View /etc/passwd
cPanel Reset Password
Filename: //lib//python3/////dist-packages//supervisor///web.py
import os import re import time import traceback import datetime from supervisor import templating from supervisor.compat import urllib from supervisor.compat import urlparse from supervisor.compat import as_string from supervisor.compat import PY2 from supervisor.compat import unicode from supervisor.medusa import producers from supervisor.medusa.http_server import http_date from supervisor.medusa.http_server import get_header from supervisor.medusa.xmlrpc_handler import collector from supervisor.process import ProcessStates from supervisor.http import NOT_DONE_YET from supervisor.options import VERSION from supervisor.options import make_namespec from supervisor.options import split_namespec from supervisor.xmlrpc import SystemNamespaceRPCInterface from supervisor.xmlrpc import RootRPCInterface from supervisor.xmlrpc import Faults from supervisor.xmlrpc import RPCError from supervisor.rpcinterface import SupervisorNamespaceRPCInterface class DeferredWebProducer: """ A medusa producer that implements a deferred callback; requires a subclass of asynchat.async_chat that handles NOT_DONE_YET sentinel """ CONNECTION = re.compile ('Connection: (.*)', re.IGNORECASE) def __init__(self, request, callback): self.callback = callback self.request = request self.finished = False self.delay = float(callback.delay) def more(self): if self.finished: return '' try: response = self.callback() if response is NOT_DONE_YET: return NOT_DONE_YET self.finished = True return self.sendresponse(response) except: tb = traceback.format_exc() # this should go to the main supervisor log file self.request.channel.server.logger.log('Web interface error', tb) self.finished = True self.request.error(500) def sendresponse(self, response): headers = response.get('headers', {}) for header in headers: self.request[header] = headers[header] if 'Content-Type' not in self.request: self.request['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' if headers.get('Location'): self.request['Content-Length'] = 0 self.request.error(301) return body = response.get('body', '') self.request['Content-Length'] = len(body) self.request.push(body) connection = get_header(self.CONNECTION, self.request.header) close_it = 0 wrap_in_chunking = 0 if self.request.version == '1.0': if connection == 'keep-alive': if not self.request.has_key('Content-Length'): close_it = 1 else: self.request['Connection'] = 'Keep-Alive' else: close_it = 1 elif self.request.version == '1.1': if connection == 'close': close_it = 1 elif 'Content-Length' not in self.request: if 'Transfer-Encoding' in self.request: if not self.request['Transfer-Encoding'] == 'chunked': close_it = 1 elif self.request.use_chunked: self.request['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked' wrap_in_chunking = 1 else: close_it = 1 elif self.request.version is None: close_it = 1 outgoing_header = producers.simple_producer ( self.request.build_reply_header()) if close_it: self.request['Connection'] = 'close' if wrap_in_chunking: outgoing_producer = producers.chunked_producer ( producers.composite_producer (self.request.outgoing) ) # prepend the header outgoing_producer = producers.composite_producer( [outgoing_header, outgoing_producer] ) else: # fix AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'more' if PY2 and (len(self.request.outgoing) > 0): body = self.request.outgoing[0] if isinstance(body, unicode): self.request.outgoing[0] = producers.simple_producer (body) # prepend the header self.request.outgoing.insert(0, outgoing_header) outgoing_producer = producers.composite_producer ( self.request.outgoing) # apply a few final transformations to the output self.request.channel.push_with_producer ( # globbing gives us large packets producers.globbing_producer ( # hooking lets us log the number of bytes sent producers.hooked_producer ( outgoing_producer, self.request.log ) ) ) self.request.channel.current_request = None if close_it: self.request.channel.close_when_done() class ViewContext: def __init__(self, **kw): self.__dict__.update(kw) class MeldView: content_type = 'text/html;charset=utf-8' delay = .5 def __init__(self, context): self.context = context template = self.context.template if not os.path.isabs(template): here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) template = os.path.join(here, template) self.root = templating.parse_xml(template) self.callback = None def __call__(self): body = self.render() if body is NOT_DONE_YET: return NOT_DONE_YET response = self.context.response headers = response['headers'] headers['Content-Type'] = self.content_type headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache' headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' headers['Expires'] = http_date.build_http_date(0) response['body'] = as_string(body) return response def render(self): pass def clone(self): return self.root.clone() class TailView(MeldView): def render(self): supervisord = self.context.supervisord form = self.context.form if not 'processname' in form: tail = 'No process name found' processname = None else: processname = form['processname'] offset = 0 limit = form.get('limit', '1024') limit = min(-1024, int(limit)*-1 if limit.isdigit() else -1024) if not processname: tail = 'No process name found' else: rpcinterface = SupervisorNamespaceRPCInterface(supervisord) try: tail = rpcinterface.readProcessStdoutLog(processname, limit, offset) except RPCError as e: if e.code == Faults.NO_FILE: tail = 'No file for %s' % processname else: tail = 'ERROR: unexpected rpc fault [%d] %s' % ( e.code, e.text) root = self.clone() title = root.findmeld('title') title.content('Supervisor tail of process %s' % processname) tailbody = root.findmeld('tailbody') tailbody.content(tail) refresh_anchor = root.findmeld('refresh_anchor') if processname is not None: refresh_anchor.attributes( href='tail.html?processname=%s&limit=%s' % ( urllib.quote(processname), urllib.quote(str(abs(limit))) ) ) else: refresh_anchor.deparent() return as_string(root.write_xhtmlstring()) class StatusView(MeldView): def actions_for_process(self, process): state = process.get_state() processname = urllib.quote(make_namespec(process.group.config.name, process.config.name)) start = { 'name': 'Start', 'href': 'index.html?processname=%s&action=start' % processname, 'target': None, } restart = { 'name': 'Restart', 'href': 'index.html?processname=%s&action=restart' % processname, 'target': None, } stop = { 'name': 'Stop', 'href': 'index.html?processname=%s&action=stop' % processname, 'target': None, } clearlog = { 'name': 'Clear Log', 'href': 'index.html?processname=%s&action=clearlog' % processname, 'target': None, } tailf_stdout = { 'name': 'Tail -f Stdout', 'href': 'logtail/%s' % processname, 'target': '_blank' } tailf_stderr = { 'name': 'Tail -f Stderr', 'href': 'logtail/%s/stderr' % processname, 'target': '_blank' } if state == ProcessStates.RUNNING: actions = [restart, stop, clearlog, tailf_stdout, tailf_stderr] elif state in (ProcessStates.STOPPED, ProcessStates.EXITED, ProcessStates.FATAL): actions = [start, None, clearlog, tailf_stdout, tailf_stderr] else: actions = [None, None, clearlog, tailf_stdout, tailf_stderr] return actions def css_class_for_state(self, state): if state == ProcessStates.RUNNING: return 'statusrunning' elif state in (ProcessStates.FATAL, ProcessStates.BACKOFF): return 'statuserror' else: return 'statusnominal' def make_callback(self, namespec, action): supervisord = self.context.supervisord # the rpc interface code is already written to deal properly in a # deferred world, so just use it main = ('supervisor', SupervisorNamespaceRPCInterface(supervisord)) system = ('system', SystemNamespaceRPCInterface([main])) rpcinterface = RootRPCInterface([main, system]) if action: if action == 'refresh': def donothing(): message = 'Page refreshed at %s' % time.ctime() return message donothing.delay = 0.05 return donothing elif action == 'stopall': callback = rpcinterface.supervisor.stopAllProcesses() def stopall(): if callback() is NOT_DONE_YET: return NOT_DONE_YET else: return 'All stopped at %s' % time.ctime() stopall.delay = 0.05 return stopall elif action == 'restartall': callback = rpcinterface.system.multicall( [ {'methodName':'supervisor.stopAllProcesses'}, {'methodName':'supervisor.startAllProcesses'} ] ) def restartall(): result = callback() if result is NOT_DONE_YET: return NOT_DONE_YET return 'All restarted at %s' % time.ctime() restartall.delay = 0.05 return restartall elif namespec: def wrong(): return 'No such process named %s' % namespec wrong.delay = 0.05 group_name, process_name = split_namespec(namespec) group = supervisord.process_groups.get(group_name) if group is None: return wrong process = group.processes.get(process_name) if process is None: return wrong if action == 'start': try: bool_or_callback = ( rpcinterface.supervisor.startProcess(namespec) ) except RPCError as e: if e.code == Faults.NO_FILE: msg = 'no such file' elif e.code == Faults.NOT_EXECUTABLE: msg = 'file not executable' elif e.code == Faults.ALREADY_STARTED: msg = 'already started' elif e.code == Faults.SPAWN_ERROR: msg = 'spawn error' elif e.code == Faults.ABNORMAL_TERMINATION: msg = 'abnormal termination' else: msg = 'unexpected rpc fault [%d] %s' % ( e.code, e.text) def starterr(): return 'ERROR: Process %s: %s' % (namespec, msg) starterr.delay = 0.05 return starterr if callable(bool_or_callback): def startprocess(): try: result = bool_or_callback() except RPCError as e: if e.code == Faults.SPAWN_ERROR: msg = 'spawn error' elif e.code == Faults.ABNORMAL_TERMINATION: msg = 'abnormal termination' else: msg = 'unexpected rpc fault [%d] %s' % ( e.code, e.text) return 'ERROR: Process %s: %s' % (namespec, msg) if result is NOT_DONE_YET: return NOT_DONE_YET return 'Process %s started' % namespec startprocess.delay = 0.05 return startprocess else: def startdone(): return 'Process %s started' % namespec startdone.delay = 0.05 return startdone elif action == 'stop': try: bool_or_callback = ( rpcinterface.supervisor.stopProcess(namespec) ) except RPCError as e: msg = 'unexpected rpc fault [%d] %s' % (e.code, e.text) def stoperr(): return msg stoperr.delay = 0.05 return stoperr if callable(bool_or_callback): def stopprocess(): try: result = bool_or_callback() except RPCError as e: return 'unexpected rpc fault [%d] %s' % ( e.code, e.text) if result is NOT_DONE_YET: return NOT_DONE_YET return 'Process %s stopped' % namespec stopprocess.delay = 0.05 return stopprocess else: def stopdone(): return 'Process %s stopped' % namespec stopdone.delay = 0.05 return stopdone elif action == 'restart': results_or_callback = rpcinterface.system.multicall( [ {'methodName':'supervisor.stopProcess', 'params': [namespec]}, {'methodName':'supervisor.startProcess', 'params': [namespec]}, ] ) if callable(results_or_callback): callback = results_or_callback def restartprocess(): results = callback() if results is NOT_DONE_YET: return NOT_DONE_YET return 'Process %s restarted' % namespec restartprocess.delay = 0.05 return restartprocess else: def restartdone(): return 'Process %s restarted' % namespec restartdone.delay = 0.05 return restartdone elif action == 'clearlog': try: callback = rpcinterface.supervisor.clearProcessLogs( namespec) except RPCError as e: msg = 'unexpected rpc fault [%d] %s' % (e.code, e.text) def clearerr(): return msg clearerr.delay = 0.05 return clearerr def clearlog(): return 'Log for %s cleared' % namespec clearlog.delay = 0.05 return clearlog raise ValueError(action) def render(self): form = self.context.form response = self.context.response processname = form.get('processname') action = form.get('action') message = form.get('message') if action: if not self.callback: self.callback = self.make_callback(processname, action) return NOT_DONE_YET else: message = self.callback() if message is NOT_DONE_YET: return NOT_DONE_YET if message is not None: server_url = form['SERVER_URL'] location = server_url + "/" + '?message=%s' % urllib.quote( message) response['headers']['Location'] = location supervisord = self.context.supervisord rpcinterface = RootRPCInterface( [('supervisor', SupervisorNamespaceRPCInterface(supervisord))] ) processnames = [] for group in supervisord.process_groups.values(): for gprocname in group.processes.keys(): processnames.append((group.config.name, gprocname)) processnames.sort() data = [] for groupname, processname in processnames: actions = self.actions_for_process( supervisord.process_groups[groupname].processes[processname]) sent_name = make_namespec(groupname, processname) info = rpcinterface.supervisor.getProcessInfo(sent_name) data.append({ 'status':info['statename'], 'name':processname, 'group':groupname, 'actions':actions, 'state':info['state'], 'description':info['description'], }) root = self.clone() if message is not None: statusarea = root.findmeld('statusmessage') statusarea.attrib['class'] = 'status_msg' statusarea.content(message) if data: iterator = root.findmeld('tr').repeat(data) shaded_tr = False for tr_element, item in iterator: status_text = tr_element.findmeld('status_text') status_text.content(item['status'].lower()) status_text.attrib['class'] = self.css_class_for_state( item['state']) info_text = tr_element.findmeld('info_text') info_text.content(item['description']) anchor = tr_element.findmeld('name_anchor') processname = make_namespec(item['group'], item['name']) anchor.attributes(href='tail.html?processname=%s' % urllib.quote(processname)) anchor.content(processname) actions = item['actions'] actionitem_td = tr_element.findmeld('actionitem_td') for li_element, actionitem in actionitem_td.repeat(actions): anchor = li_element.findmeld('actionitem_anchor') if actionitem is None: anchor.attrib['class'] = 'hidden' else: anchor.attributes(href=actionitem['href'], name=actionitem['name']) anchor.content(actionitem['name']) if actionitem['target']: anchor.attributes(target=actionitem['target']) if shaded_tr: tr_element.attrib['class'] = 'shade' shaded_tr = not shaded_tr else: table = root.findmeld('statustable') table.replace('No programs to manage') root.findmeld('supervisor_version').content(VERSION) copyright_year = str(datetime.date.today().year) root.findmeld('copyright_date').content(copyright_year) return as_string(root.write_xhtmlstring()) class OKView: delay = 0 def __init__(self, context): self.context = context def __call__(self): return {'body':'OK'} VIEWS = { 'index.html': { 'template':'ui/status.html', 'view':StatusView }, 'tail.html': { 'template':'ui/tail.html', 'view':TailView, }, 'ok.html': { 'template':None, 'view':OKView, }, } class supervisor_ui_handler: IDENT = 'Supervisor Web UI HTTP Request Handler' def __init__(self, supervisord): self.supervisord = supervisord def match(self, request): if request.command not in ('POST', 'GET'): return False path, params, query, fragment = request.split_uri() while path.startswith('/'): path = path[1:] if not path: path = 'index.html' for viewname in VIEWS.keys(): if viewname == path: return True def handle_request(self, request): if request.command == 'POST': request.collector = collector(self, request) else: self.continue_request('', request) def continue_request (self, data, request): form = {} cgi_env = request.cgi_environment() form.update(cgi_env) if 'QUERY_STRING' not in form: form['QUERY_STRING'] = '' query = form['QUERY_STRING'] # we only handle x-www-form-urlencoded values from POSTs form_urlencoded = urlparse.parse_qsl(data) query_data = urlparse.parse_qs(query) for k, v in query_data.items(): # ignore dupes form[k] = v[0] for k, v in form_urlencoded: # ignore dupes form[k] = v form['SERVER_URL'] = request.get_server_url() path = form['PATH_INFO'] # strip off all leading slashes while path and path[0] == '/': path = path[1:] if not path: path = 'index.html' viewinfo = VIEWS.get(path) if viewinfo is None: # this should never happen if our match method works return response = {'headers': {}} viewclass = viewinfo['view'] viewtemplate = viewinfo['template'] context = ViewContext(template=viewtemplate, request = request, form = form, response = response, supervisord=self.supervisord) view = viewclass(context) pushproducer = request.channel.push_with_producer pushproducer(DeferredWebProducer(request, view))