != '>')): # unrecognized pseudoheaders are turned into headers newheaders.append(mob.groups()) lastpseudo = False elif mob: # Continuation lines are not supported for pseudoheaders lastpseudo = True # Normalize pseudo-header for debbugs, leave as is for # gnats key, value = mob.groups() if key[0] != '>': key = normph(key) collected_pseudoheaders.append((key, value)) elif not lastpseudo and len(newheaders) and line[0] == ' ': # Assume we have a continuation line lastheader = newheaders[-1] newheaders[-1] = (lastheader[0], lastheader[1] + '\n' + line) else: # Discard anything else found in the (pseudo-)header section pass elif line.strip() != NEWBIELINE: message += line + '\n' if btstype == 'gnats': for header, content in collected_pseudoheaders: if content: clean_pseudoheaders += ["%s: %s" % (header, content)] else: clean_pseudoheaders += [header] return message, newheaders, clean_pseudoheaders # else btstype is debbugs: unique_ph = {} repeatable_ph = [] for header, content in collected_pseudoheaders: if header in REPEATABLE_PSEUDOHEADERS: # repeatables can append repeatable_ph += ['%s: %s' % (header, content)] continue # non-repeatables if header == 'X-Debbugs-Cc' and header in unique_ph: unique_ph[header] += ', ' + content else: # for most non-repeatables, the last overwrites the # previous unique_ph[header] = content # sort pseudoheaders for header in accepted_pseudoheaders: if header in unique_ph: clean_pseudoheaders += ['%s: %s' % (header, unique_ph[header])] clean_pseudoheaders.extend(repeatable_ph) return message, newheaders, clean_pseudoheaders def launch_mbox_reader(cmd, url, http_proxy, timeout): """Runs the command specified by cmd passing the mbox file downloaded from url as a parameter. If cmd is None or fails, then fallback to mail program.""" mbox = open_url(url, http_proxy, timeout) if mbox is None: return (fd, fname) = TempFile() try: for line in mbox.splitlines(): fd.write(line + '\n') fd.close() if cmd is not None: try: cmd = cmd % fname except TypeError: cmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, fname) error = os.system(cmd) if not error: return # fallback os.system('mail -f ' + fname) finally: os.unlink(fname) def get_running_kernel_pkg(): """Return the package of the currently running kernel, needed to force assignment for 'kernel' package to a real one""" system = platform.system() release = platform.release() if system == 'Linux': return 'linux-image-' + release elif system == 'GNU/kFreeBSD': return 'kfreebsd-image-' + release else: return None def exec_and_parse_bugscript(handler, bugscript, runner=os.system): """Execute and parse the output of the package bugscript, in particular identifying the headers and pseudo-headers blocks, if present""" fh, filename = TempFile() fh.close() rc = runner('LC_ALL=C %s %s %s' % (handler, shlex.quote(bugscript), shlex.quote(filename))) isheaders = False ispseudoheaders = False isattachments = False headers = pseudoheaders = text = '' attachments = [] fp = open(filename, errors="backslashreplace") for line in fp.readlines(): # we identify the blocks for headers and pseudo-h if line == '-- BEGIN HEADERS --\n': isheaders = True elif line == '-- END HEADERS --\n': isheaders = False elif line == '-- BEGIN PSEUDOHEADERS --\n': ispseudoheaders = True elif line == '-- END PSEUDOHEADERS --\n': ispseudoheaders = False elif line == '-- BEGIN ATTACHMENTS --\n': isattachments = True elif line == '-- END ATTACHMENTS --\n': isattachments = False else: if isheaders: headers += line elif ispseudoheaders: pseudoheaders += line elif isattachments: attachments.append(line.strip()) else: text += line fp.close() cleanup_temp_file(filename) return (rc, headers, pseudoheaders, text, attachments) def check_package_name(pkg): """Check the package name against Debian Policy: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Source Returns True if the package name is valid.""" pkg_re = re.compile(r'^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9+-\.]+$') return True if pkg_re.match(pkg) else False def get_init_system(): """Determines the init system on the current machine""" init = 'unable to detect' if os.path.isdir('/run/systemd/system'): init = 'systemd (via /run/systemd/system)' elif not subprocess.call('. /lib/lsb/init-functions ; init_is_upstart', shell=True): init = 'upstart (via init_is_upstart())' elif os.path.isfile('/run/runit.stopit'): init = 'runit (via /run/runit.stopit)' elif os.path.isdir('/run/openrc'): init = 'OpenRC (via /run/openrc)' try: with open('/proc/1/comm', 'r') as pf: init += f', PID 1: {pf.read().strip()}' except: pass elif os.path.isfile('/sbin/init') and not os.path.islink('/sbin/init'): init = 'sysvinit (via /sbin/init)' return init def get_lsm_info(): """Determines the linux security module enabled on the current machine Returns None if there is no LSM enabled on the machine or if the state cannot be determined.""" lsminfo = None if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/aa-enabled') \ and (subprocess.call(['/usr/bin/aa-enabled', '--quiet']) == 0): lsminfo = 'AppArmor: enabled' if os.path.exists('/usr/sbin/selinuxenabled') and (subprocess.call(['/usr/sbin/selinuxenabled']) == 0): if lsminfo is None: lsminfo = 'SELinux: enabled - ' else: lsminfo += '; SELinux: enabled - ' enforce_status = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/sbin/getenforce']).decode('ascii') lsminfo += 'Mode: %s - ' % enforce_status[:-1] with open('/etc/selinux/config', 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if line.startswith('SELINUXTYPE='): lsminfo += 'Policy name: %s' % line.split('=')[1][:-1] break return lsminfo def get_kernel_taint_flags(): """Determines the kernel taint flags""" # https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/cedc5b6aab493f6b1b1d381dccc0cc082da7d3d8/include/linux/kernel.h#L582 # this is going to need updating (but maybe not that often) TAINT_FLAGS = ['TAINT_PROPRIETARY_MODULE', 'TAINT_FORCED_MODULE', 'TAINT_CPU_OUT_OF_SPEC', 'TAINT_FORCED_RMMOD', 'TAINT_MACHINE_CHECK', 'TAINT_BAD_PAGE', 'TAINT_USER', 'TAINT_DIE', 'TAINT_OVERRIDDEN_ACPI_TABLE', 'TAINT_WARN', 'TAINT_CRAP', 'TAINT_FIRMWARE_WORKAROUND', 'TAINT_OOT_MODULE', 'TAINT_UNSIGNED_MODULE', 'TAINT_SOFTLOCKUP', 'TAINT_LIVEPATCH', 'TAINT_AUX', 'TAINT_RANDSTRUCT', ] flags = [] if os.path.exists('/proc/sys/kernel/tainted'): tainted = int(open('/proc/sys/kernel/tainted').read()) # tainted is an integer representing a bitmask, so logical-AND against the list of # flags and if it's a TRUE, then append it to the list of flags enabled for i, flag in enumerate(TAINT_FLAGS): if tainted & 2**i: flags.append(flag) return flags def is_security_update(pkgname, pkgversion): """Determine whether a given package is a security update. Detection of security update versions works most reliably if the package version under investigation is the currently installed version. If this is not the case, the probability of false negatives increases. Parameters ---------- pkgname : str package name pkgversion : str package version Returns ------- bool True if there is evidence that this version is a security update, otherwise False """ # Check 1: # If it does not follow the debXuY version number pattern, it is # definitely no security update. # # This check is not sufficient to detect security updates reliably, # since other stable updates also use the same version pattern. regex = re.compile(r'(\+|~)deb(\d+)u(\d+)') secversion = regex.search(pkgversion) if not secversion: return False # Check 2: # If the package comes from the Debian-Security package source, it # is definitely a security update. # # This check does not identify all security updates, since some of # them are distributed through the normal channels as part of a # stable release update. try: p = _apt_cache[pkgname] if 'Debian-Security' in [o.label for o in p.versions[pkgversion].origins]: return True except: pass # Check 3: # Inspect the package changelog if it mentions any vulnerability, # identified by a CVE number, in the section of the latest version. cl = None for cl in ['/usr/share/doc/{}/changelog.Debian.gz'.format(pkgname), '/usr/share/doc/{}/changelog.gz'.format(pkgname)]: if os.path.exists(cl): break try: with gzip.open(cl, 'rt') as f: ln = f.readline() if pkgversion not in ln: raise KeyError for ln in f.readlines(): # stop reading at the end of the first section if ln.rstrip() != '' and (ln.startswith(' -- ') or not ln.startswith(' ')): break if 'CVE-20' in ln.upper(): return True except: pass # guess 'no security update, but normal stable update' by default return False